"Mud horse, if the tiger doesn't show its power, you really treat me like a sick cat, so die to me!" Seeing the skeletons in front of me under my attack, after a while, no skeletons fell. , Buyun Dunshu became a little impatient, and saw a cold light flash in his eyes, and then dozens of clones suddenly appeared beside him. The moment these clones appeared, they formed a battle formation at the same time Like a meat grinder, he ruthlessly blasted and killed the hundreds of skeletons next to him.


The Battle Intent Soaring Formation is an extremely powerful joint attack martial art. At the beginning, Yaokui and others were only at the late stage of the god level, and they could use this formation to deal with four-star or even five-star and six-star God of War. Zhuo Buyun's avatars with [-]% of his strength used the battle formation. The power that this formation can display is very scary. Under the attack of these avatars, I saw those skeletons who couldn't be smashed by Buyun's violent attack, but in just one breath, more than a dozen skeletons fell into the formation.

"Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua!" Following the fall of the skeleton people, a large amount of green light suddenly shot out from the bodies of those fallen skeleton people. The moment Yun discovered these green lights, his eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

Although this ancient peak is very dangerous, and these undead creatures are very powerful, but when they fall, the green light that shoots from their bodies is also of great benefit to warriors.These bursts of green light are some very pure spiritual energy. When the warrior absorbs these spiritual energy into the body, the warrior's spiritual power can be obviously improved.

"Swallow the sky and devour the earth!" Seeing the green light burst out, Buyun was about to use the sky-defying skill of 'swallowing the sky and devouring the earth'. As he performed the kung fu, he saw a huge glutton suddenly Floating in the void, he opened his bloody mouth and sucked fiercely at the green light in front of him. Following the inhalation of the afterimage of Taotie, all the green light rushed into its mouth like a tide, almost The moment these green lights poured into Taotie's body, pure spiritual will was fed back from Taotie's afterimage to Buyun's body, making Buyun's spiritual will grow in an instant.

"Death to me!" Seeing that his spiritual power had improved, Buyun's eyes lit up suddenly, and then a terrifying killing intent gushed out of his body, and with the gushing killing intent in his body, the 99 surrounding people The avatars that had been differentiated by him immediately sent out a powerful blow to the surrounding skeletons.

"Boom!" The huge Golden Armored God of War was completely condensed in the void because of the formation attack of Buyun's avatars, and the big knife in his hand was extremely powerful, facing the surrounding skeletons, emitting a super strong knife light, All the skeleton people affected by the knife light were turned into powder the moment they were affected by the knife light, and as they were turned into powder, green light burst out from their bodies immediately.

"Swallow!" Seeing green light gushing out again, Buyun's eyes lit up again, and then he saw Taotie devouring those green lights again.

"Hey, he killed all the skeletons so quickly? It seems that I can't hide anymore!" Although Lan Luoyu'er was fighting with four skeletons with strength comparable to the stars, but in During this battle, she focused a lot on Buyun. Seeing that Buyun suddenly created 99 clones and killed hundreds of skeletons at once, her beauty A flash of splendor suddenly flashed in her eyes, and with the flash of splendor, a pair of huge seven-colored wings suddenly appeared behind her. This pair of wings was more than ten feet long. It depicts a large number of runes, exuding a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere. Almost at the moment when the colorful wings appeared, Lan Luoyu'er suddenly burst out with a very astonishing power, which was far beyond her previous strength. The power displayed.

With the display of this power, Lan Luoyu'er's figure suddenly appeared beside the four skeletons one after another like a ghost. Every time she appeared beside the skeletons, there must be a skeleton that she gave Flying away, all the skeletons who were blown away, when they were blown away, their bodies were shaken violently, and the dazzling lightning flashed continuously on those skeletons, and the flashing speed of the detonator was extremely fast , It just disappeared completely in an instant. When the thunder light disappeared, I saw those skeletons with very hard bodies suddenly turned into powder.

"Shua!" Following the fall of the four star-level skeletons, Lan Luoyu immediately wrapped the green light from the skeletons with profound energy without hesitation, and then wrapped them all up. Gi Tongtong integrated into her body, and with the integration of these green lights, her mental strength suddenly improved a lot.

"Yu'er, which mausoleum are we going to? Although these skeletons can bring us benefits after the fall, but if we continue with this situation, if we are not sure about the target, we will soon fall. Here." Buyun saw that Lan Luoyuer had integrated the green light into her body, and immediately came to Lan Luoyuer's side, and then asked Lan Luoyuer with a serious face.

"Uh, I don't know which mausoleum I'm going to. My current actions are completely guided by the bloodline of memory inheritance in my soul." Lan Luoyu'er gently blinked her beautiful eyes at Buyun twice.

"Is it just drawn by the blood?" Buyun frowned, then looked towards the distance, and saw that there were many skeletons facing him and the place he was looking at. Lan Luoyuer rushed over from the direction where he was. According to his perception, he clearly found that among the skeletons who rushed over, there were many skeletons comparable to a series of star fighters, and not only comparable to a group of skeletons. There are as many as four or five skeletons with the strength of stars, even those with two-star strength.

"Let's go!" Seeing such a situation, Buyun's complexion suddenly sank, and then he followed Lan Luoyu'er and quickly left the place without thinking too much. Although he and Lan Luoyuer's strength seemed good, but If they met the skeleton men who were rushing towards them at this moment, they would definitely suffer. Such a large number of skeleton men was not something they could easily contend with.

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happy New Year! !

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