Chapter 449

Peng Jiang has always been a veteran of flowers. He knows very well how attractive his current skin is to such a noble woman. Therefore, Peng Jiang knows that he can't get out of control, and if he loses control, all his previous efforts will be wasted. At that time, he may never be able to get this stunning beauty again.

"Peng Jiang, what's the matter with you? If it's okay, you'd better leave as soon as possible. I'm still in seclusion, so I don't have time to chat with you." Zi Yan still said coldly.

Peng Jiang knew that it was impossible for Ziyan to pay attention to him, so he put away his hippie smile and said in a cold voice: "Miss Ziyan, I want to ask you something, I don't know whether I should ask it or not."

Zi Yan nodded and said: "Since you have something to ask me, then just say it straight, but I don't want an answer that I don't want to hear!"

Peng Jiang nodded and said, "Miss Ziyan, I want to ask, are you responsible for the death of my parents?"

Peng Jiang knew that he could not ask directly, but could only ask in a roundabout way. After all, if he asked directly, he would definitely not be Ziyan's opponent.

"That's right, I did it!" Zi Yan admitted without hesitation, she didn't need to cover up, because she didn't need to cover up, and she didn't want to!

Hearing Ziyan's frank admission, Peng Jiang was a little annoyed, but he didn't dare to show it on his face. Peng Jiang knew that if Ziyan wanted to kill him, he would have died by Ziyan's sword long ago. He could only pretend to be surprised, and asked, "How could you do such a murderous thing? Although my parents are kind to you, you can't be so vicious, right?"

In Peng Jiang's heart, he was snickering, see if you still pretend?Let's see how long you can hold it!
"Vicious? Hehe, Peng Jiang, don't overestimate me. If your parents die, I will be more cruel and ruthless than what they did! They are just kind to me, but they are also enemies, and I am them Do you think I will be lenient when dealing with enemies?" Zi Yan said coldly.

"Okay, Miss Ziyan, why did you assassinate my father? He is your fiance!" Peng Jiang asked suspiciously.

Peng Jiang's heart was full of doubts, could it be that Peng Jiang did something wrong?Angered Zi Yan?Peng Jiang's head spun rapidly.

"I don't know, I also want to know, is he my fiancé? Who is my father?" Zi Yan said lightly.

Peng Jiang's heart sank. Peng Jiang didn't expect that he and Peng Hong were not sons of the same person!Moreover, Peng Hong's wife was killed by Ziyan, he and Peng Hong are not father and son.

When Peng Jiang thought of this, he felt angry. He knew that Peng Jiang must have hated his parents so much that he wanted to kill his father.

"Miss Ziyan, the relationship between our Peng family and your Peng family has always been good, but why did you assassinate my parents?" Peng Jiang's tone became a little excited.

"Why? Hehe, Peng Jiang, do you think I will tell you the reason?" Zi Yan asked coldly.

"Why? Could it be that my parents did something that hurt your family and made you do this?" Peng Jiang continued to ask.

"Hmph, no!" Zi Yan said disdainfully.

Hearing what Ziyan said, Peng Jiang breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the relationship between his father and the Peng family is not as bad as Peng Jiang imagined. However, Peng Jiang's heart is still full of doubts. , What is the purpose of Ziyan doing this?

"Miss Ziyan, I know that Peng Hong's wife was killed by you, but the relationship between Peng Hong and our Peng family has always been good, and everyone knows Peng Hong's love for you. My family, and your Peng family, are considered in-laws. Why do you deal with my father? I know that Peng Hong treats you badly, but the person you should hate is me, not my father!" Peng Jiang He continued to ask, with a sinister look in his eyes.

When Zi Yan heard what Peng Jiang said, she smiled coldly, she couldn't help shaking her head, and said with a sneer: "Peng Jiang, do you think I will believe what you said?"

Peng Jiang didn't expect that Zi Yan would be so cunning. In an instant, Peng Jiang was caught in a dilemma. What should he do?If he told the truth directly, Zi Yan would definitely kill his father. If he kept it a secret, then when he became stronger, he would definitely be able to fight back!Peng Jiang thought about it and decided not to tell Ziyan his identity for the time being. If Ziyan couldn't kill him then, it would be the same for him to tell Ziyan what happened to him. Tobacco, or the hatred of my parents, can be completely solved.

After thinking through all this, Peng Jiang felt relieved. He rolled his eyes and said, "Miss Ziyan, you don't have to doubt my sincerity. I, Peng Jiang, have absolutely no need to lie to you!"

"Then what is the purpose of those nonsense you just said?" Zi Yan asked with a sneer.

Peng Jiang blushed when he heard Zi Yan's words, and smiled embarrassingly, but he didn't speak again.

"I don't care what you think in your heart? I warn you, if you dare to announce the matter of Peng Hong's killing of my parents, I guarantee that your Peng family will be destroyed!" Zi Yan said coldly .

"I don't know what you are talking about, but I will keep this a secret!" Peng Jiang said quickly.

"Well, I hope you remember what you said!" Zi Yan said coldly.

"Well, I will!" Peng Jiang said.

"Girl Ziyan, your business is over. I don't have anything else to do now. I'm leaving first!" After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. He wanted to escape quickly.

"Wait, you haven't finished what you just said!" Zi Yan shouted coldly.

Peng Jiang stopped, turned around, looked at Ziyan with some embarrassment and said, "Miss Ziyan, what else do you want?"

"Don't you think you're weird?" Zi Yan said.

"What's wrong with me?" Peng Jiang said with a frown.

"Since you are not Peng Hong's child, why do you have the same surname as Peng Hong? Moreover, you and Peng Hong are not the same age at all, and your identity is also very strange!" Zi Yan continued.

"It's me. I'm not Peng Hong's child, but he and I are half-brothers. Our relationship is much closer than ordinary people, and we also have common enemies!" Peng Jiang's eyes were full of anger.

Peng Jiang didn't want people to know that his father, Peng Hong, was actually killed by Zi Yan, which was a shame to him, so he would rather let the Peng family misunderstand that he and Peng Hong had a good relationship.

"Hehe, Peng Jiang, do you think that this kind of lie can deceive other people's eyes? Or do you think that no one here can hear your lie?" Zi Yan sneered, Peng Jiang's thoughts, what did she do? Can't guess it?It's just that she doesn't have time to entangle with Peng Jiang now.

"Ziyan, I know, I shouldn't have said this to you, but I have to say that Peng Hong is the strongest person in our Peng family, except for you. His status in the Peng family is higher than that of your father Peng. Hong is taller, his power is greater than that of your father Peng Hong, and he has rescued you, why did you kill him?" Peng Jiang felt a trace of anger in his heart.

"Hehe, saved me? You mean, did your father, Peng Hong, save me because of me?" Zi Yan sneered and said, "But I don't need it, I just don't want others to think that I am Too weak, I need to prove that I am stronger than anyone!"

"But, Ziyan, what you do is against ethics. Do you do this to the ancestors of my Peng family?" Peng Jiang continued to persuade.

A cold light flashed in Zi Yan's eyes, and he said: "Peng Jiang, don't say I didn't remind you, in this world, no one can violate ethics and morality, only whoever is stronger is the real strong, I don't want to Stop talking nonsense, let's go, I can't help you with what you're looking for, but you can leak the news that I'm going to kill you, let your father know, and he will help me, you say yes ?"

Peng Jiang was taken aback when he heard Ziyan's words. He knew that what Ziyan said was true. Peng Hong would definitely help Ziyan deal with his father. If Peng Hong knew, then his father would probably It's dangerous.When Peng Jiang thought of this, his heart trembled. If Peng Hong knew the secret between himself and his father, then his father would be kicked out of Peng's house by Peng Hong. Once Peng Hong was kicked out of Peng's house, his In the end, it will be worse than myself.

"Miss Ziyan, I was wrong!" Peng Jiang said in a low voice.

Zi Yan snorted coldly, ignored Peng Jiang, turned and left.

Seeing Ziyan turn around and leave, Peng Jiang followed Ziyan's footsteps.

While Peng Jiang and Ziyan were walking, Peng Jiang was thinking about how to deal with Peng Hong.

(End of this chapter)

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