Nine Yin Evil Monarch

Chapter 1457 Broken Jade Card

I have to say that Shangdong really has a deep understanding of the market. Since Buyun agreed to go shopping with him, in the next three hours or so, Shangdong took Buyun everywhere in the market. Wandering around the city, explaining everything about the market to Buyun, and would greet some stall owners from time to time, Buyun did a little calculation, and found that 80.00% of the stall owners in this market knew Shangdong .

The people who greeted him, not only low-level practitioners, but also those whose strength was higher than Shang Dong's, would also greet him, showing Shang Dong's good relationship, and Yi Buyun's defense against him immediately Lowered a lot.

So many people greet Shangdong friendly, if Shangdong is a person with ulterior motives, then his disguise is definitely too perfect, although there are not no such people, but under such circumstances, Buyun also I don't think that Shangdong is a fake.

After all, no matter what he said, he was still an ordinary cultivator. It was impossible for a cultivator to unite with 80.00% of the stall owners in a market to deal with him.Buyun doesn't think that he is worth that much.

"Master, hurry up, quickly buy the jade token from the stall next to it!!" [

When Buyun and Shang Dong kept wandering around, Niuniu, who was suddenly on Buyun's shoulder, suddenly spoke to Buyun Xinyu, with an indescribably excited tone.


Hearing Niuniu's words, Buyun immediately turned his attention to a stall next to him, and saw that the person who set up the stall here was a one-armed old man. He gave people a very cold feeling, not only missing an arm, Even his left eye was missing, and he sat cross-legged on the ground. In front of him was a messy-looking booth. There were a lot of items on the booth, and these items looked very strange. Old, some things, even very dilapidated.

After just looking at it for a while, Buyun's eyes fell on the jade tablet that Niuniu said. It was a black jade tablet with many scratches on it, and it didn't emit any precious light. It's very ordinary and dilapidated, and people can't help but frown when they see it for the first time, because besides the scratches, this jade tablet is actually missing a corner, as if it was forcibly broken by someone. Broken in general.

However, although the appearance of the jade plaque is very bad, since Niuniu let him buy such a thing, Buyun immediately became interested in such a jade plaque.

As he became interested, Buyun immediately walked to the front of the booth, then squatted down, and looked at the things on the booth. While he was watching, the stall owner opened his closed eye, and then indifferently Glancing at Buyun, when he looked at Buyun, Buyun clearly sensed a powerful peeping force coming towards his body, and at the same time, his back couldn't help feeling icy cold , as if locked by some peerless fierce god.

"What a strong evil spirit! The one-armed old man in front of me is not simple!"

Buyun's heart trembled secretly, and after watching the booth for a while, he held the jade token in his hand without any trace, and then looked at the one-armed old man, "How do you sell this jade token?"

"Uh, Junior Brother Bu, do you want to buy this jade token? You should not buy this one. It looks like a broken item at first glance, and it is not a good thing at all. It will be very uneconomical for you to buy this. The things from Senior Brother Zhu, But they are all very, very expensive..." Before the one-armed old man could answer Buyun, Shang Dong also squatted down beside Buyun, then took a closer look at the jade card in Buyun's hand, and then turned to Buyun. Yun persuaded.

"Three thousand low-grade immortal stones!"

Following Shang Dong's words, the one-armed old man didn't look at Shang Dong much, so he said coldly to Buyun. His voice was so cold that it fell into people's ears, as if the extremely cold Ice and snow make people's hearts tremble and chill.

"Three thousand low-grade immortal stones? Hey, Senior Brother Zhu, isn't your price too expensive? Although Junior Brother Bu is also an inner disciple of our Misty Sect, he has just joined after all. Such a price is not good for him." It's a huge sum of money, which is already [-]% of the benefits he can receive!"

As soon as the one-armed old man's words fell, Shang Dong began to fight for Buyun. He looked at the one-armed old man with a look of black heart. Not the slightest bit of fear.

"Sell if you like to buy, if you don't buy - get lost!"

The one-armed old man gave Shang Dong a cold look, and then closed his glasses, as if he didn't want to talk to Shang Dong any more.

"Brother Bu, let's go. You must never buy things from Brother Zhu. Don't look at these things as if they have gone through some kind of war to become like this. They seem to be items worth gambling. In fact, Many of these things are just fabricated, it’s not that no one picked things from Senior Brother Zhu before, but basically the people who picked things here all lost their eyes in the end, so, don’t be impulsive!” Shang Dong heard the one-armed old man's words, and immediately took Buyun's hand with his hand, preparing to forcibly pull Buyun away from the booth.

", wait first!" Buyun said seriously to Shang Dong, and then looked at the one-armed old man, "Senior brother, can the price be lowered?"

"Hey, are you really going to buy it?" A surprised voice came from the mouth of the one-armed old man, and then saw that he opened his eyes and looked at Buyun with a smile. As if he was alone, Buyun felt a slight sense of disobedience.

"Well, if the price is fair, I can buy it!" Buyun nodded, with a look of a gambler on his face, and at the same time, there was some pain in the flesh. [

"Hehe, since Shang Dong said that you are an inner disciple who just joined the Misty Sect, then this matter must not be false. Although three thousand low-grade immortal stones are nothing to me and other inner disciples, but for inner disciples like me Junior brother, an inner disciple who just joined the sect, is indeed a huge sum of money. Well, since junior brother just joined the sect, senior brother, I will give you a hematemesis sale price, three hundred low-grade immortal stones Well, give me three hundred low-grade immortal stones, and this jade tablet belongs to you, junior brother. Junior brother, don’t look at this jade tablet as if it is broken, but in fact it was brought out by me from the ancient ruins. My hand and eyes are both It was destroyed because of it..." the one-armed old man said to Buyun with a smile, and shook his broken arm while speaking.

"Senior Brother Zhu seems to be saying this to newcomers for the first time. In addition, if Senior Brother wants to restore his arm, it's not that difficult. Just take some elixir for limb regeneration!" Shang Dong said nothing. Said angrily on the side.

"Get out, I didn't talk to you, why did you interrupt!" the one-armed old man raised his eyes and gave Shang Dong a look.

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