Nine Yin Evil Monarch

Chapter 1539 Are you an idiot?

"We meet again!"

With a melodious voice, the woman in the red skirt brought Xiao Cai and other people around to a place less than 100 meters away from Buyun. Buyun greeted each other.

Hearing what the woman in the red dress said, Buyun just frowned and looked at the woman in the red dress, and then focused on refining the longbow again, as if not paying attention to the woman in the red dress and others.

"Is this an innate treasure that contains the Dao? No wonder you arrange formations to cover up your breath. Such a thing is really good. Fellow Daoist, can you give me such a thing?" The woman in the red dress saw Buyun She didn't speak, and she didn't get angry, but said to Buyun again with a smile on her face.When she said this, a very peculiar charm exuded from her body. This charm made people's heart skip a beat, and they couldn't help but want to do what she said.


A cold drink sounded from Buyun's mouth, and at the same time as the cold drink, his body skills were running, instantly wiping out the influence of the woman in the red dress.

"Don't be so unkind, don't fellow daoists want to make friends with me? I seldom take the initiative to talk to anyone..." The woman in the red dress said to Buyun with her beautiful eyes shining. When she said this, She didn't see what she ordered, and other people around her, except for Xiaocai, rushed towards Buyun one after another. When they rushed up, these people took out their weapons one after another, and then attacked Buyun.

Their attacks are very terrifying, just one attack, there is a shocking wave, time and space vibrating one after another, at the same time, the billowing road evolves.

It turned into eight avenues and rivers, and the laws in the rivers galloped and oscillated, forming a strangulation formation.

Buyun's pupils shrank, and the innate treasure single-knife floating beside him suddenly broke away from the suppressing longbow, and then slammed into the attacking attack fiercely. , into Yin Yang Tai Chi.


The Dao River collided with the Yin Yang Tai Chi, and the Yin Yang Tai Chi oscillated violently and almost collapsed.

The reason for this is that the eight people in front of them who urged Dao Dao to attack Buyun are not only Da Luo Jinxian, but also have world venerable powerhouses among them, and three of them hold innate treasures in their hands!

The Yin-Yang Tai Chi created by Buyun did not collapse in the first place, in fact, it would have been commendable. If it wasn’t for this Yin-Yang Tai Chi, it would have been composed of a very high-ranked Dao like the Reincarnation Dao and a very special Dao like the Devouring Dao , Yin Yang Tai Chi let alone blocking the attack, I am afraid that it will collapse immediately as soon as it comes into contact with the attack.

"Reincarnation and Devouring Dao!"

"It's getting more and more interesting..."

"Turning the Dao of Reincarnation and the Dao of Devouring into Yin-Yang, forming a large array of Yin-Yang, is a very good method!!"

The woman in the red skirt looked at the scene in front of her with a smile, without any intention of making a move.


The sound of violent shouting came from the mouths of the eight Da Luo Jinxians, and with the sound, the avenues and rivers controlled by the eight Da Luo Jinxians once again bombarded towards Buyun mighty and mighty, and kept hitting Yin Yang Tai Chi. Under such impact, Yin Yang Tai Chi trembled unceasingly, showing signs of collapse at any moment.

"Crack, click, click..."

The sound of shattering glass suddenly sounded, and I saw that Yin Yang Tai Chi finally couldn't hold on under the impact of the Da Dao River, and suddenly collapsed.

The energy surged, the space oscillated, and after the Daohe River shattered the Yin-Yang Taiji, it enveloped Buyun's body in a mighty way, and completely enveloped Buyun's body in one fell swoop.

For a moment, Buyun's figure disappeared completely, as if it had been swallowed by the Dao River.


Suddenly, loud shouts sounded from the Dao River, and following the sound, a light arrow shot out from the Dao River, splitting the Dao River abruptly, and then Buyun's figure was seen Appeared from the avenue and river.

When he appeared, Buyun was holding a longbow in his hand, and both the Innate Supreme Treasure Battle Ax and the Innate Supreme Treasure Single Sword were floating beside him, each shining with brilliance and echoing each other, which looked really shocking.

"The refinement is completed so quickly, your treasure refining technique must be very good!"

Seeing Buyun walking out of the avenue and river, the woman in the red skirt suddenly had a flowery smile on her face, and her beautiful eyes stared at Buyun with splendor.

"What do you mean?"

Buyun frowned and stared at the woman in the red skirt. Although he had already refined the longbow, he didn't immediately attack the people in front of him.Because although the eight people around just now shot, it seemed that they didn't hold back, but Buyun clearly felt that these people didn't really make a shot with all their strength. In addition, the woman in the red skirt in front of him clearly had the ability to make a shot to hinder him, but she didn't It is very wrong to obstruct the shot.It made him wonder for a while what the woman in the red dress in front of him wanted to do.

"Didn't I say that, I am very interested in the longbow in your hand, can you give it to me? If you give it to me, I will be very grateful to you!" The woman in the red dress flashed her beauty Eyes, smiled at Buyun.

"Do you think I'll send it?"


"Are you an idiot?" Buyun cast a glance at the woman in the red skirt.


"shut up!"

"Boy, do you want to die? How dare you say that about our princess!"

"Damn it!!"


Accompanied by Buyun's words, the eight Da Luo Jinxians who attacked Buyun just now suddenly opened their mouths and began to yell at Buyun, and when they were yelling at Buyun, they attacked Buyun again, and the avenues and rivers were once again overwhelming. Buyun's bombardment, this time's bombardment power is obviously stronger than before. When the road and rivers were bombarded, the thunder evolved, the sea of ​​fire roared, the earth shook, and the sun and the moon emerged at the same time.


Buyun snorted coldly, and suddenly pulled the bowstring of the longbow with his right hand. As he pulled, a light arrow condensed from the bowstring, and then with a roaring sound, it hit and killed the avenue and river. , the Avenue of Reincarnation and the Avenue of Devouring emerged, and at the same time, the Avenue of Judgment originally contained in the longbow also emerged.


The light arrows made by Da Daohe and Buyun collided together.For a moment, a storm emerged, the sun and the moon were dark, and the surging energy tore apart the surrounding space.

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