Nine Yin Evil Monarch

Chapter 1037 1-hit kill

"Did you hear that, Xiaoling said that she doesn't care about your affairs. Since that's the case, you should step back, little boy shoe. As the saying goes, if you don't get in the way..." Buyun looked at it with a smile Ma Tianxiang said, although he has never been in contact with the other party, but he doesn't know why, he just feels absolutely uncomfortable when he sees the other party!

"Master, this person doesn't have any kindness towards you. Besides, he doesn't only have no kindness towards you, he also doesn't have any kindness towards Jingyue and Liu'er. He's playing tricks on Liu'er and Jingyue!"

Niu Niu suddenly said to Buyun Xinyu.

"Oh!" Buyun replied clearly, no wonder he felt uncomfortable seeing this person, it turned out to be like this!Although Niu Niu didn't say much, but he believed that what Niu Niu said was making up her mind was definitely not as simple as an ordinary pursuit!

"You...friend, don't you say that too much!" Ma Tianxiang shrank his pupils, then suppressed his anger, and said to Buyun again with a refined face.

"Ha, what I don't like the most is hypocrites like you, mud horses, who like to pretend to be good despite their stomachs full of evil. The real uncle has no technical content at all." Buyun cast a contemptuous glance at Ma Tianxiang , and then shouted angrily, "Get out!"


As soon as Buyun said this, the anger and escapism in Ma Tianxiang's heart burned fiercely when he met him. All his calculations were broken, and the killing intent in his heart reached the extreme at this moment.

"Damn you!"

Under the rage, Ma Tianxiang suddenly lost his mind, and he didn't care about any more calculations. He suddenly grasped his right hand, and a big knife with burning flames appeared in his hand. On this big knife, there was a dragon engraved on it. , This fire dragon, it will come to life with the flame burning, as if it came alive.

"Heaven has no regrets!"

The moment Ma Tianxiang enjoyed the big sword appeared, he suddenly displayed a powerful martial art, holding the long sword like a god in charge of punishment, and slashed at Buyun heavily!


Before the attack fell, a tender hum came from Liu'er in Buyun's arms. The moment the sound came out, a long spear appeared in Liu'er's hand. As soon as the gun appeared, it turned into a great light. To meet the attack in front of it.


With a loud noise, Ma Tianxiang's attack was broken at once, and as his attack was broken, his figure was also knocked heavily behind him because of the impact of the huge force flew out.


A mouthful of uncontrollable blood spewed out from Ma Tianxiang's mouth. Following the spout of blood, his complexion suddenly became very ugly. His pair of star pupils were filled with chill and bloodshot at the moment, and the murderous intent in his eyes was almost substantive. .

"This, how is this possible, this is not true! Vulnerable, how could I be so vulnerable!!"

Ma Tianxiang's heart will be filled with turbulent waves, he can't believe it is true, he has always believed that his aptitude is extremely against the sky, even if he meets the heir of a super family, he can win the battle, but he doesn't want to, The beautiful girl in front of him, who in his eyes should have no combat power, defeated him so easily, and she still won such a big victory, knocking him out with just one blow.You know, when he made this move, he had the mentality of killing the little boy in front of him with one move, so this move was his all-out blow.

It was really uncomfortable for him to strike with all his strength, but to be broken open so easily!

"How dare you attack my master, I will kill you without a whole body!"

After Liu'er knocked Ma Tianxiang back with one blow, killing intent suddenly appeared in her beautiful eyes. With the killing intent emerging, her figure suddenly broke away from Buyun's arms, and then she was in a daze. Like a goddess who enforces the law in the Nine Heavens, she followed Ma Tianxiang who was flying out like a shadow.

"God forbid!"

While Liu Er was waving the spear in her hand, a shocking ultimate move was revealed from her hands. Under such display of martial arts, the world was filled with endless aura of judgment. It was the judgment against Ma Tianxiang, as if at this moment, The heavens and the earth could no longer tolerate Ma Tianxiang, and with the spread of this aura, before the attack landed on Ma Tianxiang, Ma Tianxiang was horrified to find that he could not absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth in the surrounding void. Not only was he unable to absorb it, but he also suddenly lost all contact with the heaven and earth, and the profound energy in his body suddenly froze out of his control.


Such a situation completely frightened Ma Tianxiang into a fool. You must know that he is a Taitian-level warrior, and he is not an ordinary Taitian-level warrior, but a Taitian third-rank warrior. The beautiful girl even lost her strength all of a sudden, how could this not make him feel scared, how could it not make him feel afraid.

"Do not kill me……"

Frightened, Ma Tianxiang's martial arts will was destroyed all of a sudden, and with the destruction of martial arts will, under the endless fear of death, he couldn't help but let out a mournful cry.

However, although his voice was full of fear, Liu'er did not stop her attack because of this. She wanted to fight a long time ago, and now that she wanted to kill her master so much, how could she let her attack immediately? Forgive me, so her attack fell on Ma Tianxiang unreservedly.


As soon as there was a loud noise, the spear in Liu'er's hand fell on Ma Tianxiang's body at once. As soon as the attack landed on Ma Tianxiang's body, Ma Tianxiang's body was like a balloon full of air, and it swelled wildly , and then "Boom!" exploded, turning into a rain of blood.

It was exactly the same as what Liu Er said, there was no whole body, not even a single limb left!


After Liu'er killed Ma Tianxiang, her body immediately turned into a streamer and flew back into Buyun's arms. Once again, the little bird leaned against Buyun's arms. If it wasn't for the people around, they would all know Knowing that what they saw was not an illusion, they couldn't believe it was real!

"Blood, rich blood!"

And when the warriors were shocked, the first phoenix, who was carrying Jingyue Farewell, suddenly turned into a streamer and floated in the void where Ma Tianxiang turned into a rain of blood, and then severely absorbed the blood energy generated after Ma Tianxiang's fall .

"It's so cheap for you!"

Buyun was a little envious of the sound transmission of the first phoenix. In fact, he wanted to absorb it after Ma Tianxiang's death, but he thought it was not easy for him to absorb it because of the many warriors around him, so he could only helplessly. Watching the first phoenix eating alone.

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