Nine Yin Evil Monarch

Chapter 1035 Opening the sky and making good fortune bamboo

"It is far inferior to the Taihao class!! How do you know the specific situation, it is the Taihao class weapon that is far inferior to that bamboo!" Buyun said to the first phoenix with a wry smile.

"What!! The Taihao class can't compare to that bamboo! No way, master, what's going on? Doesn't that bamboo have some secrets? No, if there are any secrets, I don't know if I have the eyesight. Maybe you can’t see it. Although the bamboo looks good, it’s really far inferior to the Taihao class!” The first phoenix said through sound transmission in astonishment.

"Ha, it seems like you and I have not discovered the Qi of Creation contained in it!" Buyun said with a voice transmission with a smile.

"Creating... the spirit of good fortune!! God, master, are you kidding me? That bamboo actually contains this thing! That god of mine has the spirit of good fortune, how could I have missed it? Come out. The Qi of Good Fortune, the bamboo with the Qi of Good Fortune! Kill! It must be killed, the master hastened to kill the girl in front of him, this thing must be obtained, and it must not let it slip away!" The first phoenix first said Surprised, he then excitedly sent a voice transmission to Buyun full of murderous intent.

"Sure enough, you are just like Niu Niu, let me kill you as soon as you know the situation!" Buyun said in a speechless voice transmission.

"Niu Niu? So, Master, Niu Niu discovered the strange condition of this bamboo! No wonder, no wonder we can't see what secrets are contained in that bamboo!" The First Phoenix said suddenly through voice transmission.

"That's right, if Niuniu hadn't pointed it out, who would have thought that this bamboo contains the spirit of good fortune!"

"Master, then what are you going to do? Are you not going to kill this girl?"

"Well, I don't want to kill her!"

"Why is this? Master, are you going to watch this thing slip away from you?"

"Of course not, I'm trying to find a way!"

"Master, in my opinion, this girl in front of me is bound to win Niu Niu. If you don't exchange Niu Niu with her, she will definitely not give you the bamboo!"

"I see it too!"

"Then master, what are you going to do specifically? You don't want to exchange Niu Niu, and you don't kill the girl in front of you. Oh, are you going to snatch it? Master, if you do it, it's also feasible, although this way , it is very likely to be exposed afterwards, but as long as you can get this bamboo, this is also a very good decision!"

"Forget it, I'm not going to grab it either!"

"Ah, I'm not going to prepare for this, so what exactly do you want to do, master? Apart from these, I don't think there are any other good ways!"

"I'm still thinking about this..."

"Um, wait until you figure out a way, master, I think the day lily is going to be cold."

"Don't hit me, that's enough, I won't talk to you!" Buyun said, he ignored the first phoenix and focused on Tian Xiaoling again, frowning, looking at the person in front of him Nizi really didn't know what to do.

"Can you tell me why you want Xiaobai?" After thinking for a while, Buyun suddenly sent a voice transmission to Tian Xiaoling.

"Didn't you say it all? It was love at first sight. I really fell in love with Niu Niu at first sight. Just give her to me. Don't worry, after Niu Niu has followed me, I don't think I will treat her badly!" Tian Xiaoling passed on audio channel.

"Really, then can you tell me, do you know what Niu Niu wants to eat?" Buyun thought again, and asked again through voice transmission.

"It goes without saying, isn't it the treasure of heaven and earth? Didn't I already take out the treasure of heaven and earth just now, and this is the top treasure of heaven and earth. For this thing, I was in the master It's been grinding there for a long time!" Tian Xiaoling said noncommittally through voice transmission.

"Do you know that Niu Niu eats natural materials and earthly treasures?" Buyun's pupils shrank, and he was very surprised and said to Tian Xiaoling through voice transmission.

"Nonsense, I don't know how I could give Niu Niu the treasures of heaven and earth. Alright, let's not talk about this, do you want to give Niu Niu to me? Didn't you say that you treat Niu Niu as a relative? Since you took her When you are a family member, you should think about her, the better she is, the happier you should be. Now that Niuniu is following me, it will definitely be much better than following you!" Tian Xiaoling said angrily through voice transmission road.

"Don't be in a hurry, let me ask you again, can you tell me what is the bamboo you took out just now?" Buyun smiled and said through voice transmission.

"Create Heaven's Fortune Bamboo!" Tian Xiaoling said proudly via voice transmission.

"Ah. So you know that the bamboo contains the spirit of good fortune!" Buyun said emotionally through voice transmission, although he already guessed that this was the case, but after hearing what Tian Xiaoling said, he still couldn't help but feel a little touched .

"Of course, otherwise, how could I exchange this thing for Niuniu? If it's you, you are really dishonest. You are planning to take Taiyue and Taihao for such a good thing as the Kaitian Good Fortune Bamboo." It would be a big bad conscience to exchange these crooked melons and date-level weapons..." Tian Xiaoling complained.

"Ahem, cough, well, I don't think you don't know what a good thing it is. If you don't know what a good thing it is, I can easily get it. Comparing my heart to my heart, if you stand in my position Come on, won't you do it like me?"

"Of course not. I'm not as bad as you. If it were me, I would definitely trade it for something of the same grade as Kaitian Good Fortune Bamboo!"

"You can say that it's light. Let me ask you, is it so easy to get such things as the Opening Heaven Good Fortune Bamboo? In this world, if you can get one, it's considered a high incense!"

"Hey, you frog in the well, I thought that you have a strange beast like Niuniu, and that you can discover the secret of Kaitian Bamboo. Your experience should be very strong, but you don't want to, you are so unbearable! Kaitian Bamboo is good! The things are not fake, but if you want such things, if you pay a price, it is not so difficult to get."

"What!! You, what you said is true!" Buyun was startled by Tian Xiaoling's words.If this thing is so easy to obtain, there are not many warriors who can open up the world in this world, how can it be like it is now, there are only a handful of them!

"Of course it's true. Why would I lie to you? You're not worthy of my lie!"

"Then how can we get such things as Kaitian Good Fortune Bamboo?"

"Why should I tell you? It's not good for me to tell you. If I didn't see that you have Niuniu, I wouldn't even tell you about such things as the Heavenly Creation Bamboo! Hmph, I advise you to hurry up Give me Niuniu, she is not something you can have, if you insist on occupying her, you will face disaster sooner or later! Don’t think that I am scaring you, this Taiyi Martial World is far more than you think!"

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