Chapter 466

Wu Ming saw the thunderous power of Peng Jiang, but he didn't directly absorb it. He knew that Peng Jiang hadn't reached his limit yet.

"Peng Jiang, it looks like you haven't reached your limit yet!"

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, today, I must kill you."

"Hehe, you are not my opponent." The corners of Wu Ming's mouth curled up slightly. After he finished speaking, Wu Ming's left hand suddenly changed into a magic formula, forming an ancient handprint in midair.

As Wu Ming's hands formed seals, a cloud of white mist suddenly appeared around Wu Ming's body. These white mist slowly gathered in Wu Ming's left and right hands, and then, this cloud of white mist unexpectedly formed. A huge fist glove.

Wu Ming's gloves are made of a special metal, and the material of this metal is extracted from the dragon scale arm by Wu Ming.

This glove is exactly the dragon scale arm.

The dragon scale arm shook Wu Ming's wrist, and the glove immediately turned into an extremely sharp hammer. The hammer was engraved with complex patterns and exuded dazzling light. The shape of this giant hammer was similar to that of Thunder The hammer is very similar, and even this glove still faintly exudes the sound of dragons singing and tigers roaring.

Peng Jiang felt the power emanating from Wu Ming's wrist, and he couldn't help being shocked.

"It's such a powerful breath, no wonder my thunder power can't help you."

"Peng Jiang, this is just a piece of equipment."

The equipment Wu Ming mentioned was of course the Devil Wings of the Purple Wing Demon King.

When Peng Jiang saw the magic wings of the Purple Wing Demon King, his face was startled. This magic weapon is a legendary magic weapon.

"The piece of equipment in your hand is the magic wing of the legendary magic weapon Purple Wing Demon King. Not bad, not bad. I also need the equipment in your hand."

When Peng Jiang said these words, it was as if he was announcing that he was going to snatch Wu Ming's magic wing.

Wu Ming sneered when he heard this.

"Oh? You said that my magic wing is a legendary magic weapon. Why do you think so?"

"Huh, I rely on my ability. I can be sure that your equipment is definitely a legendary magic weapon. If you don't believe it now, you will know later that I am not talking nonsense. The equipment in your hand is real, but , it is just your vassal now, hahaha, boy, you just wait for death." Peng Jiang laughed arrogantly.

"Really? Let's try then."

"You kid, court death."

Peng Jiang shouted violently, and his huge ax suddenly turned into a long knife. The long knife went straight to cut Wu Ming's neck. He wanted to cut Wu Ming's neck first.

"Small tricks."

The moment Peng Jiang's giant ax cut Wu Ming's neck, it shattered.

When Peng Jiang saw that his giant ax had shattered, he was so frightened that he almost lost his soul.

Without any hesitation, he cast the Thunder Escape Technique again and fled to the distance. At the same time, Peng Jiang had already made a decision in his heart. Once he was out of danger, he would immediately return to his master to tell him about Wu Ming's strength.

However, this time Peng Jiang's plan failed.

After running away for a while, he unexpectedly ran into Wu Ming again.

Seeing this, Peng Jiang was so scared that he almost peed his pants. He didn't dare to fight Wu Ming head-on. His speed was very fast, but unfortunately, his speed was far behind Wu Ming.

"How could this be, how could this be, how could my speed be inferior to yours."

Peng Jiang knew very well in his heart that he was indeed far inferior to Wu Ming in terms of strength, speed and explosive power, but he still possessed the Thunder Escape Technique.

Thunder escape technique can avoid the enemy's pursuit, and it also has excellent defense ability, which can save one's life at a critical moment.

Peng Jiang's speed is not as good as Wu Ming's, but Peng Jiang has the Thunder Escape Technique.

This move is also Peng Jiang's best skill. As long as he hides within the effect range of the thunder escape technique, he will be safe.

Wu Ming didn't give him the slightest chance to dodge.

Wu Ming's speed was not slow either. As soon as Peng Jiang hid within the range of the Thunder Dungeon technique, Wu Ming appeared in front of Peng Jiang and slapped Peng Jiang on the chest.

Peng Jiang's body immediately flew upside down, hit the mountain wall behind, then slid down and fell to the ground.

After Peng Jiang spat out a mouthful of blood, hatred flashed in his eyes.

"Boy, don't bully people too much." Peng Jiang said viciously.

"Peng Jiang, are you not convinced? You don't take a pee and look in the mirror to see how you compare to me."

Peng Jiang said angrily: "Wu Ming, don't be arrogant. Today, I will use your bones to pay homage to my parents and relatives."

"I am not afraid of anyone you want to pay homage to. The only thing I am afraid of is your soul. I am afraid that your soul will escape."

"Hmph, don't worry, I won't run away, I will make you pay a terrible price."

Peng Jiang charged forward again.

What Peng Jiang used this time was Thunder Slash, a sword technique that Peng Jiang obtained from Thunder God Sect, called Thunder Slash Sword Art.

The Thunder Slashing Sword Art is extremely powerful and formidable, and when Peng Jiang is practicing this Sword Art, his cultivation base is also improved step by step.

"Okay, I'll let you see what the power of the Thunder Slashing Sword Art is like."

Peng Jiang used the method of lightning strike, which is a sword technique that Peng Jiang learned from Lei Shenzong. Peng Jiang himself is very clear about the power of this sword technique. If the beheading is used, Wu Ming's soul will be beheaded.

However, when Peng Jiang's lightning strike reached a distance of five meters around Wu Ming's body, it seemed to be blocked by something.

"What? This is?"

Peng Jiang was stunned for a moment.

"Hahaha, Peng Jiang, now you know how powerful I am."

As soon as Wu Ming finished speaking, his figure disappeared. The next second, Wu Ming appeared in front of Peng Jiang. Then, Wu Ming slapped Peng Jiang with his palm.

Peng Jiang was terrified, and quickly used the thunder escape technique to avoid it.

The thunder escape technique performed by Peng Jiang is indeed the fastest among the thunder escape techniques. However, the disadvantage of the thunder escape technique is that once it is performed, Peng Jiang's body will disappear.

In other words, Peng Jiang's thunder escape technique is only a short-term movement, and it is impossible to use it for a long time.

Wu Ming had guessed this a long time ago, so he seized the opportunity and slapped Peng Jiang.

Peng Jiang's reaction was quick, but Wu Ming's speed was even faster. He couldn't escape at all. Peng Jiang's soul was dragged out by Wu Ming.

Peng Jiang Yuanshen was captured and passed out directly, and then his body gradually dissipated.

Wu Ming also took away Peng Jiang's storage ring. Peng Jiang's cultivation was good, and the contents of the storage ring were also very rich.

"Peng Jiang, do you have a Thunder God Stone in your storage ring?" Wu Ming casually searched Peng Jiang's storage ring and found that there was only a fist-sized stone inside.

In Peng Jiang's storage ring, apart from some miscellaneous things, there is only the Thunder God Stone left.

Wu Ming held the Thunder God Stone and thought about it for a while.

"Rare things like the Thunder God Stone are usually spiritual. Although Pengjiang's Thunder God Stone is just an ordinary stone, it also has a great attack power. If I swallow it, it may be able to fuel my spirit. The body, however, seems inappropriate to devour it now. I have to find a way to let it enter my dantian voluntarily. At that time, I will devour the Thunder God Stone again to increase my strength."

Thinking of this, Wu Ming was relieved, and he directly put the Thunder God Stone into the storage ring.

"Thunder escape technique is really powerful, but unfortunately, your cultivation time is still too short, and your cultivation level is not enough. However, I am not in a hurry, I still have time, you remember it for me, you owe me a debt, Don't even think about losing a penny."

As Wu Ming said, he turned around and walked into the distance, and continued on his way.

"Hmph, I'm waiting for you."

Although Peng Jiang's mouth was stubborn, he was also terrified in his heart.

Wu Ming is a freak, and he also has a super powerful assistant.

If there is a real fight, his chances of winning are almost zero, not to mention, he is not Wu Ming's opponent, and his Thunder Escape Technique will do little damage to Wu Ming.

Peng Jiang's heart was full of unwillingness and resentment, but he was helpless.

Peng Jiang has also investigated Wu Ming's identity. He is just an orphan, and there is nothing special about his cultivation talent, but Peng Jiang did not expect that Wu Ming's strength is so strong that he can not only Use the power of thunder and lightning, but also use the power of fire and water.

(End of this chapter)

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