Chapter 462

Wu Ming couldn't help looking into the distance. He found that he was already 600 meters away from Pengjiang, and the distance was still shortening.

Wu Ming couldn't help being secretly surprised, and his brows were also wrinkled together.

Peng Jiang, this freak, how did he do it?
Peng Jiang is getting bigger and bigger now, and the horns on his forehead are constantly opening, and he spits out a lot of black air from his mouth, and these black air actually form skeletons one by one.

Peng Jiang was frantically devouring the rich aura of heaven and earth around him. He was frantically absorbing the aura to repair his body. He wanted to restore his cultivation to the peak state, and then completely kill Wu Ming.

Peng Jiang's body is still growing.

Wu Ming felt the aura emanating from Peng Jiang's body. This Peng Jiang's cultivation has definitely surpassed the realm of the early Yuanying, and even the realm of the late Yuanying. After absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth, the vitality he is absorbing now is not ordinary vitality, but the spiritual energy between heaven and earth. This spiritual energy can increase his cultivation base, making his strength improve faster, faster, and stronger.

Seeing this scene, Wu Ming also felt very troubled.

If this continues, Wu Ming will die here sooner or later.

"Don't think that I won't dare to kill you when you get bigger." Wu Ming gritted his teeth and said, while the Nine Yin Sha Demon Sword in his hand was buzzing.

Peng Jiang curled his lips in disdain and said: "Who do you think you are, let me tell you, even if I become more than ten feet, I can blow you up with one punch, and you are not qualified to challenge me."

Peng Jiang is arrogant, he is indeed qualified to be arrogant, because he is no longer in the Nascent Soul stage, and his strength has already broken through to the late Nascent Soul stage.

Peng Jiang's current strength is equivalent to the peak of the alchemy stage.

Wu Ming didn't continue talking. Wu Ming was also mobilizing the power of the Nine Suns Demon Cauldron silently. He wanted to see if the Nine Suns Demon Cauldron could help him.

At this moment, Peng Jiang had turned into a huge monster with the size of hundreds of feet. He stretched out his thick arm and swung it suddenly. Suddenly, a pitch-black fist shadow fell from the sky and fell towards Wu Ming.

Wu Ming hastily sacrificed the Heavenly Demon Basword and fought head-on with it.

Peng Jiang took several steps back in shock.

Peng Jiang's pupils couldn't help shrinking violently. He didn't expect Wu Ming to take his own attack so easily.

Wu Ming's Tianmo Ba Saber Art is the top skill in the magic way. Although it is not the top skill, it is still first-rate. In his opinion, Peng Jiang's move is enough to instantly kill anyone.

However, Wu Ming accepted it.

Wu Ming now possesses Nine Suns True Fire.

Although Peng Jiang has a strong body defense, he is also a creature of the body type. The temperature of the Nine Suns True Fire is extremely low, like icy cold air, which can directly burn the body.

As a result, a layer of hoarfrost immediately appeared on Peng Jiang's skin.

However, these are only momentary things, and the blink of an eye has completely disappeared.

Peng Jiang was also annoyed for a while, he didn't expect that his move would fail.

Peng Jiang waved his fist again and called at Wu Ming.

Wu Ming waved his arm again, this time Wu Ming still used the same set of sword techniques just now.

"Bang bang bang."

Peng Jiang punched out one punch after another, and Wu Ming used the same move.

"Boom boom boom."

Peng Jiang kept throwing out his fists, while Wu Ming continued with each move.

Peng Jiang had been fighting this kind of duel for a full quarter of an hour, and Wu Ming kept the same posture all the time.

"Do you think you can stop me like this? It's ridiculous." Peng Jiang roared, and he waved his huge fist again.

Wu Ming's body trembled, and he took several steps back again. Wu Ming also suffered a great loss in these few steps. Wu Ming was hit by Peng Jiang's fist several times, and every punch almost killed him. old life.

"Wu Ming, if you can't do it, you'd better be obedient and get caught." Peng Jiang said in a cold voice, and he continued to punch Wu Ming.

"Hehe, depending on you, you think you can kill me?" Wu Ming snorted coldly.

Wu Ming's current Nine Suns True Fire is already the fifth layer of Nine Suns Demon Cauldron, and its power is also great. Wu Ming's strength is already at the alchemy stage. Although his physical body is not strong, Nine Suns True Flame The power of fire is also definitely extremely strong.

Therefore, if Peng Jiang wanted to defeat Wu Ming, he might have to spend a lot of effort.

Peng Jiang kept punching, and his strength became stronger and stronger.

Wu Ming did not show weakness, and kept waving the Nine Suns Demon Sword to confront Peng Jiang.

This battle lasted for more than half a day, and in the end Peng Jiang was forced to retreat several tens of feet.

Wu Ming was also pushed to the limit, his clothes were already tattered, his hair was disheveled, his face was pale, and his breathing gradually became difficult.

However, Wu Ming did not admit defeat, he continued to rush towards Peng Jiang, and Peng Jiang, not to be outdone, also rushed towards Wu Ming.

Peng Jiang's attack was very fierce, and he kept grabbing Wu Ming with his giant claws.

While resisting Peng Jiang's attack, Wu Ming observed Peng Jiang's figure, trying to find Peng Jiang's Achilles' heel, and then took the opportunity to give Peng Jiang a fatal blow.

It's a pity that Peng Jiang's reaction speed is very fast, and his body skills are weird, Wu Ming's attack can easily miss, and it is difficult to hurt Peng Jiang.

The two fought again for half an hour, and Wu Ming's Nine Suns True Fire was almost exhausted, while Peng Jiang's body was still extremely hard.

Wu Ming cursed secretly in his heart.

"Damn it, I wouldn't have practiced the Nine Suns Magic Tome if I knew it earlier. This exercise is too exhausting."

Peng Jiang's attacks became stronger each time, and Wu Ming's situation gradually became more and more dangerous. If he didn't find Peng Jiang's weakness as soon as possible, he would definitely be defeated by Peng Jiang.

At this moment, a light flashed in Wu Ming's mind, Peng Jiang's weakness was in his neck.

This place is the weakest place in Pengjiang.

Peng Jiang's neck is like a cockscomb, only the neck is the fatal weakness.

If his neck was cut off, then Peng Jiang would surely die.

Wu Ming already had calculations in his mind, but he couldn't control Peng Jiang's character for the time being, so Wu Ming couldn't act rashly for the time being.

Wu Ming turned his gaze, and suddenly he saw something under Peng Jiang's feet.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hey hey hey, it's time for your death." Wu Ming smiled coldly, leaping back suddenly, and at the same time slashed fiercely with the Heavenly Demon Basword in his hand.

Peng Jiang didn't expect Wu Ming's reaction to be so quick. He had no time to dodge, and was cut on the foot by Wu Ming's Heavenly Demon Sword. Peng Jiang's body shook suddenly, staggered a few steps, and almost fell.

Peng Jiang lifted his legs and walked away. His speed was extremely fast, and he escaped tens of feet away in a blink of an eye.

"Peng Jiang, don't run away, I will tear you to pieces."

Peng Jiang didn't pay attention to Wu Ming at all, he just ran crazily and kept running out.

Wu Ming watched Peng Jiang go away with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After Peng Jiang escaped, he quickly disappeared into the cave.

Wu Ming didn't care so much, and with a thought in his mind, he retracted the Heavenly Demon Batao.

He took out a few bottles of elixir and took one to replenish the vitality in his body. Then, Wu Ming sat down cross-legged again, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

The recovery time this time is many times longer than before.

Peng Jiang's identity was from the demon clan. If he really died in this cave, the demon clan would definitely find him. By then, Wu Ming would suffer.

Peng Jiang is not just an ordinary devil, he is also a master of the Mahayana realm, and the strength of this master is extremely powerful.

Therefore, Wu Ming didn't dare to take it lightly, he could only recover his vitality as soon as possible, and then make plans for the next step.

Wu Ming's mind gradually sank into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, his soul returned to its original source, and his Nascent Soul appeared again.

"Hahaha, hahahaha, boy, I told you that today is your death day." Peng Jiang roared loudly.

Hearing Peng Jiang's words, Wu Ming also laughed angrily: "Hahahaha, Peng Jiang, you are not my opponent, and you don't want to kill me. When I break through the stage of transforming into a baby, it will be your death."

When Peng Jiang heard Wu Ming's words, he snorted coldly, and then raging black flames emerged from his body. Under Peng Jiang's control, these black flames formed sharp knives and flew straight towards Wu Ming.

Black Flame Saber Light!
Peng Jiang's strength has also increased, and Wu Ming's Nascent Soul power has also increased, and Peng Jiang performed this trick.

Wu Ming hurriedly used the Golden Body Art, and the body shield was formed in an instant. Then, while resisting the attack of the black flame knife light, he urged the Nine Suns True Fire to attack Peng Jiang.

Peng Jiang's strength was higher than Wu Ming's, so Wu Ming had to fight Peng Jiang with all his might.

Seeing that Wu Ming was using the golden body tactic, Peng Jiang sneered and said, "Boy, it's useless. I taught you this vajra body. Without my help, your golden body tactic is not enough. Therefore, your Golden Body Art cannot threaten me at all."

After saying this, Peng Jiang yelled while manipulating the black flame sword light to attack, and then he actually used the magic dragon devouring the sky again.

The Heiyan Daomang and the Heiyan Daomang merged into one in an instant, turning into a pitch-black dragon, attacking Wu Ming with its teeth and claws.

"Damn it, the magic dragon devours the sky."

Wu Ming cursed secretly, he didn't dare to face Peng Jiang's black flame blade head on, so Wu Ming stepped back hastily.

However, the Black Flame Daomang seemed to be alive, chasing Wu Ming closely and never letting go.

(End of this chapter)

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