Nine Yin Evil Monarch

Chapter 1423 Goodbye Niuniu

When others were astonished that Buyun defeated the four mythical ancestors by himself, Buyun was now with his confidante friends. This time, he also had a lot of fear!

I almost couldn't see these confidante of my own!

However, although Buyun is afraid, among his confidante, except for Shu'er, the other confidante don't know his situation. The time in his dream is completely different from the outside, except for Shu'er who has the ability to Invading his dream realm, the other women had no strength at all, so they didn't know that Buyun had faced an extremely dangerous situation.

Both of them are now proud of Buyun. This time, Buyun defeated the four mythical ancestors by himself. No matter how you look at it, they are very awesome!While being proud, they are all happy, because, in this way, no one will dare to trouble Buyun in the cosmic plane of the Taiyi Martial World, that is to say, next, they really Be able to live well with Buyun for a period of time.

After staying with Jingyue and others for a few days, Buyun then went to retrieve Lan Luoyuer and Qin Ziyi.

The strength has reached the level of opening up the world, and the real combat power can completely suppress the ancestor of the myth level. With his strength, it is too easy to calculate the position of Lan Luoyu'er and Qin Ziyi.

When he found Lan Luoyu'er, Lan Luoyu'er was still at the top of the ancient times. She had never left the top of the ancient times since she left the last time. The whole body went deep into the core, and at the core, a small world was opened up by the super power, and Lan Luoyu'er retreated and enlightened in it!

When I saw her, her strength had already been raised to Guizhen level!

This kind of improvement speed is not unpleasant!

As for Qin Ziyi, when Buyun found Qin Ziyi, like Lan Luoyuer, she was also in a relic. The relic she was in was the relic inherited from the ancient Suzaku, and she was bathed in a sea of ​​flames. , The strength has also been upgraded to Guizhen level.

It has to be said that except for Bu Xiaoyue, his confidante friends are all super geniuses, and they are in a very good situation with each other.

Although it's been a long time since they separated, it's been more than 1 million years, but it's only 1 million years to be able to cultivate to Guizhen level, which is really very, very good in the martial arts world.

When Qin Ziyi and Lan Luoyu'er were found, of course Buyun could not help getting along with them!

In this way, 3000 years will pass in the blink of an eye!

When 3000 years passed, Buyun, who was playing with Shu'er and others at the beach that day, suddenly his eyes lit up, and then his figure disappeared into the sea water. When he reappeared, he had already come to Taiyi Wujie A paradise in the small circle.


The place where Buyun appeared at this time was Tian Xiaoling's family. The reason why he appeared here at this moment was because he felt that Niuniu's practice was over.

"Damn, damn, damn, 1 million years, 1 million years have passed, woo woo woo, I haven't seen my master for 1 million years!"

As soon as he came to Dongtian blessed land, Buyun suddenly heard a series of dissatisfied growls, which Buyun was very familiar with.


The one who roared was Niu Niu.

According to Buyun's perception of divine sense, Niu Niu is sitting on a lawn in a very disorderly way, surrounded by a lot of treasures of heaven and earth, and she is holding a Kaitian Bamboo in her hand and gnawing on it. After taking two bites, he threw the thing away in dissatisfaction, and then picked up another treasure of heaven, material and earth from the side that also had the aura of opening up the sky and gnawed on it.

And when she was gnawing, there were two beauties standing in front of her!

No, to be precise, Ying should be a little beauty and a young woman!

The little beauty, needless to say, is of course Tian Xiaoling. As for the young woman, she is the beautiful imperial sister whom Tian Xiaoling called Master Sister when she took Niuniu away.

"Well, let me say Niu Niu, that's not how food is eaten. Although all these things are given to you, it's a waste if you eat a little and throw them away!" Sister Mei Yu said to Niu Niu with a gentle face.

"Hmph, I'm going to waste. If I want to waste, who told you that I haven't seen my master for more than 1 million years. For more than 1 million years, I don't know how the master is doing now! It's you, it's all your fault!!" Niuniu snorted softly, then threw away the treasure of heaven, material and earth in her hand, and then picked up another treasure of heaven, material and earth to chew on.

"Niu Niu, why are we harming you? Look, your current strength is completely incomparable to what it was back then. At the level of Kaitian Pidi, your strength has now reached the level of Kaitian Pidi! Such an advanced speed , that is very, very enviable!" Tian Xiaoling suddenly said to Niuniu with a smile.

"Tch, even if I don't follow you, I will definitely be able to rise to this level with the master. Don't think that I have been fooled by you all the time, so I don't know the specific situation. My master is amazing now!" Niu Niu She cast a glance at Tian Xiaoling, then continued to chew.

"Uh, then you said just now that you didn't know what happened to your master?" Tian Xiaoling was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Niuniu resentfully.

"Well, did I say that?" Niu Niu fluttered her beautiful eyes, looking at Tian Xiaoling innocently and innocently, without any embarrassment at all because of her leaking words.How could she not know the situation of her master, she now has the strength to create the world.What kind of breed is she? She is a Chaos Star Beast with many abilities.Not only did she know the situation of her master, but at the same time, she also knew that her master would still be around.

However, she didn't want to expose such a thing, if she did, she would not be able to swallow these natural and earthly treasures extravagantly.Although she has reached her level, these treasures of heaven and earth have no effect on her, and they are not as attractive to her as before. They can only be regarded as desserts at best.Occasionally, it’s okay to relieve some cravings, but if you eat all the time, you will get tired.But, even if she is tired, it is a little bit more wasteful, who let Tian Xiaoling fool her into their house back then.Let her be separated from her master for more than 1 million years. Since they have been separated from their master for so long, of course they have to pay a good price. Even if they have improved their strength over the years, they are still Still can't make them feel better.

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