I swallowed and killed gods in a strange world

Chapter 36 Oh, those who can be killed are not worthy of being called gods

Chapter 36 Oh, those who can be killed are not worthy of being called gods

"This is what I left over." Qin Shiyun pointed to the metal all over the wall: "I have been looking for a carrier that can attach spells."

Under the light of the dim yellow light, the metal on the walls of the bookshelves reflects the gleaming brilliance on Qin Shiyun's excited cheeks, which is quite dazzling.

On her face, Makino saw a trace of yearning, a trace of obsession.

Mu Ye lowered his head and glanced at Qin Shiyun's callused little hands and her thin back inadvertently, and said softly, "Is this why you live a hard, self-conscious life?"

"Self-defense?" Qin Shiyun said silently, "I have things I like to do, and the rest should be as simple as possible."

"As for the carrier of the spell, I haven't found it yet." Qin Shiyun raised her spirits: "I will definitely be able to find this kind of material in the future."

"What are you doing this for?" Makino was puzzled.

Although most of the metals on the wall are not very valuable, such as gold, platinum and some rarer metals, they are worth a lot.

If Qin Shiyun spends money on this every month, it will indeed be a little stretched.

But a young girl should not always pursue some beautiful things and put them into self-improvement, whether it is appearance or inner temperament.

Or in this kind of world, spend resources and energy on improving your own strength.

Mu Ye could understand the existence of people like Qin Shiyun, but he couldn't understand their actions.

In a world where great power is gathered in one body, the power of groups is sometimes negligible.

Mu Ye opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Qin Shiyun.

"Muye, have you thought about why the awakened can release all kinds of spells?" Qin Shiyun's expression was extremely serious.

"Doesn't the awakening sequence talent come with various skills?" Makino hesitated.

"You're right, but not entirely right." Qin Shiyun nodded and then shook her head: "You may not be very clear about the situation here if you haven't awakened successfully."

"Whenever an awakened person is successfully awakened, it seems that an instruction manual has been poured into his mind." Qin Shiyun hesitated for a while: "Yes, the instruction manual."

"Awakened people seem to be born knowing that as long as they continue to absorb spiritual energy and strengthen their bodies, they can become extraordinary existences."

"But why can't ordinary people? Are they missing something?"

"Ordinary people also have psychic affinity, but the affinity is not as high as that of the awakened ones. Why can't they practice and strengthen themselves?"

"If it is said that there is a lack of cultivation methods, or the method of absorbing spiritual energy, then why are we awakened to teach them, why can't they learn it?"

Mu Ye was a little dazed by Qin Shiyun's series of questions.

Awakened people are born with knowledge, which he heard from others, but his own situation is different from that of ordinary Awakened people.

He didn't know anything, except for the cultivation methods given by the lord of the gods, he didn't even have the basic cultivation methods that were passed down among ordinary awakened people.

Absorbing spiritual energy is also captured through meager spiritual power.

As if aware of Mu Ye's thoughts, the Protoss Lord jumped out and said disdainfully: "Others awakened, maybe they got the inheritance by relying on that trace of origin, but the four origins in your body are all stolen, how can there be any seriousness?" inherited."

"Although I don't know how you stole it, but you stole it but didn't completely steal it, understand?"

Makino's expression changed slightly, his awakened talent was incomplete?
As for stealing, he didn't admit it, and he didn't do it himself.

Thinking of this, Makino pondered for a moment.

Although the Lord of the Protoss is very talkative most of the time, he does know a lot, so he has to find a time to interrogate him.

"Maybe they lack the origin." Makino thought for a moment, and said the information he had learned from the Protoss Lord.

"Origin?" Qin Shiyun frowned, it was the first time she heard this word.

"The essence of sequence talent." Makino paused: "Sequence talent is the origin left by those gods."


Qin Shiyun showed a strange expression, as long as the word god is familiar to federal residents.

The Church of the Holy Light believes in the Goddess of the Holy Light, which is also the most well-known deity in the Federation.Others, such as those in charge of wealth, marriage, and various categories of gods, are worshipped.

But these are just beliefs, things people imagine and hope for, when in fact they don't exist at all.

When she was studying at the Dongxing City Military Academy, she had also encountered a group of lunatics like the Church of Dawn, who believed that Dawn would save the world in the end, and a crazy church that could gather a group of people with just a single concept.

And the Church of the Holy Light, which firmly believes that the Holy Light will protect all living beings, if the Goddess of the Holy Light they serve really existed, millions of people in the Federation would not die every year due to the fall of the strange fog.

Thinking of this, Qin Shiyun couldn't help but think of Li Xingruo from the Holy Light Church that she saw after waking up from an injury that night.

She glanced at Makino, and said aggressively, "Does God really exist?"

Mu Ye didn't know why Qin Shiyun suddenly changed his attitude, but he remembered that the Lord of the Protoss claimed that he was a powerful god every day, so he said honestly: "It exists."

"Then where are they?"

"Probably all dead."

"Dead? Heh, those who can be killed are not worthy of being called gods." Qin Shiyun's voice was resounding, and there was even a hint of disdain in her eyes at this moment.

She always believes that the strongest weapon against the mist is human wisdom and courage.

It has never been those gods who are advertised to be merciful to the world. The fact that the Federation can have the current territory is the best proof. These are all in exchange for hundreds of years and countless members of the investigation team.

The Star Lord who had been listening to the conversation between Muye and Qin Shiyun said, "This"

"What she said is so right, I am speechless. Fortunately, I am not dead." The lord of the star spirit said strangely.

Mu Ye stared blankly at Qin Shiyun, he could tell that Qin Shiyun didn't believe his rhetoric.

To be honest, he didn't believe it himself.

But when he secretly used the Devourer to devour the Protoss Lord, it was the first time he encountered something that the Devourer could not swallow.

For this reason, he also had a verbal line-up with the Protoss Lord until midnight.

"Muye, how do you know this?" Qin Shiyun put away her strange emotions.

Makino didn't open his mouth but stretched out his hand quietly, a dim ring flickered in the palm of his hand, and a hot golden light suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

"You're awakened too!?" Qin Shiyun breathed heavily, staring at the golden light in Muye's palm without blinking.

"Yeah." Makino said calmly, "S-015 Lord of the Protoss."

"S-level sequence talent" Qin Shiyun's eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly.

Lord of Star Spirit: "."

"It's no big deal, it's just an S-level talent."

Makino put away the star power in his hand with a dull expression.

There is more than one S-level talent in him, but the Devourer is a bit weird and hard to show.

"Muye, you are not psionic." Qin Shiyun was shocked, but also curious.

"Did you see it?" Muye looked at Qin Shiyun who was staring at his right hand in surprise.

"Although the spiritual energy is chaotic and disorderly, it is gentle." Qin Shiyun still stared at Mu Ye's right hand that released the golden light and commented: "The golden light you released just now is orderly but violent."

"It's just a little star power." Makino explained.

"The power of the stars?" Qin Shiyun murmured.

"Then you caused the sky full of stars last night?"

"Breakthrough by luck." Makino's expression changed, and Qin Shiyun actually saw the celestial phenomenon triggered by the Lord of the Protoss last night.

The lord of the star spirit immediately became interested when he heard the words: "It's really strange, I didn't perceive the origin of the star spirit in her."

"Breakthrough?" Qin Shiyun became more and more excited, her blushing face was faintly steaming, she pressed close to Muye and said excitedly: "Your spirit and star power in the lower dantian have been fully charged, have you broken through the fourth step?"

Go down to Dantian?
Makino was a little puzzled, the method given by the lord of the stars was to accumulate the power of the stars to open up the twelve chakras of the human body, and did not mention the dantian.

He looked at the little red face in front of him, coughed and said, "Which dantian are you talking about?"

"Don't you know the dantian?" Qin Shiyun grabbed Mu Ye's hand and put it under her navel: "This is the lower dantian."

Then put it on the chest: "This is Zhongdantian."

Finally, he put Makino's hand on his forehead and said, "This is the upper dantian."

Qin Shiyun said indifferently: "Awakened people's practice is nothing more than opening up the three dantians. You haven't taken professional courses on these. I have professional books here. You can take them back and read."

Makino: "."

He is now full of energy in his middle dantian, so there is no time to think about his things.

The middle dantian is really soft!

"Ahem, I understand. I have indeed heard of the method of cultivating the three orifices mentioned by this little girl. But compared with the Dafa used by my stars in the sky, it is just a small way." The star lord seemed I am very interested in what Qin Shiyun said.

The lord of the star spirit continued: "Let me use your body."

Before Makino could react, a familiar force in his body filled his left hand, and his whole body began to lose control.


Mu Ye stretched out his left hand towards Qin Shiyun, and grabbed her wrist.

"Muye, you?" Qin Shiyun froze in place, her legs clamped inadvertently.

A warm current in her body made her unconsciously look at Makino with blurred eyes.

Seeing Qin Shiyun getting closer, Mu Ye took a deep breath.

The hot air continuously gushing onto his face made Makino feel refreshed immediately.

This progress is too fast.

But he likes it.

The day of the bloody battle is tonight.

Suddenly, Mu Ye exerted force with his left hand and directly threw Qin Shiyun out.


With a muffled sound, Qin Shiyun sat on the ground in a daze.

Makino: "???"

"Oh, no. My, my left hand suddenly doesn't work." Resuming control of his body, Mu Ye hurried over to help Qin Shiyun up.

"It's all right." Qin Shiyun lowered her head and dared not look up at Mu Ye.

"I checked the three major dantians she mentioned, um." The star lord said unhurriedly: "There are quite merits, and I will change the stars in the sky for my use of Dafa (change), you Give it to her and let her practice it."

Shall I practice you?" Makino cursed inwardly.

He just thought that the dog had a conscience and gave him an assist, but it turned out to be such a moth.

The Lord of Star Spirit couldn't hear the voice in Muye's heart, thought he had done something extraordinary, and said quite complacently: "Spell and seal cutting requires spiritual things, such as the meteorite that the little girl took out earlier. "

"But more materials are made of animal skin tissue paper using some spiritual beasts or plants."

"I haven't found the origin of the star spirit in her body. This is the first time I have seen this strange phenomenon. Let her practice the exercises I gave, if she can succeed."

What if it can be done?
Makino was annoyed and only spoke half of what he said.

The Protoss Lord hesitated for a moment and continued to speak: "If it can be done, I don't know what's going on."

 The new book sets sail and seeks to be collected and pursued.

(End of this chapter)

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