Seeing this, the surrounding practitioners who hadn't passed the past gloated in their eyes. Although the thunder and lightning appeared again, they were shocked again, but they were also quite happy to see the unlucky Yingtian who threatened them just now. happy.

With the sound of thunder, the thunder struck towards Yingtian and the two at an extremely fast speed. Seeing that Yingtian was about to be struck to death by lightning, in the midst of the lightning, Yingtian suddenly made a move that shocked everyone. Everyone was shocked, only to see that he suddenly yelled, and then threw the trainee in his hand towards Lei Dian.

"Boom!" The person who was thrown out by Yingtian turned into dust when he was struck by lightning, but Yingtian took advantage of the resistance of this person and retreated towards the desert.Although he retreated in a panic, he finally landed safely on the desert.

From Yingtian flying out towards the abyss with the trainee in his arms, to when the thunder and lightning appeared, he threw the trainee out towards the thunder and lightning, and then returned him safely to the desert. What happened in an instant.

" can survive like this!"

"The mud horse is indeed a heaven-level martial artist, this reaction ability is really fast enough!"


When Yingtian returned to the desert safely, the practitioners around who were gloating at other people's misfortunes were all stunned, and their expressions on each other were as ugly as if they had eaten dead flies.

But Yingtian landed on the desert, and didn't immediately pay attention to the practitioners around him, but gasped heavily, his face extremely pale.Yingtian's actions just now seem very simple, but in fact, the actions just now have consumed a lot of his energy.

If he hadn't deduced what would happen if he failed many times in his mind the moment he flew out with the tester in his arms, it would be absolutely impossible for him to come back alive this time.

"Although Yingtian is a bit domineering, his reaction should not be underestimated. With his leadership, other heavenly fighters will probably act like Yingtian!" Buyun stood aside Looking at Yingtian's actions with cold eyes, his heart is clear.He couldn't help but look at the Bu family disciples around him, as well as those trainees who followed him from the beginning of the third stage.

Although Buyun is not a villain, he is not a saint either. Although Yingtian's behavior makes him feel ashamed and will not follow the opponent to use the same tricks, it does not mean that Buyun will stop Yingtian These sky-level warriors used other trainees around them as cannon fodder to resist lightning.

Seeing Buyun looking towards them, the practitioners around couldn't help shrinking their pupils. They are not stupid, and they don't know what will happen next.

The moment Buyun looked over, they all couldn't help taking a few steps back to increase the distance between Buyun and Buyun. Although Buyun hadn't threatened them to do anything along the way, his After all, there are still ten Bu family children by his side, so who knows if he will force them to use them as a shield in order to let the Bu family children pass by.

"Wang Wu, what should we do now? This damned abyss is too dangerous. If these heavenly warriors around us treat us as cannon fodder, can we resist?" Li Xiaochuan looked at him solemnly. Wang Wu's eyes were faintly anxious.

"Resist! Why don't you resist! If they want us to be cannon fodder, I'd rather rush into the abyss than be controlled by them!" Wang Wuhan said with a look of madness on his face.

"Rush over? But you may die if you rush over!" Li Xiaochuan said.

"There is still a glimmer of life in rushing over. If these people are used as cannon fodder, who knows what will happen!" Wang Wu said with a stern smile and his eyes were very firm.

Li Xiaochuan thought for a while, then nodded silently, agreeing with Wang Wu's words.The trial of White Tiger Academy this time is, after all, a cruel trial. None of the trialees around are kind-hearted. Who can guarantee that these people will not give them up all at once after carrying them across the abyss? tear into pieces.

Wang Wu and the others saw the current situation clearly, and the other trainees also saw the current situation clearly, and they didn't want to wait a while for these heavenly fighters to put them on their bodies as scapegoats.As a result, some courageous people suddenly rushed towards the abyss again after a ruthless look flashed on their faces.

In the blink of an eye, six people rushed towards the abyss, four of them were struck to death by lightning, and only two finally crossed the abyss.

With a one-third chance of survival, the rest of the trainees are even more eager to move, and each of them can't help but want to fight hard.However, just when they were about to fight hard, the heavenly warriors next to them couldn't sit still. If these people were allowed to pass through the abyss, who else could they find to explore the way later.

Now the people on the edge of the desert, apart from six heavenly warriors including Yingtian, Jin Buer, Lin Xiang, Ying Tianying, Shangguan Xiaoyu and Buyun, there are two heavenly warriors beside them.Of these two heaven-level warriors, one of them is extremely short in stature, like a little doll. He is wearing a bright red dress and has a face that is more upright than Jin Buer. When he stands in the crowd, the average earth-level warrior It is impossible to see that he will be a heavenly warrior.His name is Long Xiaoyu, and according to Jin Buer, Long Xiaoyun's strength is somewhat stronger than that of Yingtian.

Apart from Long Xiaoyu, the last remaining sky-level fighter is a white-clothed young man named Ao Ruyun holding a long sword. His body exudes an amazing sword intent. You can feel a sense of aloofness from him.

The first heavenly martial artist to strike was the doll-like Long Xiaoyu. His figure suddenly flashed out of the crowd, and then he did not know what tricks he used to trap four people with profound energy. The trainee then suddenly flew towards the abyss with four earth-level warriors in his arms.From a distance, the four prefecture-level warriors held by him were embedded in his body like armor.

㊣(5) "Boom!" As soon as Long Xiaoyu flew above the abyss, thunder and lightning sounded immediately, and then an electric snake bombarded him with extremely ferocious minions, and Long Xiaoyu's running body He didn't stay because of the appearance of the thunder and lightning. When the thunder and lightning bombarded him, one of the four earth-level fighters who was held by him suddenly broke away, and then went up to meet the thunder and lightning.

"Boom!" The earth-level martial artist hit the lightning, completely offset the lightning, and made an astonishing loud noise, and Long Xiaoyu took advantage of the moment when the lightning was offset, and flew forward again for a long distance.During the flight, Long Xiaoyu fully used his body skills to the extreme, a long string of phantoms appeared in the air, and the fighters with low strength couldn't see where his body was at all.

"Boom! Boom!" Long Xiaoyu's crisis was not resolved because of this. He had just escaped a thunderbolt, and the thunderbolt rose again, and then bombarded him again.And this time there were actually two thunderbolts, bombarding him in two directions respectively.This scene was very astonishing, and the trainees who hadn't passed before all looked at each other in blank amazement.

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