Nine Yin Evil Monarch

Chapter 1467 Chase

"Although this guy doesn't have any very precious good things, but the harvest is pretty good!" Buyun took Niu Niu for a distance, and when he found that Wang Yuantian and others did not catch up, he began to check the spoils this time.Although the loot obtained from Lu Ping's storage bag was not as good as his previous Earth Immortal attack, it was still pretty good.At least for a foundation-building warrior like him, the spoils of war are definitely considerable.

No matter how you say it, Lu Ping is a martial artist at the level of ghosts and immortals!

The fairy stones left behind after his death alone are already a considerable amount. In this guy's storage bag, there are more than 6000 low-grade fairy stones, and besides these 3 low-grade fairy stones, There is also a low-grade fairy weapon, and various spiritual weapons, as well as a lot of natural treasures, and panacea.


In a blink of an eye, more than half a year later, Buyun was sitting cross-legged in a temporarily opened cave for cultivation. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and woke up from meditation. When he woke up, there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

Transformation period!

At this moment, his strength has improved a lot compared to when he just stepped out of the sect!

The elixirs left by Lu Ping really helped him a lot. If many of the elixirs in them were not indigestible by Buyun's level, his strength would definitely be even better than it is now. few.

After all, Lu Ping is a ghost, and ghosts are immortals. Compared with Buyun's foundation building before his strength has not improved, there is a huge gap. Any pill left over is enough for Buyun to easily advance.

Compared with Buyun's breakthrough, Niu Niu's strength promotion is not small. Although she has not yet reached the ghost fairy level, she already has the strength of the Mahayana stage, and she is only one step away from entering the immortal level.The reason why Niuniu can improve so quickly is because Niuniu is inherently talented, and secondly, of course, it is because most of the booty that Buyun got from Lu Ping was given to Niuniu to swallow, so Niuniu can improve so quickly .


Seeing that Buyun was awake, Niuniu excitedly called out to Buyun immediately.


Buyun nodded to Niuniu, then rubbed Niuniu's head with his hands, and then disappeared into the cave with Niuniu, and continued to explore the Great Desolate World.

After leaving the cave, with the improvement of their strength, Buyun and Niuniu's traveling speed was significantly faster. Relying on Niuniu's powerful treasure hunting ability along the way, they found a lot of spiritual herbs again. However, because of their strength Because of the promotion, Buyun and Niu Niu are no longer interested in the ordinary treasures of heaven, materials and earth. Most of the ordinary treasures of heaven, materials and earth will not be picked at all even if they are found.

On this day, the sun was high and the breeze was gentle. Buyun and Niu Niu were walking out of the outer mountain range of Misty Sect, and almost at the moment they walked out of the outer mountain range, suddenly, several streams of light flashed across the sky, looking around , I saw a few practitioners galloping, chasing and fleeing.


Seeing such a scene in the sky, Buyun's eyes shrank slightly. According to his perception, he found that the strength of these people flying in the sky obviously surpassed him.

"It's a ghost, master, these guys are all ghosts! The guy who escaped in front seems to be dying! Besides, master, that person has very good and delicious food in his hands!" Niuniu suddenly said to Buyun Open your mouth and say.

"Nice delicious food?" Buyun's eyes flashed brightly, something that can make Niu Niu replace it with delicious food must be a very good natural treasure, or some good weapon.

"Yes!" Niuniu nodded to Buyun.

"In that case, let's follow up and have a look!" Seeing Niuniu nodding, Buyun immediately beckoned Niuniu to follow in the direction of those people's attack.

Although neither he nor Niuniu's strength surpassed the level of ghosts and immortals, no matter how you say it, Buyun still had two Earth Immortal-level attacks in his body. It is not difficult for the son to kill them in seconds.In addition, Niuniu can't be measured by the strength of ordinary Mahayana practitioners.

No, following Buyun's greeting, Niuniu's body suddenly turned into a bright light, and she chased after Buyun. Her flying speed, at this moment, was no worse than that of ordinary ghosts. Instead, during the flight, The auras of her and Buyun were completely covered up. Ordinary cultivators at the level of ghosts and immortals would never be able to perceive their auras.

This chase lasted for more than three hours, and finally, in a valley, Niuniu caught up with the group of people.

I saw that in the middle of the valley, five youth-like ghosts were surrounding a little white-faced ghost. This little white-faced ghost had wounds all over his body, his clothes were torn, his hair was messy, and he looked very the embarrassment.

"Jiang Ming, hurry up and hand over the things you got from the ruins, otherwise, don't blame the brothers for being ruthless today!" A young man in brocade clothes with a sneer on his face said to the boy with a fair face. Said.

"Ah bah, brother? Brother, sister, brother, Wang Zhiyong, even if I, Jiang Ming, were blind, I would have been fooled by a villain like you. I knew you were such a villain. Back then, you were beaten by others. When you are angry, even if I save a dog, I will not save such a despicable person like you!" Jiang Min, a boy with a white face, heard Wang Zhiyong's words, and he gave a hard pooh, and when he poohed, the corners of his mouth were clear. Random test, the reason for the random test is because as he speaks loudly, it affects his physical injuries, and he can't help gasping.His current injuries are very serious, and he is almost hanging in one breath.

"Jiang Ming, you are dying, and you dare to say that about our Senior Brother Wang. Believe it or not, I will strip your spirit and light a sky lantern later! Seriously, I stayed in the peripheral organization of the Buddha back then. After a period of time, although I was finally eliminated due to unqualified reasons, I learned a lot of torture methods in Futu. If I use these torture methods on you, it will definitely make you want to I want to die!" Before Wang Zhiyong could speak again, a young man in a red robe beside Wang Zhiyong said to Jiang Ming coldly.

"Mao Fang, you dare, if you dare to do this, my family will never forgive you!" Jiang Ming yelled at Mao Fang with his pupils searching.The Buddha Organization is a very powerful killer organization in the Great Tang Empire. This organization is very terrifying. In the Great Tang, many sect disciples like to join this kind of organization for training.

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