Chapter 435

"Mojun, you are so lucky to have such an excellent apprentice!" said the Madame Mohuang.

After hearing this, the Demon King couldn't help but blushed slightly.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to meet such a talented disciple. However, he was too impulsive, and dared to insult the headquarters of the Demon Clan in public." The Demon Lord smiled and said.

The Demon Emperor's Madam looked at the Demon Lord's appearance, and couldn't help feeling a little jealous, and said, "Peng Jiang is the future Demon Emperor of the Demon Clan. You love him so much, which makes me, a mother, very envious!"

"Don't you already have a very good son, you don't have to envy me!" Mo Jun laughed.

"He is your son, but unlike Peng Jiang, you are more like a father to him, but I am more like a wife!" Madam Mohuang said coquettishly.

"Hehe! Ma'am, don't make me happy, I am very much looking forward to Peng Jiang's performance!" Mo Jun laughed.

Peng Jiang stayed in the room for a long time, and he couldn't think of how to get out of this crisis.

"Oh, don't worry about it. The soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth. Anyway, His Majesty the Demon Emperor asked me to do this. If I screw up, I will be punished. I want to see what that Peng Jiang thinks. What are you doing!" After Peng Jiang figured it out, he no longer entangled with this matter, but focused on the "Devil Lord Sword Art" that he was about to learn.

This swordsmanship is a swordsmanship that Peng Jiang has been pursuing.

The magic formulas of his demon cultivation are mainly based on the power to condense the demon body, but the sword technique of this sword art is to condense the sword energy into a solid body, and the sword energy is transformed into a form, and its power is not small.

The devil watched Peng Jiang study "The Sword of the Devil" wholeheartedly, so he didn't bother him, and sat beside him to accompany him.

Peng Jiang devoted himself to the study of "The Sword of the Devil Lord", and the time passed quickly.

In a flash, three days passed. During these few days, Peng Jiang stayed in the room practicing "The Sword of the Demon Lord" and did not go out to play. He was thinking of a way, thinking of how to escape from the headquarters of the Demon Clan, or find the Demon Emperor. His Majesty begged for mercy, or tried to rescue his brother, but the Demon Emperor has not appeared for a few days, as if he had forgotten that he still has a son, Peng Jiang, and Peng Jiang could not escape the surveillance of the Demon Clan. He didn't make any progress in his training either.

Peng Jiang thought about it, but there was no solution. For the past three days, he didn't go out to eat.

"This bastard, do you really want to starve me to death?" Peng Jiang said depressedly.

At this time, Peng Jiang suddenly thought of someone.

That person's name was Chen Feng, and his cultivation was at the beginning of the ninth stage. Moreover, this person had a grudge against him. If he asked Chen Feng for help, Chen Feng would probably help him!
Thinking of this, Peng Jiang immediately jumped off the bed, without even his clothes on, and went straight to the courtyard where Chen Feng was.

"Hello, is His Excellency Chen Feng there?" Peng Jiang knocked on Chen Feng's door.

"I don't know you, let's go!" Chen Feng's cold voice came from inside.

"Your Excellency Chen Feng, don't be like this, it's me, Peng Jiang, and I need your help on an urgent matter!" Peng Jiang said anxiously.

"Hmph! If you have something urgent, can't you figure it out yourself? I have no obligation to help you. If there is nothing else, please go back!" Chen Feng said.

Peng Jiang saw that the door was unlocked, so he pushed the door open and entered.

Peng Jiang found that Chen Feng in the house had long since disappeared, and there was a note on the table: "If you have anything to do, go to Long Xiaoyun, and he will tell you what to do!"

"Could it be that Long Xiaoyun is really in the Demon Race? Where did he hide?" Peng Jiang asked himself suspiciously.

After thinking about it, Peng Jiang decided to go to Long Xiaoyun. He has nothing to do now, he must find a chance!
"Lord Dragon, are you there? I want to see you!" Peng Jiang walked to Long Xiaoyun's residence and shouted loudly.

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Long Xiaoyun came out from the house and asked.

"Yes, please help me, I want to meet Chen Feng, I want to ask him to save me, only he can save me, and I only have him as a friend!" Peng Jiang said anxiously.

"What do you want from him? You can tell me the whole story!" Long Xiaoyun said.

"I want him to help me save my brother, but he has been refusing to agree to me!" Peng Jiang said.

"So that's the case, but I still have to ask his real deity about this matter, so I can help you!" Long Xiaoyun said.

Peng Jiang was taken aback, and then said, "Okay, I know what to do!"

As Peng Jiang spoke, he was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute, you go to the guards of the demon headquarters and say that you want to find their headquarter!" Long Xiaoyun said.

"Yes, I'll go right away!" Peng Jiang was overjoyed when he heard Long Xiaoyun agreed to his request, and immediately went to find the captain of the guard.

The Demon Guards of the Demon Race are responsible for protecting the safety of the Demon Emperor, so their headquarters is located in the Demon Emperor's palace.

And this is the core area of ​​the entire demon world, all the demons will live here, and Peng Jiang is also the first day here.

Not long after, Peng Jiang came outside the headquarters of the demon clan. Peng Jiang said to the demon soldiers of the guard team: "I want to see the chief guard of your headquarters."

"No, our manager is not here!" A demon soldier refused.

After hearing these words, Peng Jiang's face suddenly darkened, and he shouted angrily, "What kind of attitude is this? I am the adopted son of your Majesty the Devil, how dare you not let me in!"

Seeing that Peng Jiang was the adopted son of the governor, the demon soldier immediately put on a flattering face and said, "Sorry, sorry, I don't know your identity, wait a moment, I'll go in and report!"

The demon soldier walked in.

Not long after, the demon soldier came out and said, "Sorry, the manager has promised to see you, let's go in!"

After all, they took Peng Jiang into the Mozu headquarters and went straight to the president's office.

Peng Jiang followed behind this group of demon soldiers, he felt as if he was walking on a red carpet.

After a while, they came to the presidential suite. The demon soldier stopped at the door, knocked on the door and said, "Report to the headquarters, and Premier Peng Jiang is asking to see you!"

"Let him in." An old and magnetic voice came from the room.

"Yes!" The demon soldier opened the door, and Peng Jiang saw the old man sitting on the sofa in the presidential suite at a glance.

"Peng Jiang has met Lord Demon King." Peng Jiang saluted respectfully.

"Excuse me!" said the demon chief indifferently.

Peng Jiang stood up, looked at the old man, and saw that his body was much older than his actual age, with gray hair, thin body, sunken eye sockets, and more wrinkles at the corners of his eyes than himself.

But there was a strong aura emanating from his body. Peng Jiang knew that he was definitely not his opponent. Under normal circumstances, Peng Jiang could crush him with one finger, but Peng Jiang knew that he was not trying to be a hero now. Time, but need the assistance of the Lord Demon King.

"I don't know if Lord Demon King came to Peng Jiang, what's your order?" Peng Jiang asked.

"It's like this, I heard that you are in trouble, so I want to help you!" Lord Demon King said slowly.

"Really? Thank you so much!" Peng Jiang clenched his fists excitedly and said excitedly.

"Not only do I want to help you, but I also want to borrow something from you." Lord Demon King said.

When Peng Jiang heard this, his face froze immediately, and he said, "I'm afraid this...I can't do this. I don't have anything on me to lend you. I hope Lord Demon King will forgive me!"

When Lord Demon King heard that Peng Jiang was unwilling to hand it over, his face turned slightly cold, and he said indifferently: "In this case, I can only make you disappear from this world forever."

Peng Jiang's face turned pale all of a sudden, and he said quickly: "Master Demon King, please calm down, I am willing to hand it over!"

"Bring it!" Lord Demon King said.

Peng Jiang hastily took out the "Wan Poisons Refining the Soul Art" and handed it to Lord Demon King.

Peng Jiang knew that Chen Feng had a powerful avatar. Although the avatar could not use spells, the avatar possessed a trace of spiritual consciousness and could control all evil. Peng Jiang was worried that the avatar would save his life at a critical moment.

Lord Demon King took over the "Soul Refinement Art of Ten Thousand Poisons", observed it carefully, nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Well, it really is a good treasure, you should stay here for a while!"

When Peng Jiang heard this, he was terrified. This is to imprison him!
"I am the devil's adopted son. How can you imprison me? If my father finds out, I will definitely punish you!" Peng Jiang said loudly.

"Oh? Then tell your father why I imprisoned you!" Lord Demon King said lightly.

Peng Jiang hesitated for a moment, but still told about being imprisoned by Chen Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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