Nine Yin Evil Monarch

Chapter 084 Statistical Standards

"Luo Xiao, early-stage warrior of the heavenly level, contributed [-] points!" As the 'flashlight' reported this message, Luo Xiao who was undergoing the inspection immediately grinned happily, his face full of excitement.Fifteen hundred points!This is [-] points, more than twice as much as that of Nama Xiaoshan!

"Next!" The red-haired messenger didn't show any kindness to Luo Xiao because his score was much higher than Ma Xiaoshan's. After checking Luo Xiao's score, he just gave Luo Xiao a faint look, Signal the next one to come up.

Seeing this, Luo Xiao's happy face froze immediately. This was completely different from what he thought. He thought that the red-haired envoy would look at him differently when he saw that his score was much higher than Ma Xiaoshan's.

As his face became stiff, although Luo Xiao was very unwilling, he did not hide in front of the red-haired messenger. He turned around and walked towards Ma Xiaoshan next to him. His entire face was almost elongated, and it was clearly written that he was very unhappy.

"Wu Tianxing, a prefecture-level mid-term warrior, contributed 580 points!"

"Yang Dong, a prefecture-level late stage warrior, contributed 960 points!"

"Ma Qianxing, a prefecture-level late-stage martial artist, contributed 550 points!"

As soon as Luo Xiao went down, three trainees walked up to the red-haired messenger one after another to accept the review. When Ma Qianxing's score came out, Luo Xiao, who had a long face beside him, was taken aback suddenly, his eyes full of surprise.

"Ma Qianxing, a late-stage prefecture-level martial artist, has contributed 550 points! He...he is a late-stage prefecture-level martial artist, how come his contribution points are higher than mine! I made a mistake, it must be a mistake!" Luo Xiao shouted indignantly.

"Noisy!" The red-haired messenger frowned slightly, and looked at Luo Xiao with cold eyes, "Are you questioning me?"

"Eh!, how dare a villain question you, the emissary!" After Luo Xiao was caught by the gaze of the red-haired emissary, he suddenly trembled, his complexion changed drastically, and he trembled in horror.

"Since there is no one, why are you yelling next to me! There will be another time, kill!" The red-haired messenger snorted coldly, his voice revealing an extremely chilling killing intent.

Luo Xiao nodded with a pale complexion, and didn't dare to say anything more, he was deeply regretful, knowing that the power of the red-haired messenger was unfathomable, yet he still said such words to the red-haired messenger under such circumstances, Isn't this clearly courting death?

Seeing Luo Xiao, the red-haired envoy didn't dare to answer anymore. He coldly withdrew his gaze and didn't pay much attention to Luo Xiao. He said in a deep voice again, "Next!" As soon as he said this, a boy in blue immediately walked towards him.

"Jiang Hui, a prefecture-level late stage warrior, contributed two thousand points!" The mechanical voice of the 'flashlight' sounded.

"Two thousand points! Two thousand points! This...what the hell is going on? Why does this Jiang Hui have two thousand contribution points! Why is it that I have reached the heaven level, and the contribution points are even lower than the earth level warriors! "

Although Luo Xiao didn't dare to question the red-haired messenger because he was yelled at by the red-haired messenger, but when he suddenly heard the news from the 'flashlight', he was shocked again, his face full of disbelief , he didn't understand what was going on.Not only Luo Xiao didn't understand, but many of the other practitioners around who hadn't tested yet didn't understand, and they couldn't help but have doubts on their faces.

"Next!" The red-haired envoy ignored the doubts of the surrounding trainees, and the faint voice sounded again, signaling the next one to hurry forward.

"Liu Bing, a prefecture-level mid-term warrior, contributed 820 points!"

"Yang Jian, an early stage warrior of the heavenly level, contributed [-] points!"

"Ma Xiaobin, a prefecture-level mid-term warrior, contributed 740 points!"

"..." One after another, the testers kept approaching the red-haired messenger, and various scores were reported from time to time following the scanning of the 'flashlight'.Soon, more than half of the testers in the square knew their contribution points.

As the scores were continuously reported by the 'flashlight', the faces of the testers were different from each other. Those with high points were full of joy, while those with low points were entangled and depressed.

The statistics of the contribution points are too uncertain. Although most of the testers already know their points, there are still many testers who don't understand how the points are calculated.A person with high strength is actually different than a person with low strength, and the points are higher!

"Yingtian, a mid-level warrior, contributed 1 points!" Just when most people were wondering what the contribution points were all about, suddenly an astonishing message came out from the 'flashlight' .

"1 points! Mud horse, I heard correctly, 1 points! How can there be so many contribution points? How did he get his contribution points!"

"Although Yingtian's strength is indeed good, his contribution points are much more than ours!"

"..." The trainees who have already learned their points all looked at Yingtian with the eyes of a monster. Although Yingtian showed a rather frightening side when he was crossing the abyss, but with his score, It still made it difficult for other trainees to accept that Yingtian's score was much higher than their one or two thousand.

After Yingtian learned that he had so many contribution points, he didn't look too surprised. Instead, he looked at Buyun the first time he learned the points. With Buyun's strength, Yingtian will definitely be happy to know that he has so many contribution points at this moment, but after seeing Buyun's strength, Yingtian already understands that this time the trial No.1, I'm afraid It is none other than Bu Yun.Although he was still a little unclear about how the contribution points were calculated, he felt very strongly about it!

Seeing Yingtian looking towards him, Buyun looked very calm. Following the trialists one after another counted their own points, Buyun vaguely guessed some statistics of contribution points㊣(5) standard .

As soon as Yingtian finished counting, Jin Buer suddenly walked up to the red-haired messenger, and said with a smile, "Handsome uncle, I'm finally here. Before the statistics, can you tell me what the contribution points are calculated on?" yes?"

"Pass the first level test without jumping off the spaceship, [-] contribution points."

"Complete the task of collecting ten jade tokens in the second level of the trial, one hundred contribution points. For each additional jade token collected, twenty contribution points will be added. The Dead Sea Illusion will be triggered additionally, and one thousand contribution points will be added."

"Blackwater Plain, survive for fifteen days, one hundred contribution points. Every time a blackwater poisonous frog is killed in the Blackwater Plain, fifty contribution points will be added."

"Find Moonlight City, [-] contribution points. Every time you kill a beast in the third level, you will get [-] contribution points. Every time you help others cross the thunder abyss, you will be rewarded with [-] contribution points." The red-haired messenger listened to Jin Buer. He smiled slightly at him, and directly told Jin Buer the statistical standard of contribution points.

Note to readers:

Five more outbreaks will start tomorrow!

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