Nine Yin Evil Monarch

Chapter 717 Get the whereabouts

"The strength has finally been raised to the level of the late Dao level. If you try your best to calculate now, you should be able to calculate Yu'er's message more clearly. Yu'er, wait for me!" Feeling the majestic pain in his body Power, Buyun's eyes flashed coldly, and then he took a slight look at Tian Bin who was standing there not far away, his figure disappeared from Tian Bin's eyes in a flash, as if he had never appeared before.

"Dead! Hahaha...dead! The red devil is dead!! Bro, have you seen it? Have you seen it? The red devil is dead, the red devil is dead!" When Buyun completely disappeared from Tian Bin's eyes, Tian Bin Bin suddenly laughed wildly, and when he laughed, tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes continuously.


After Buyun left the mountain, he flew for a while, and his figure suddenly disappeared into the void, and then entered his own Xumi space, and came to a valley in the Xumi space. In the valley of the formation, there are two beautiful women cross-legged in the center of the valley. These two women are indeed Concubine Chu and Xue Nu.

"Little guy!" As soon as Buyun came to this valley, the Xuenv, who was practicing cross-legged, suddenly opened her eyes, and looked at Buyun with a gentle face, and followed this look, only to see her He stood up suddenly, appeared next to Buyun with a 'shua', and hugged Buyun in his arms.When she held Buyun in her arms, there was a clear look of pity in her eyes.

"How about it, have you practiced 'Using the Sky to Calculate Arithmetic'?" Buyun smiled softly at Xue Nu.

"Well, it's finally a small success!" Xue Nu nodded.

"Really?!" Buyun's eyes lit up when he heard Xue Nu's words.

"Then you can help me figure out Yu'er's situation now. With the combined strength of the two of us, we will be able to figure out Yu'er's whereabouts this time." Buyun said happily.

"Yeah!" Xue Nu nodded.

"Master, and me, I've also practiced the 'Borrowing the Sky' to a small degree!" Concubine Chu Tian also opened her eyes suddenly, and then walked towards Buyun.

"Okay! Then the three of us will calculate together!" Buyun's eyes lit up when he heard Concubine Chu Tian's words.

"Give me all your strength now!" Buyun said while pulling the hands of Concubine Xue and Concubine Chu Tian with his hands. As he pulled the hands of Concubine Chu Tian and Concubine Xue, a strange force suddenly Centered on him, it spread out in all directions.

"Heaven and man are one!" The moment Concubine Chu and Xuenv saw Buyun's strange power emanating from it, they activated the technique of 'Borrowing the Sky to Push Arithmetic' at the same time, sending their own power towards Buyun. blended in.

The picture flickered, and as Buyun unfolded the "Borrowing the Sky to Push Arithmetic", rolling images formed in his mind immediately, and Yu'er's body wrapped in the hockey puck appeared in his mind again, And as Yu'er's figure emerged, the situation around Yu'er also began to slowly emerge towards Buyun.But just when Buyun was about to take a deep look at the surrounding situation, a feeling of being shielded from the secret came to his heart again, and the picture that appeared in his mind became blurred immediately.

"Sacrifice my million years of life, break the secret for me, and the secret will appear!" Seeing that the picture was blurred again as before, Buyun's eyes suddenly flashed fiercely. It was suddenly burned by Buyun, and as the life span of 100 million years burned, the picture that emerged in his mind suddenly became clear again.Even when the picture was clear, mysterious messages flooded into Buyun's heart, all about Yu'er's location and situation.

"Who, who is spying?! Shielded by heavenly secrets, kill in the void!" Just as Buyun perceived Yu'er's message more and more clearly, a cold voice suddenly flooded into his mind. With the sound of a voice, the images that appeared in his mind suddenly collapsed inch by inch.Even with the collapse of the image, a monstrous murderous intent suddenly traveled through time and space, bombarding Buyun.This murderous intent is very strong, it is far from being able to withstand the existence of ordinary Dao-level warriors. The moment ordinary Dao-level warriors are locked by this murderous intent, their minds will collapse, and then they will fall under this murderous intent. .

"Swallow the sky and devour the earth! Swallow it for me!" Feeling the murderous intent locked on him, the cold light in Buyun's eyes suddenly flashed, and as the cold light flickered, he immediately used the 'swallowing the sky and devouring the earth' skill, and then saw A huge gluttonous remnant image appeared in the void, swallowing the murderous intent bombarding towards Buyun in one gulp.

"Boom!" As soon as Taotie swallowed this killing intent, the body of the afterimage of Taotie suddenly swelled uncontrollably, and the whole body exuded a very dangerous aura in an instant. It looked like it was about to explode.After maintaining this situation for three full breaths, the afterimage of Taotie returned to its initial appearance, and then dissipated into the void.


"Damn it! He didn't die, that person didn't die! Who is spying, who is spying on me!! My refining has now reached the most critical moment. During this period, there must be no problems, and I will never Allow it to go wrong!" In the huge canyon, the old woman in Tsing Yi looked at the void with a livid face at the moment, although she scattered the peeping of the unknown warrior, she still felt troubled.


"Although the secret was blocked again by that person, I have already gained something from the calculation this time! Tianji Cliff! Yu'er is now at Tianji Cliff!" When the old woman in Tsing Yi's face was ashen, Buyun's face However, there was a clear look of joy. Although according to his perception, there are strong men sitting on Tianji Cliff, but now that he knows what Yu'er is doing, he must have a chance to rescue Yu'er.

"If there is no mistake in perception, judging from the murderous intent emitted by that person just now, that person should be a star fighter who has mastered the strength of the three departments. Although the strength of the three departments is completely a giant to me now , but... But if there is a precise deployment, I am not without the ability to fight!" Buyun thought coldly, various messages about medicinal materials flashed in his mind at this moment, with his current strength It is impossible to curse the star fighters of the three series. If he wants to deal with such a person, he has only one way now and that is to poison him. As long as he can find a lot of medicinal materials, he will be able to prepare a powerful poison.

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