Nine Yin Evil Monarch

Chapter 1552 Surrender

After reading all the exercises, Buyun began to comprehend two kinds of exercises carefully. Under his comprehension, time passed again.

For such a passage of time, Buyun doesn't care too much now!

This time, when he entered the Pantian Mansion, he immediately obtained the holy artifact of chaos, and even by chance, he snatched the great lotus of good fortune, comprehended the avenue of good fortune, and thus allowed himself to step into the quasi-sage with one foot. Can become quasi-sage.

Such an encounter is already a very, very good situation for Buyun.

So, now he is quite satisfied with this treasure hunt!

Even if he couldn't get the inheritance of Pantian Mansion, he wouldn't feel any disappointment.

Because of this reason, he was able to comprehend the cultivation method indifferently, instead of immediately going out with Niu Niu to find the hidden treasure.

In a blink of an eye, it took more than 1000 years for Buyun's enlightenment!

When he woke up again, his martial arts level had completely advanced to the pinnacle of Da Luo Jinxian's peak.


Buyun heaved a sigh of relief. Although he possessed the Xuanyuan Battle Jue, he still benefited a lot from comprehending the exercises of the All-heaven Sect and the Yuxu Palace this time!

These two kinds of exercises are both extensive and profound, no matter which one is revealed, it will inevitably cause a bloodbath in the cultivation world!

Speaking of which, these two kinds of exercises are actually not something that others can practice at will!

Both Yuxu Palace and Zhutianmen are giants in the cultivation world!

Their exercises do not allow others to easily learn and comprehend them!

Once the senior officials of Yuxu Palace and Zhutianmen find out that someone has comprehended the top cheats of their own sect, or stole the top cheats of their own sect, they will definitely attack and kill the stealer.

Although Buyun has never experienced such a thing, he still understands it when he reads the two cheat books!

However, although I understand!

But he still made up his mind to watch it.

If he didn't dare to read such cheats or refer to such exercises to improve his own strength just because of fear, then his enterprising spirit would definitely be damaged, which would be very detrimental to his practice.

Of course, after reading the cheats, it is bound to form a cause and effect with such a sect!

If he doesn't do a good job in the future, it will have a great impact on him.

What's more, once he leaves the Pantian mansion, there might be some powerful people coming to him, and then they will be against him.

Of course, such a thing is still a bit far away for Buyun!

Although there is such a possibility, it is not something he is considering for the time being. His priority at the moment is to rapidly improve his own strength.If you can greatly improve your own strength and completely advance to the rank of quasi-sage, then even if the most powerful person comes, it's not that you don't have no confidence at all.

Quasi-holy, quasi-holy!

Although, such a level is not yet a holy level!

But it is also very, very close to the holy level. In the prehistoric world, some quasi-sages who defy the sky are not unable to fight against the holy level powerhouses.Although quasi-sages basically can't beat holy-levels, it is very difficult for holy-levels to kill some monstrous quasi-sages.

"Niuniu, do you feel bored?"

After Buyun woke up from enlightenment, he rubbed Niuniu's head with his hands and said softly to Niuniu.

"not boring!"

Niuniu smiled sweetly at Buyun, and arched her head in Buyun's arms very tenderly.

"Ha ha!"

Buyun rubbed Niuniu's head again. For a snack like Niuniu, waiting for him for more than 1000 years at once, how could such a thing not be boring?

"Let's go, I'll take you to eat delicious food right away! Next, Niuniu, we are going to kill, are you ready?" Buyun changed the subject and said to Niuniu with a serious face.

"Well, get ready!"

Niu Niu said excitedly, she is very, very looking forward to the next thing.


Following Niuniu's words, Buyun and Niuniu's figures disappeared in place.

On the journey again!

This time, Buyun's strength has improved exponentially compared to when he just came in.

When they first came in, Leng Mo and Emperor Yuwen were absolutely invincible to Buyun, but now, if they meet, Buyun has the confidence to fight each other.

Before he knew it, Buyun had caught up with those geniuses!

Of course, although Buyun's strength has been greatly improved, it is impossible for other geniuses not to improve.Therefore, although Buyun is full of confidence, he will not be blindly arrogant, and still maintains a high level of vigilance against those geniuses in his heart.

I don't know if Buyun and Niuniu's improvement in strength has improved their luck, or what is the matter!

When they came out of the retreat, in just three hours, they found eight innate treasures! !

Eight innate treasures!

Before today, Buyun could not have imagined this at all!

Although he possessed nine innate treasures before he got the holy artifact of chaos, it took him a lot of time to find those nine innate treasures. How could he find eight innate treasures like this time? This innate treasure gives people a super effortless feeling, as if such a thing has become a rotten street cabbage.

For these innate treasures that were found, except for some innate treasures that were struggling when Buyun was refining them, Buyun fed Niu Niu, and the innate treasures that did not struggle were all collected by him.It's not that he doesn't want to give this kind of food to Niu Niu, but since Niu Niu devoured the Chaos Hallows, her appetite has also been heightened.The innate treasure is no longer so fragrant to her.

In addition to this kind of thing, although it is not very useful to Buyun now, it is still a good thing after all. If it is given to his confidante in the future, it will be good, so Niuniu did not give in to Buyun. Give her all these things to eat.

More than an hour later!

Just when Buyun and Niuniu found an innate treasure again, an accident happened.

When Buyun and Niu Niu were collecting the innate treasure, a person exuding endless royal aura suddenly came into their sight. When they saw this person, this person also looked at them. When this person looked at them, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then he stretched his figure and approached them completely.

"Hand over the Chaos Holy Artifact you got from your body!"

As soon as this person approached Buyun, he spoke to Buyun unquestionably, as if an ancient emperor was speaking to his courtiers, revealing the true meaning that the king wants his ministers to die, and the ministers have to die.

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