Chapter 422

"Hey, brother Peng Jiang, let me ask you something!" Peng Hai whispered to Peng Jiang.

"What's the matter? You ask!" Peng Jiang said.

"Do you like my sister?" Peng Hai asked.

A trace of panic flashed across Peng Jiang's face, he quickly shook his head and said, "How can I like her, I just treat him as a friend!"

"Really? Then why don't you dare to look me in the eyes?" Peng Hai said.

"Oh, why are you talking so much nonsense? Didn't you just ask if you like my sister? Why are you so wordy? I'm not a girl, so why should I be shy? Besides, I don't know your sister!" Peng Jiang said.

"Well, I believe you don't like my sister! You have to remember what you said today!" Peng Hai said.

"I see, I won't break my promise, I'm going to sleep!" After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he closed his eyes and rested his mind, pretending to be going to sleep.

Seeing Peng Jiang's impatient expression, Peng Hai secretly smiled: "You brat, you are really timid. I'm really afraid of scaring him."

When the train arrived at Tsinghua University, Peng Jiang and Zhang Xiaohua separated at the train gate.

As the number of people on the train gradually increased, Zhang Xiaohua didn't notice Peng Hai and Peng Jiang.

Zhang Xiaohua found a hotel near Tsinghua University to stay, and then began to practice the ninth level of "Dragon Elephant Wisdom Skill".

During this period of time, Zhang Xiaohua was not idle. While practicing the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, she studied the changes in her body. She found that during the practice, her body attracted her like a magnet.

Whenever I am practicing, the vitality in the body flows into the dantian like a tide, and then flows from the dantian to the body's limbs and internal organs, and finally is absorbed into the meridians.

Zhang Xiaohua felt that as long as she practiced the eighth level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, she would become stronger and even stronger than before.

But the cultivation method of the seventh level is not difficult, and it can be assisted by medicinal materials or spiritual fruits, but to meet the requirements of the eighth level, one must have strong internal strength.

Although Zhang Xiaohua doesn't know how much internal energy is needed to practice Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, since her current cultivation speed is so slow, she might as well take advantage of the time now to improve her cultivation as soon as possible, lest she will not be able to practice in the future. So difficult.

One day, Zhang Xiaohua was sitting by the bed reading a book, when suddenly a strong fragrance wafted into her nostrils.

Zhang Xiaohua looked up and saw a table filled with sumptuous dishes.

Zhang Xiaohua smelled the tempting aroma, couldn't help swallowing, picked up chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish and tasted it in her mouth, the fish was smooth and smooth, it melted in the mouth, it was simply delicious in the world .

Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but ate several pieces, and stopped eating until she couldn't eat any more.

"Xiaohua, are you full? There's still a lot left." Peng Jiang said while holding a bowl and smiling at Zhang Xiaohua.

"Brother Peng Jiang, I'm full, eat quickly." Zhang Xiaohua said.

"Okay, Xiaohua, you stay here first, and I'll make you something to eat." After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he walked to the kitchen.

Zhang Xiaohua was not too polite, she just sat on the sofa and continued to read the book, waiting for the arrival of Pengjiang's delicious food, tasting the food while reading a book, this feeling is not something ordinary people can enjoy.

Not long after, Peng Jiang came out with a bowl of noodles.

Zhang Xiaohua quickly stood up and went to meet her.

"Wow, it's so delicious. You really deserve to be your elder brother Peng Jiang. The craftsmanship is top-notch!" Zhang Xiaohua said.

"Hey, you're overwhelmed. This is not my brother's skill, but I learned it from my master, so don't praise me." Peng Jiang said with a simple and honest smile.

"Hehe, how can I praise you, Brother Peng Jiang is really humble." Zhang Xiaohua laughed.

"Don't call me brother Peng Jiang anymore, just call me Peng Hai. You see, you are about the same age as me. I really feel uncomfortable calling you brother, so let's just call him by his first name." Peng Jiang said.

"Well, okay, then I'll call you Peng Jiang, that's the only way to call you anyway." Zhang Xiaohua said.

"That's good, Xiao Hua, we are also considered to be the same age, so we call each other's names, what do you think?" Peng Jiang asked.

"That's good, then I won't be polite to you." Zhang Xiaohua said with a smile.

"Come on, let's eat." Peng Jiang greeted Zhang Xiaohua.

"Well, then I won't be polite." Zhang Xiaohua said.

Peng Jiang and Zhang Xiaohua chatted while eating.

"Brother Peng Jiang, how old are you this year?" Zhang Xiaohua asked curiously.

"Me, I'm 20 years old this year." Peng Jiang said.

"Oh, you are younger than me, but you are so young, how can you cultivate so well?" Zhang Xiaohua asked.

"Haha, practice. I'm not that hardworking. It's all thanks to the master. The master is the elder of our Qingyun sect. He has already cultivated to the third level of the foundation stage, so my brothers and I are here To learn the master's unique skills, I hope to reach the fourth floor of the foundation building stage as soon as possible, and then I can go out to help my uncle and work for the Qingyun sect." Peng Jiang said.

"So that's how it is. I thought you were cultivating immortals." Zhang Xiaohua smiled.

"Cultivation?" Peng Jiang asked doubtfully.

"That's right, Xiuxian, don't you know?" Zhang Xiaohua asked in surprise.

"I don't know, what is Xiuxian?" Peng Jiang shook his head and asked.

"Immortal cultivators are those who cultivate martial arts and inner strength." Zhang Xiaohua said.

"Oh, so that's the case. I've watched similar TV shows on TV before, but I don't know the details. I still have to wait for the master to tell me in person." Peng Jiang explained.

"By the way, Peng Jiang, didn't you just say that your hometown is far away? Why is it already autumn, but your farm is plowing in spring? Are you lying to me?" Zhang Xiaohua asked.

"How could I lie to you, but I sneaked from another village to practice in the Qingyun sect, and my master didn't allow me to leave, so I had no choice but to go back to my hometown." Peng Jiang said.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She never thought that she would encounter such a thing when she came to this strange world. It would be great if she could find her parents.

It's a pity that my identity is doomed to be impossible. I'm afraid my parents don't know yet. Both of my parents have passed away. This makes Zhang Xiaohua a little sad. I have been missing for more than a year, and my parents must be worried. I don't know if they are okay now?
Unconsciously, Zhang Xiaohua's eyes turned red, but Zhang Xiaohua didn't dare to shed tears, he didn't want others to see his fragility, he was afraid that if his fragility was seen, it would attract others' attention, and then It's not good to cause trouble for yourself.

So Zhang Xiaohua wiped the tears off her face and said, "Peng Jiang, do you know the name of your hometown?"

"What is the name of my hometown? Actually, I don't even know." Peng Jiang shook his head.

"What? You don't even know yourself? Then where is this place?" Zhang Xiaohua was surprised. In the world she came to, she didn't even know the name of her hometown. Did she really come to a completely strange world? ?
"My hometown is called Tiannan Province. It is located at eight degrees north latitude, near the Antarctic, and near the Siberian ice sheet. Our place is a land of snow mountains, a place of ice and snow, and there is no green vegetation, so our place is called Tiannan Province." Peng Jiang explained. road.

"Then, what about your family? Do they miss me?" Zhang Xiaohua asked eagerly.

"No, they are all very ordinary farmers with no special background at all. However, I heard from my master that my master had left his hometown a long, long time ago and traveled outside to cultivate immortals. Therefore, we Disciples, all follow the master. The four of us brothers and sisters all grew up together and know each other very well. They are all children of ordinary farmers. However, they all have good cultivation and follow the master. For those who study martial arts, their cultivation level is higher than mine." Peng Jiang said.

"Oh, that's it. Where are they now?" Zhang Xiaohua asked.

"Well, I don't know about this. My master only said that he went out to practice, and didn't disclose their specific residence and address. He asked me to study with the younger brothers all the time, and then he would teach me the mental methods and martial arts of cultivation. However, the practice of my juniors is different from mine, they practice according to the master's mind and martial arts, and they are all instructed by the master." Peng Jiang said.

"So that's it, that's it." Zhang Xiaohua nodded and said.

(End of this chapter)

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