Chapter 445

Peng Jiang couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, he didn't dare to stay here anymore.

He turned his head and looked into the depths of the mountains. He knew that the further he went, the more dangers he would have, but now he could no longer shrink back!

He gritted his teeth and moved on.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

There were bursts of breaking wind.

Peng Jiang's face changed slightly. These voices came from all directions, and each voice was very sharp and piercing!
Peng Jiang turned his head quickly, and he saw four huge pillars of fiery red light shooting towards him from all directions!
At this moment, he was terrified.

Although the monsters are powerful, they are not good at melee combat. Therefore, these fiery red light beams should be the fireball technique cast by the monsters.

These fireballs are very terrifying!
"Bang bang bang!"

Peng Jiang dodged quickly, but the speed of the fireball was extremely fast!

Although Peng Jiang dodged one fireball, the remaining six fireballs landed on him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The huge fireball exploded, breaking all the surrounding trees, and Peng Jiang's body was also blown away!

But his physical strength far exceeds the power of these fireball techniques.

Instead of being killed, he fell to the ground.

A stream of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, his body trembled, and his face was pale.

"This time, I'm afraid it's really going to fall!" Peng Jiang murmured.

He is already ready to fall, his mood is very complicated, his cultivation talent is very good, but, in such a place, cultivation is much slower than others.

Even if there are magic crystal veins in this valley, it is impossible to breed so many monsters!

This is a catastrophe!
He already felt a trace of the breath of death.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The roar of the monsters sounded again, and their number increased several times. Moreover, they were no longer as timid as before, but rushed towards Peng Jiang with their teeth and claws.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom"

Countless fireballs bombarded Pengjiang.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

One after another figures are galloping in this place. These figures are all in the form of monsters, and each monster is very powerful.

"Ho! Ho!!"

"Ow! Ow! Ow!"


The sound of tearing the space continued to sound.


A fire flickered.

The monster's head was cut off, but it still didn't die, but its eyes were wide open, and it would not die with regret!
"Aw! Aw! Aw! Aw!"

"Ho Ho Ho Ho! Ho Ho Ho Ho! Ow!"

Another six monsters rushed towards Peng Jiang, but Peng Jiang's speed was even faster. With a flash of his figure, he had already avoided the attack of five monsters. Instantly burn the three monsters to ashes!


The remaining two monsters were frightened, their footsteps paused, and they dared not move forward.

Peng Jiang took the opportunity to escape and fled into the distance!

He can't stay here any longer!
In this weird place, whether it is human beings or monsters, there is a huge difference in strength. With him alone, he will definitely not be able to withstand so many monsters, and he will also meet the devil king!
Peng Jiang couldn't help thinking of his brother Demon King!

"No! I have to escape from here quickly, go back and ask my brother for help, I will definitely protect my brother!"

He hastened his escape.

Peng Jiang fled extremely fast, and quickly left the monsters around him behind. However, his heart was bleeding. He spent such a high price to enter the depths of this mountain range, originally to find some precious materials , Improve your own strength, so as to prepare for the battle for the throne of the Demon Race in the future, who knows, you will encounter such a powerful group of monsters.

Moreover, these monsters know how to use long-range attacks, and they are extremely powerful.

Peng Jiang's body drew an arc in the air, and quickly flew towards the depths of the mountains.

"Boom boom boom!"

The screams of the demons kept coming out, and their strength could not be displayed here.

Peng Jiang was extremely anxious. His fists were clenched tightly, his veins were bursting, and a layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He didn't dare to be distracted, otherwise, he might be hurt by the long-range attack of the monster. arrive.

Suddenly, a scream came to Peng Jiang's ears.

He looked back, but it was his brother who was chased by a giant leopard, bit off his neck, and died under its sharp teeth.

Peng Jiang's heart ached to death!
He stopped involuntarily, his eyes full of hatred.




"I must tear you to pieces! I must let you survive or die!" Peng Jiang roared angrily.

He has regretted it a little now, he has heard some legends about the monsters in this forest, these monsters are the most ferocious, cunning, and cunning monsters among the monsters!
Warcraft are extremely intelligent, they will learn from other Warcraft, and even become like other Warcraft.

Their strength is also getting stronger and stronger!
Peng Jiang didn't know the strength of these monsters, but from the fireball technique they used just now, he could guess that the strength of these monsters should not be underestimated.


"Whoo! Whoosh! Whoosh!"



A figure flew out and landed on the ground, making a loud noise.



This figure is a skeleton, its body has become shriveled and thin, but a faint halo faintly emanates from his bones.


He opened his eyes with a look of bewilderment.

The memory of being hit by the fireball just now still remained in his mind.

"What's going on? Shouldn't I be dead? How come I didn't die?" He asked suspiciously.

At this time, he noticed that his limbs and legs didn't seem to be in any pain.

How is this going?Could it be because of the help of that force that he was not killed by the bomb?

At this time, he found that there was no burning pain in his chest.

All this proves that he is not dead!
He moved his body tentatively, and found that there was no discomfort in these muscles and bones, and there was even a cool feeling.

"This is... my body, recovered?" The man couldn't help being taken aback. He tried to stand up, but found that his limbs were still not very coordinated, and even his fingers were not flexible. He tried several times, but nothing able to stand up.

He couldn't help but smile.

"It's so strange, what's going on? Could it be that the human gave me a pill just now, which made me recover?" He said uncertainly.

He thought about the scene just now, and found that after he was hit by the fireball technique, his soul seemed to have been eroded by some kind of power, but soon, that power disappeared, and at this time, his body did not Not damaged at all, but even stronger!

Such strange things are really rare!

As described in the "Dragon Art" he practiced himself, his physique has reached a certain level, and he is not afraid of flames at all.

"Forget it, let's go find the medicinal herbs first, and then find a way to deal with these monsters after I recover to my best condition!"

he thought to himself.


His speed suddenly doubled, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared in place.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Crack! Crack!"

Not far in front of him, monsters are fighting crazily. The ground is full of bright red blood, and there are many broken limbs. Among these broken limbs, there are many viscera of monsters, and the viscera also has strong energy. .

The strength of these monsters is also good, and the strength of several of them has reached the peak of the seventh-order junior monsters!

Although this kind of monsters are not as powerful as the strong ones among humans, they can rely on their dexterous minions and tough fur to resist the attacks of strong humans, and they continuously emit poisonous mist to attack the opponent, causing the opponent to be attacked. serious injury.

Peng Jiang was anxious.

He kept dodging to avoid the attack of the monster.

He already felt that his body was fatigued.


His speed slowed down, and the claws of the monster grabbed his arm.

Peng Jiang's face was gloomy, he couldn't care less now, he must find a way to escape!


Peng Jiang patted his left shoulder hard, and a ball of green flames shot out from it.

He flickered and disappeared in place instantly. At this moment, his speed had reached the limit!
At this time, the seventh-level junior monster suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a jet of water!

The water jet hit Peng Jiang's body, and Peng Jiang suddenly felt a tingling pain.


This blow directly pierced Peng Jiang's body.

"Chick! Chick! Chick!"

Peng Jiang's clothes were ripped open, revealing his strong muscles, which made him a little embarrassed, so he quickly wrapped himself in magic energy.

"Well, my body has recovered."

"This time, it's really thanks to the kindness of that human being."

(End of this chapter)

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