Nine Yin Evil Monarch

Chapter 1058 Bloody Trial

"Roar!" The screams of pain came out continuously from the mouth of the seven-color nine-headed dragon. Buyun's movement skills are too weird, making it very difficult for the seven-color nine-headed dragon to attack Buyun, making it very aggrieved .

And under this kind of aggrieved, the martial arts in Buyun's hands showed no mercy, even if he was surrounded by two seven-colored nine-headed dragons, his face still had a strong confidence, but in just a short moment, one of them The Seven-Color Nine-Headed Flood Dragon was hit hard.

"Liu'er put another seven-colored nine-headed dragon over here, no, two over..."

After Buyun seriously injured one of the seven-color nine-headed dragons, he immediately said to Liu'er again.


This time, Liu'er didn't act immediately, and there was a clear hesitation on her face. Although she believed in her master, four dragons with seven colors and nine heads attacked Buyun at the same time. For Buyun, the pressure was also great. Very big, if you don't pay attention, you may seriously injure these seven-color nine-headed dragons.

"Be obedient, let it go!" Buyun's unquestionable voice came out again.

Although he has now accepted that Niuniu is about to leave him, but accepting it does not mean that he is not angry or aggrieved. In this state, he urgently needs to vent. Sooner or later Qu will be impressed by his martial arts.

"All right!"

Liu'er responded, and then put the two ends over again!

When the two seven-colored nine-headed dragons attacked Buyun, Buyun's pressure suddenly increased significantly. Although his movement was still fast, the seven-colored nine-headed dragons were not jealous after all. There are many colors on the body.However, although he was injured, every time he was attacked, he relied on his extremely fast body skills to avoid fatal injuries, so the injuries were not very serious.


Of course, in Buyun's eyes, this kind of injury is not very serious, but for Niuniu who is on the sidelines, Buyun's situation makes her very uncomfortable, and she blames herself very much. She really wants to help her master. Several times in a row, she almost couldn't hold back her shots.

Under such circumstances, even though she saw Liu'er killing many nine-headed dragons and dropping a lot of demon cores, she didn't devour the demon cores as excitedly as usual.




Under Buyun's madness, his martial arts will obviously increased significantly, and the closer the breath of death was, the more his martial arts will would change.

Today's Buyun, because of the inheritance of the Nalan family, has a lot of martial arts in his hands, and each one is almost unfathomable.If he practiced at a normal speed, even if Buyun practiced for 10 years, he might not be able to fully integrate these martial arts, but because he has martial arts books, he has already mastered these martial arts initially.But now, with the life-and-death battle, under the threat of death, these martial arts that were only initially mastered suddenly merged one after another, making it easier for Bu Yun to perform, and his power became more and more amazing.

"His aptitude is really good!"

Tian Xiaoling looked at Buyun with some emotion, although Buyun was a stinky man in her eyes, but after getting rid of it, she had to admit that this person has a strong understanding of martial arts, don't look at her Tian Xiaoling At a young age, her strength has reached the Taiyue level, and she has a lot of martial arts in her hands, but she can achieve such achievements without the cultivation of her master and the assistance of heaven-defying treasures.

As for Buyun in front of her, from her eyesight, there is no treasure at all. Although the good luck jade plate in the heart is not bad, but such items that contain the power of good fortune are not good for the hidden family. what an amazing thing.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The sound of explosions came out one after another. Every attack of Buyun's Heavenly Demon Spear must contain the power to shake the galaxy. This kind of power falls on the seven-colored nine-headed dragons, which can often cause them unbearable pain. The body was repeatedly injured, and as the body was injured, the threat they brought to Buyun became more severe.

This is a vicious circle, a vicious circle in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is a virtuous circle in Buyun's eyes at the moment. The stronger the death breath brought to him by the seven-colored nine-headed dragons, the more excited he will be, and the blood in his body will be Now that it is completely boiling, the martial arts in his mind is obviously overflowing with white light at this moment, but only Buyun, the master of this white light, knows this kind of white light. Ordinary warriors can't find this kind of situation at all.

Wu word evolution!

A large number of martial arts are automatically displayed in the martial arts, and the profound meaning of martial arts is perfectly interpreted, so that Buyun can't help being in a strange state.


Another month and a half passed in a blink of an eye!

When one and a half months passed, Buyun, Liu Er and others were no longer in the domain occupied by the nine-headed dragon. Now they have come to a huge mausoleum. This mausoleum has a total of eighteen floors. A large number of beasts, undead creatures, and some very ferocious alternative lives live on the first floor, and each floor is like a maze, with many forks, making it completely unclear which one is which. The way is right.

"Give me death!"

On the third floor of the Hellish Mausoleum, Buyun is holding the Heavenly Demon Spear and stepping on a Heavenly Dragon composed of aura combined with the vitality of the surrounding world. He plunges into a group of fierce beasts with bodies as white as snow and long hair. Among them, the fur of these ferocious beasts is very long, completely covering their eyes, nose and ears.

Their names are Jade Blood Long Haired Beasts!

The reason for this name is that when they hunt and kill other creatures, they often like to use their own hair to pierce into the opponent's body, completely release the opponent's blood, and then know that their body is dyed bright red.

Each of these long-haired beasts has the strength of the ancient ninth rank!

"Rumble rumble..."

Following Buyun's roar, there was a burst of explosions, and then dozens of long-haired beasts with green blood were crushed into meat paste by huge force, and then shot out in all directions. The blue-blooded long-haired beasts affected were all severely injured the moment they were affected.

"Huh, your master's murderous aura is really getting stronger and stronger!"

Seeing Buyun's appearance, Tian Xiaoling couldn't help but feel moved and sent a voice transmission to Niuniu next to her. Since Buyun let Niuniu remove her defense power a month and a half ago, Buyun has not asked Niuniu to give her defense power to her. It has been superimposed, as for their tasks, they have been completed as early as a month ago, and they are still overfulfilled.

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