Chapter 460

Peng Jiang snorted coldly: "Wu Ming, let me tell you, I don't have a brain problem, I just want to get more training resources, only when I become stronger can I become stronger and I can protect those around me. My dear, do you understand? Your daughter, your daughter Wu Xinran, I will capture her and give her to my brother to enjoy, and I will also let her enjoy the most wonderful treatment in the Temple of Heavenly Demon, hahahaha, to At that time, I will definitely make your Wu family disappear completely, hahahaha."

"Peng Jiang, you are such a mad animal. You are simply a vicious animal. Your parents raised you and raised you, but they didn't expect to raise such a bastard like you."

"Shut up, Wu Ming, don't think that you can yell at me just because you have some petty skills. Let me tell you, I'm here to kill you this time, so just wait for me to kill you."

Wu Ming sneered and shook his head. Seeing Wu Ming's mocking expression, Peng Jiang was very upset.

Peng Jiang's face was full of viciousness, he stared at Wu Ming, and said bitterly: "I'll say it one last time, hand over all your belongings, otherwise, you will know my tricks, hahahahahaha."

"You want money? OK, I'll give it to you now, but I have a few questions I want to ask."

"You say, I don't care what questions you want to ask, I will tell you."

"Peng Jiang, since you are from the Heavenly Demon Sect, why were you chosen by the Heavenly Demon Sacred Patriarch?"

Peng Jiang's face changed slightly, he was silent for a moment, then snorted coldly, and said, "Hmph, it's not convenient for me to answer this question for you at the moment."

"Peng Jiang, if you don't tell me, I can guess it. It must be because you are the son of the Demon Dragon. Therefore, you were selected by the Demon Sect. You want to get more powerful, so you want to kill me."

"Hmm, your guess is good, but you are wrong."

"Wrong? What's wrong? Isn't it?"

Peng Jiang looked at Wu Ming and smiled, and then said: "Hehe, Wu Ming, I can tell you that your guess is correct. I am the son of the magic dragon, so I will be chosen. Otherwise, with me With such strength, how could he be selected as the direct disciple of the Heavenly Demon Sacred Ancestor?"

"Hehehe, so that's the case, no wonder you have such a low realm, but you have such a high level of cultivation."

"Hmph, that's right, my strength has indeed improved in this way, because I am the son of the magic dragon, and I am his only biological son, so I will be loved by the magic dragon, and the magic dragon also bestowed on me Unbelievable talent, my strength has been soaring all the way, now, I have reached the peak state of a fifth-level soul warrior, as long as I devour a fifth-level soul warrior's Nascent Soul, I can be promoted to a sixth-level soul warrior."

Hearing Peng Jiang talking about the Nascent Soul of the Soul Devouring Warrior, Wu Ming's expression changed drastically, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Peng Jiang, you are really a mad animal. You actually want to eat human flesh. An animal like you is not worthy to be my enemy."

Peng Jiang sneered and shook his head.

"Wu Ming, I know you are very angry now. Yes, you are right. I am a beast, and a beast should eat human flesh. However, I want to kill you. If I kill you, I can get more many benefits."

While Peng Jiang was speaking, his runes had condensed into shape.

"Hmph, Peng Jiang, don't be arrogant. Do you think I'm afraid of you? Do you really think my strength is an idiot? My current strength is more than twice yours."

Peng Jiang snorted coldly.

"Hehe, so what, now, I'm going to absorb your Nascent Soul. I want to use this Nascent Soul to make me break through to the sixth-level Soul Warrior and become the number one genius of the human race. Hahahaha."

"Hehe, Peng Jiang, you really don't know what it means. After human beings cultivate to the level of soul warriors, they can transform into human forms. At that time, you will have the body and wisdom of human beings. However, what you don't know is that after cultivating to the level of soul warriors In the final stage of a martial artist, you have to absorb the Nascent Soul of a person, and then refine it to become a human body. Your cultivation method is too cruel."

Peng Jiang laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha, hahahaha, am I cruel? Wu Ming, you are talking nonsense. If I am not like this, how can I cultivate? The path of human cultivation is my own. It has nothing to do with you, and you are not human. , so, you can't understand my approach at all."

Wu Ming shook his head and smiled: "You are wrong. I am not only a human being, but also a genius. I can not only cultivate, but also help human beings cultivate. However, your methods are useless at all. Therefore, you are not worthy of being a human race. Your cultivation The way is destined to lead to evil."

Peng Jiang's face changed slightly, but he soon regained his composure.

"Wu Ming, I have to say, I really underestimated you, hehe, I admit, I am not your opponent, you are very powerful, but today, you still have to die by my hands, I will kill you, I want you to know what despair is."

After speaking, Peng Jiang was about to attack Wu Ming.

Wu Ming's eyes shone coldly.

"Peng Jiang, just relying on you, are you trying to kill me? I advise you not to waste your energy. Your current cultivation base is not my opponent at all."

"Hmph, you are looking for your own death, Wu Ming, let me tell you, my strength has already surpassed yours. Now, I can easily kill you with just a wave of my hand, so go die."

As Peng Jiang spoke, the large black net behind him suddenly spread.

On the big black net, black mist lingered, and a terrifying aura came out from the big net. Wu Ming's face changed drastically when he saw the big black net. He felt a very dangerous aura.

Wu Ming knew that if he was entangled in the black mist released by Peng Jiang, he would definitely die.

Wu Ming quickly retreated to one side, and Peng Jiang followed closely. Wu Ming kept dodging, while Peng Jiang kept releasing the big black net, which continued to spread, wrapping Wu Ming in it all the time.

The black net was getting tighter and tighter, and the black mist was getting thicker and thicker. Wu Ming's speed had gradually slowed down.

"Peng Jiang, what is your big black net? I feel that this thing is very weird, and my speed has been restricted."

"Hahahaha, Wu Ming, this is my talent. My name is Peng Jiang. I am the son of the dragon. My talent is that I can devour the Nascent Soul. This is the inheritance of the dragon. You just wait to die."

"Peng Jiang, you are simply a devil, you are a complete bastard."

"Hahahaha, bastard, this sentence should be given to you. Wu Ming, how noble do you think you are, but in fact, you are just a dog, and you just want to devour human beings. My poor father , He actually regards you as a lowly human being as a relative, it's really sad, you say I am a magic dragon, then let me tell you, I am the real magic dragon, you are just my father's pet, so, You will have the opportunity to grow to this level, and you are just lingering, your life energy has long been exhausted, you just wait to die!"

Wu Ming couldn't help frowning, Peng Jiang's words made Wu Ming fall into silence, what he said was right, he really didn't have much time.

This time, his lifespan was almost exhausted, and even the soul power in his body was exhausted. All this was because he had absorbed the Heavenly Demon Overlord Body Art. If it wasn't for the Heavenly Demon Overlord Body Art, he would not have been injured. .

Now, although he can rely on the recovery ability of the Tianmoba Body Art to repair his body, his spiritual power has been exhausted, and there is no way to replenish it. Moreover, the fourth layer of the Tianmo Ba Body Art still remains. On the third level, there is no effect of the fifth level. Perhaps, the fifth level of the Heavenly Demon Hegemony Art will exert its greatest power, and it is still far away.

No matter what, Wu Ming couldn't sit still, he had to figure out a countermeasure.

Seeing that Wu Ming had fallen into silence, Peng Jiang laughed triumphantly again.

"Hahahaha, Wu Ming, are you also afraid? Hahahaha, you also have things to be afraid of? Hahahaha, this is so funny."

"Wu Ming, I will give you a chance now. I will give you a choice now. The first way is to surrender to me. I may consider sparing your life."

Wu Ming looked at Peng Jiang and said in a cold voice, "Peng Jiang, don't waste your words. Just take my life away."

"Wu Ming, if this is the case, don't blame me."

Wu Ming's heart trembled when he heard this, Peng Jiang was threatening him, he was going to attack, if Wu Ming had no way to escape, then he would really perish here.

(End of this chapter)

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