Chapter 471

"Do you know the nine-tailed fox?" Peng Jiang asked.

"Nine-tailed fox, that's a sacred object of the demon clan. Of course I know that it is the king of the demon world. Shouldn't the king of the demon world have three legs, four limbs, five claws, and seven claws? Why is there a beast with nine tails? And there are six tails!" said the monk.

"Hehe, so you have heard of the Nine-Tailed Fox, so do you know that the Nine-Tailed Fox has another identity, which is the name my master gave me. My name is Peng Jiang!" Peng Jiang smiled. replied.

"What? Peng Jiang? Isn't Peng Jiang your own?" the monk asked in surprise.

"That's right! I'm Peng Jiang." Peng Jiang replied with a smile.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, my God, this is impossible, you, how could you be Peng Jiang?" the monk murmured.

"Of course I'm Peng Jiang. Look at me now, don't I look like your demon emperor?" Peng Jiang asked.

"Peng Jiang? Is it really you?" The monk carefully observed Peng Jiang's face.

"Of course it's me. If you don't believe me, you can touch it!" Peng Jiang stretched out his hand with a smile, grabbed the monk's hand, and gently tugged.

Peng Jiang tore off the monk's clothes vigorously, and suddenly, a strong smell of blood came to his nostrils.

Peng Jiang didn't dislike the smell of blood, but was a little excited.

"Peng Jiang, why are you doing this? We are from the same school, and we are brothers." The monk shouted angrily.

"Hmph, who is your senior brother? I just saw that you are ugly, so I helped you get plastic surgery to look like your master." Peng Jiang snorted coldly and said disdainfully.

"Peng Jiang, how dare you insult my face like that!" the monk roared angrily, and a ball of flame appeared in his hand, attacking Peng Jiang.

"Peng Jiang, you little bastard!"


Peng Jiang waved a protective shield with his palm, easily resisting the flames.

Peng Jiang smiled and looked at the opposite monk, and said: "You can't blame me for this. If you want to blame, you can only blame your face. It's too ugly. If you want to blame, you can blame your face for being too unlike Peng Jiang. Besides, your face is too ugly. The cultivation base is so low, so you have to change your honor, otherwise, your face will always be ugly, you say, isn't it sad?"

"Peng Jiang, I fought with you, this time, I will kill you."

Peng Jiang laughed loudly when he heard it, and then, a golden lightning flashed through the space in an instant and went straight to Peng Jiang.

"Peng Jiang, you are dead." The monk said with a sneer.

"Really? Do you know that I am a cultivator who has cultivated the power of thunder-attribute elements!" Peng Jiang sneered, and after speaking, a thunder-attribute spell condensed on the palm of his hand.

The monk looked at the thunder ball condensed by Peng Jiang, and his face suddenly changed. He wanted to escape, but found that he was imprisoned, so he had to take out the magic weapon, sacrificed a fairy sword, and aimed at Peng Jiang's chest cut off.

Peng Jiang snorted coldly, swung his arm, and knocked the fairy sword to the ground.

The fairy sword fell to the ground and instantly turned into powder. The sword of the fairy sword was also surrounded by lightning and turned into coke. Peng Jiang saw that the fairy sword turned into coke, and couldn't help feeling a pain in his flesh. It was a fairy sword, so it was so ruined.

"Peng Jiang, you, how can you be so strong? This, this is impossible, Peng Jiang, you are not Peng Jiang, how could Peng Jiang become so powerful? I, I don't believe it!" The monk shouted in panic.

"Don't believe it? Haha, since I don't believe it, I will prove it to you. Not only can I become Peng Jiang, but my cultivation is even more profound than yours!" After Peng Jiang finished speaking, his body teleported, Hit each other with a fist.

"Boom~~~~" Peng Jiang's fist hit the monk hard on the head.

With this punch, the monk's head was directly shattered, leaving no dregs left. Peng Jiang killed the monk just like that. That monk died so tragically.

Seeing the monk died, the rest of the monk's companions were terrified. They didn't expect that they would provoke a demon cultivator. They ran away one after another. Peng Jiang didn't chase them because he was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble. Trouble.

"Peng Jiang, Peng Jiang, wait, I will definitely settle the score with you!" A monk shouted at Peng Jiang when he ran away.

"Settling accounts? Okay, I'm waiting for you, I'm waiting for you to come to me to settle accounts." Peng Jiang said with a smile.


After the monks left, Peng Jiang began to pack his things.

In his house, all the medicines, spiritual tools, and fairy grasses, fairy stones, and fairy grasses are not very high quality, but they are enough for Peng Jiang to practice. Peng Jiang can use these things to practice. The speed is extremely fast, and in the near future, Peng Jiang will be able to ascend to immortality.

At this time, Peng Jiang was studying those fairy swords. He found a fragment of a fairy sword in the storage ring of the monk. The material of this fairy sword is a part of those fairy swords, so the price of this fragment is very high, 500 yuan The middle-level fairy crystals, these fairy crystals, he got from that monk, Peng Jiang naturally refused to waste them, and kept them all.

After Peng Jiang cleaned up his things, he was about to leave here. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he heard a sharp shout from behind.

Peng Jiang's heart shuddered suddenly, and he turned around.

I saw that next to the monk's body, there was a short sword inserted there, and there were drops of bright red blood on it.

"Who killed my master? Who is it? I must kill you to avenge my master!" A hoarse voice came from the monk's body.

When Peng Jiang saw the dagger, his eyes lit up. This dagger turned out to be a high-grade magic weapon, and it was an ancient magic weapon with great power.

"Haha, boy, I will give you this fairy sword, but you are not allowed to take it for yourself. This is a sharp weapon to avenge the master." Peng Jiang said to the monk.

After Peng Jiang finished speaking, his figure flickered, and he rushed towards the fairy sword. Peng Jiang pulled out the dagger, threw it to the monk opposite, and said, "This dagger is given to you by the teacher. ,take it!"

After Peng Jiang finished speaking, his figure flickered and disappeared in place.

"Thank you Senior Brother Peng Jiang, Senior Brother Peng Jiang is really a good man!" The monk shouted excitedly after catching the dagger.

Peng Jiang left. When he left, he did not hide his whereabouts.

The monk put away the dagger after seeing Peng Jiang's figure completely disappear in the distance, with a sinister look in his eyes.

"Hmph, Peng Jiang, just wait for me, I will definitely kill you and make you pay the price!" the monk said angrily.

Peng Jiang wandered around in the valley, and seeing the beautiful environment here, he cheered in his heart, but he still hadn't forgotten that he had more important things to do, which was to find out his master Peng Jiang.

After Peng Jiang left here, he went to several other peaks. He looked around, and suddenly, Peng Jiang saw a very special building in front of him.

"Is this a city?" Peng Jiang thought to himself.

Peng Jiang walked into that city slowly. The city was huge, covering an area of ​​about [-] mu. The city wall was very high, and there were groups of monks standing on it. They all looked at Peng Jiang.

"This should be a fairyland, otherwise it would be impossible for so many monks to guard the city." Peng Jiang guessed.

Peng Jiang thought of his master Peng Jiang, that is, his boss, Peng Jiang, Peng Jiang. When he heard this name, Peng Jiang felt uncomfortable in his heart. This name seemed to remind him that he was his. Apprentice is average.

After Peng Jiang walked into the city, he found that there were monks everywhere in the city. He didn't dare to rush around at will. After all, this is a fairyland, so he should keep a low profile. If he caused any trouble, it would be bad, so Peng Jiang took a step Walked into the largest building in the city, and then walked up to the third floor. On the third floor of this building, there was a door with two words engraved on the door: Pengjiang Hall.

Pengjiang Hall, when Peng Jiang walked to the entrance of Pengjiang Hall, he found that there was a restriction on the door here, and Peng Jiang took out his fairy sword to try to break the restriction.

However, Peng Jiang found that he couldn't break the door at all, the restriction was too strong.

(End of this chapter)

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