Nine Yin Evil Monarch

Chapter 777 Danger Is Approaching

Hum Ha two generals each gave Bi Zhantian a dignified fist, and at the same time, doubts appeared on each other's faces. They were very puzzled about Bi Zhantian's current situation, and they didn't know what Bi Zhantian was doing. What's going on here.How could there be such a surge of anger all of a sudden, as if he was on the verge of an explosion.Although their general has always been very irritable, but in their memory, after their strength has advanced to the ninth level of Qiankun level, it has been a long time since their general has been so angry.

"You guys will go to the Moluo Mountains for me quickly, and then find that evil son of Shaoyang, and then bring him back together with me!!" Bi Zhantian said to the second general Henha with a gloomy face. At the same time, he waved his right hand towards the void, and then saw an image suddenly condensed in the void, which was exactly Bu Yun riding on the giant panda.

"Decree!!" The two generals Humph and Ha didn't ask Bi Zhantian carefully why they wanted them to arrest that person. Almost immediately after Bi Zhantian gave the order, they respectfully reported to Bi Zhantian at the same time. Fist, and then his figure turned into an afterimage at the same time and dissipated in the void.

"No matter who you are, since you dare to teach my son Bi Zhantian a lesson and kill Bi Feng, even if you have a powerful force behind you, you will definitely die before my Bi Zhantian! Five days? Pooh, I, Bi Zhantian, in my life, there are not a few people who kill five days!!" Bi Zhantian looked gloomy at the empty space where the second general Hum Ha had disappeared, and killed him in his eyes. The intention flickered, and the billowing anger kept burning in his heart.In the eyes of most people, taking five days is considered a very indomitable existence, but for some superpowers, taking five days is just a joke. As long as the opponent's strength is not very strong, even if the opponent can fight five days So what, there has never been a shortage of geniuses in this martial arts world, like this five-day genius, many people will inevitably fall every year.

In the eyes of Bi Zhantian, a small five-year-old genius with peak strength at the Dao level dared to eat a bear's heart and leopard's guts to offend him, the general who destroyed the gods. Wei Empire's title of God-destroying General was not based on other people's bragging, but completely relied on his own strength to kill him with one punch and one kick.

For most people, to deal with this kind of junior who only has the peak strength of Dao level, at most they will only send warriors around the first and second ranks of Qiankun to deal with him, but for Bi Zhantian, who often hang out on the battlefield In other words, he deeply understands the truth that we must do our best to eliminate evil, and we must use all our strength. If we want to kill this kind of junior, we must kill them all at once, and we must not let them have the slightest chance of survival.If the second general, Heng Ha, made a move, he believed that the junior would definitely not be able to run away.


"Bi Hum, why do you think the general suddenly asked us to go to the Moluo Mountains to find Shaoyang?" After leaving the general's mansion, Bi Ha completely lost the dignified look he had in front of Bi Zhantian just now, and at this moment he was smiling playfully He asked Bi hum to his elder brother.

"What else can happen, Shaoyang must have caused trouble again. I don't know what trouble that kid Shaoyang caused this time, so that the general sent us all out to wipe his ass. You say this Why can't Shaoyang make people feel at ease? He is also the heir of a general, but compared with his elder brother and second brother, this kid is too bad, too bad. The ability is not ordinary." Bi Heng curled his lips angrily, and looked down on Bi Shaoyang very much in his heart. If Bi Shaoyang was not the heir of a general, but if it was his heir, he would have beaten him to death long ago. up.

"That's right, to be honest, Bihu, sometimes I can't help but wonder if this Shaoyang is our general's biological son? Otherwise, with the general's majestic temperament, how could he give birth to such a son?" Useless son. If you look at Shaohua and Shaozhi, they are only a hundred years older than Shaoyang, but one of them is a fourth-rank warrior of Qiankun, and the other is a fifth-rank warrior of Qiankun. , the strength of this boy Shaoyang is many, many times greater. The same resources, the same treatment, why is the strength gap between the three brothers so scary." Biha looked around carefully, and then He whispered to Bi Heng with a smile on his face.

"Shut up, how can you talk nonsense, of course Shaoyang is the son of the general!" Bi Heng's expression changed suddenly, and then he said to Bi Heng with a warning face, "Ha, you are old and young, how could you Suddenly saying such stupid things."

"Isn't that weird, Biheng, don't tell me that you never thought of it in private." Biha smiled, and then winked at Biheng.

"This..." Bi Hun's complexion changed, hesitation flashed in his eyes, then he carefully scanned the surrounding area with his divine sense, and then whispered to Bi Ha, "Of course it's a lie if you say you haven't thought about it, but like this As you and I, we really shouldn’t think too much about it, Shaoyang was born from the general’s wife’s [-]-year pregnancy, and with the loyalty of the general’s wife, it’s absolutely impossible for evil seeds to appear.”

"I also know that it is impossible, but judging from the situation of this guy Shaoyang, it really makes people have to think about it. After so many years, this guy now guesses the strength of the three-line warriors of the stars. It’s not that you don’t make progress in general.” Biha shook his head, and said with emotion, “I think in this general’s mansion, people who have ideas like you and me must not be just you and me. I’m not sure, I think Even the general can't help but secretly have such thoughts..."

"Shh, shut up. Don't talk about such things anymore. You are really talking too much. The matter of the general is not something you and I should discuss more. Don't forget the fate of the four great generals back then. "Bi Heng's complexion changed suddenly, and then he warned Bi Ha again with a serious face.

Following Bi Heng's words, Bi Ha's complexion also changed suddenly, and then he looked around subconsciously, then he breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Bi Heng gratefully, then shut up and never talked about Bi Shaoyang again and chatted with Bi Heng about some unimportant things, and while chatting, they headed towards the place where the Moro Mountains were located.Although the Second General Humha is quite strong, under the full force of the two of them, when they felt the Moluo Mountains from the capital of the Great Wei Empire, more than half a day had already passed.

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