Chapter 442

"Peng Fang? Peng Jiang's younger sister?" The Devil Emperor frowned and said, "Didn't Peng Jiang practice with his father all the time? Why did you go to find Peng Fang again?"

The demon soldier replied: "It is said that His Majesty the Demon Emperor gave Peng Fang some treasure. Peng Jiang took a fancy to it, so he went to snatch it!"

"This villain!" The Demon Emperor yelled angrily, "He even dared to snatch father's things!"

"Peng Jiang has offended His Majesty the Demon Emperor, I'm afraid he won't live long!" the Demon Soldier reminded.

The Demon Emperor nodded and said: "Well, he really won't live long!"

"By the way, Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, Peng Jiang's friend is now imprisoned in the Demon Palace, and he seems to be planning to use her to threaten you." The Demon Soldier said, "Peng Jiang has sent someone to rescue that human being.

"Oh?" The Demon Emperor raised his brows slightly, and said, "Peng Jiang is getting bolder and bolder. How dare he send an army to rescue humans? Huh! I want to see if Peng Jiang can save that human being!"

The magic soldier bowed his head and retreated.

"Peng Fang, Peng Fang, it seems that I can't keep you anymore!" The Demon Emperor said coldly, and then, an evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He thought of a plan!
In the depths of the magic palace, in a magnificent palace.

Peng Jiang was sitting in the palace, and there were several people standing in front of him. He was the head of the three most powerful demon kings in the demon world, Peng Jiang.

"Peng Jiang, that human, what are you going to do with it?"

asked a demon king.

Peng Jiang smiled. He looked at the demon kings in front of him and said, "This human being, I naturally want to capture her as my woman. I want to absorb the soul of this bitch, and then let her live forever!"

"Peng Jiang, don't forget that you are no longer the demon king of the demon world, you are just the lowest level demon king in the demon world, how can you do this?"

"I don't care, as long as I have this human woman, my cultivation will definitely be able to improve again. At that time, I will definitely be able to pull my father down from the position of Demon Emperor!" Peng Jiang said fiercely.

"Peng Jiang, you are so crazy!" said the Demon Lord, "Although you have strength, His Majesty the Demon Emperor is not easy to mess with. Moreover, there are two strong Demon Emperors beside him, and they are much more powerful than you." .

Moreover, you still have so many enemies, you are really not afraid of death, you dare to provoke the Demon Emperor! "

"Fart!" Peng Jiang scolded, "I have only one enemy, that bastard surnamed Zhang! His strength is indeed very strong, but as long as I get the supreme treasure of the demon world and the blood inheritance of the ancestor of the demon race , then, when the time comes, I will be able to break through the Demon Emperor's strength in one fell swoop, and then, I will kill him and avenge my father!"

"But, wouldn't it be too reckless to do so?" The Demon Lord said worriedly, "His Majesty the Demon Emperor is not so easy to deal with."

"Hahaha!" Peng Jiang laughed loudly and said, "I just want to force out His Majesty the Demon Emperor. Isn't he very strong? Doesn't he want to rule the entire Demon World? Now I'm going to smash his dream! Make him disqualified from ruling the Demon World!"

"Demon Emperor, you wait, I will let you taste the taste of failure!"

"Demon Emperor, haven't you replied to Peng Jiang yet?"

"What? He's just a clown!" said the Demon Emperor. "For so many years, under my protection, he dared to violate the rules of the Demon Realm and try to control the Demon Realm! It's ridiculous!"

"Then what shall we do?"

"Since he is looking for his own death, I will naturally fulfill him and let him die!" The Demon Emperor said, "If he wants to rule the Demon World, it depends on whether he has the ability. If he can't protect himself, then Why do you want to control the Demon Realm?"

"Emperor Demon, I think Peng Jiang is your son after all, do you want to consider giving him a chance to reform?" said Demon Lord.

"Hmph! This kind of scum is not worthy of being my son! How can he repent if he is not taught a lesson?"


"If he wants to save this woman, let him go, don't bother!" said the Demon Emperor, "I want his life, just one move is enough!"

Peng Fang's residence.

Peng Fang has now regained consciousness, but is still in a coma.

Standing beside the bed, Peng Jiang looked down at Peng Fang and said, "Peng Fang, don't blame me for being cruel, just blame you for not being against me! Remember, your life is in my hands now! As long as I say a word, You will die without a place to die!"

"Peng Jiang, you devil!" Peng Fang yelled through gritted teeth, "You must die!"

"Huh! I'm dead, and you can't live!" Peng Jiang said with a smirk, "I'm going to order your beautiful human body!"

After he finished speaking, a pair of eyes greedily stared at Peng Fang's proud figure, and one hand slowly stretched out to Peng Fang's chest, wanting to touch her.

At this time, the door suddenly opened, and a cold and familiar voice sounded: "Peng Jiang!"

Peng Jiang turned around, and a cold air flow came to attack him. Peng Jiang dodged hastily, but unfortunately he was still hit by the cold air, and his whole body became stiff immediately, not knowing what happened.

Peng Jiang was terrified, wondering why this happened?
At this moment, a man in Tsing Yi walked up to him slowly.

He glanced at Peng Fang who was lying on the bed, and his face suddenly turned ugly: "It's you, it's you who hurt my daughter like this!"

"Hmph! You asked for this. If you didn't want to kill me, why would my wife suffer so much? It's all you!" Peng Jiang said bitterly, with venomous eyes, "Peng Jiang, You are such a beast, how could my daughter meet such a scum like you, you are not worthy of being a human being! You are not afraid of retribution!"

"Retribution? Haha, you are not the same, you are not the same, for the sake of rights, you will use any means to harm people!" Peng Jiang retorted, "Peng Jiang, let me tell you, you'd better not be complacent, you are about to be expelled from the devil world Yes, you are about to leave the Demon Realm, and you are about to disappear into the dust of history, hahahaha!"

Peng Jiang's words hit Peng Jiang's head like a bolt from the blue.

Peng Jiang suddenly panicked, and he said in horror: "Remove from the Demon Realm? Peng Jiang, what nonsense are you talking about? Do you think I will believe it? I am the real emperor of the Demon Realm, and I am the future ruler of the Demon Realm. He is the king of the demon world!"

"Peng Jiang, don't you understand? The Demon Emperor has expelled you from the Demon Realm!"

Peng Jiang's body trembled when he heard the words, and his head rumbled, as if it had been blasted open.

He couldn't believe that the Demon Emperor would actually drive him out of the Demon Realm, this is the only heir to the Demon Realm!
He is the only Demon King in the Demon Realm, but now, he is kicked out by his biological father, how reconciled he is!
"Where is the devil emperor? Where is the devil emperor now, I want to question him personally!" Peng Jiang roared.

"He won't appear in front of you again, the Demon Emperor is no longer in the Demon Realm!" the man in Tsing Yi said lightly.

"No, I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it," Peng Jiang shouted.

"Hehe, there is nothing you can do if you don't believe it. My mission is completed! You should go too, Peng Jiang, I wish you happiness." The man in Tsing Yi said.

After the man in Tsing Yi finished speaking, he left here.

The door is closed.

Peng Jiang sat by the bed in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

"Peng Jiang! Get out!" Suddenly, Peng Jiang heard a roar from outside. It was the voice of Peng Jiang's bodyguard A Hai.

Ah Hai's voice was full of angry flames, it seemed to be roaring!

"A Hai, why are you so angry!" Peng Jiang said, "However, you will offend me if you do this."

"Stop being hypocritical here! I'm yuck!" Ah Hai scolded, "Peng Jiang, return my brother-in-law, you bastard, return my brother-in-law quickly!"

"Ah Hai, don't make trouble, I really don't know the demon emperor you are talking about."

"Peng Jiang, stop pretending, you must be lying to me!" Ah Hai said, "You must be the Demon Emperor!"

"You are talking nonsense!" Peng Jiang scolded angrily, "I am not the Demon Emperor, I am just a distinguished guest of the Demon Race. The Demon Emperor has handed over the Demon Realm to me. Now I am the future emperor of the Demon Realm. Do you understand?"

"Hmph! Peng Jiang, don't think that I don't know what kind of idea you have! No matter what you do, I will expose your conspiracy! I will kill you and let the Demon Emperor hand over the Demon Realm to me. At that time, I will be the king of the demon world, haha, just wait and see!"

After Ah Hai finished speaking, he left the room.

Peng Jiang's face was gloomy. He didn't expect that the Demon Emperor had already handed over the Demon Realm to him.

Could it be that the Demon Emperor is not afraid of offending himself?

And what is the future king of the demon clan that Ah Hai is talking about? What's going on?who is he?Who is he? !
Peng Jiang fell into deep thought.

He suddenly thought of his teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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