Nine Yin Evil Monarch

Chapter 913 said

"Well, although two years ago, I knew that I was no match for Buyun with my strength, but if I played all my cards at that time, I felt that I would not be able to bring death threats to Buyun, and now with the Two years have passed, but I don't have the feeling I had back then..." Ling Xian'er looked at the situation in front of her with emotion, her expression was extremely bitter.


Under Lingxian'er's bitter emotion, after a while, Niuniu brought Buyun back to Lingxian'er.

"Bu Yun!"

Seeing Buyun coming back, Lingxian'er immediately looked at Buyun, and a flash of light flashed in her eyes.

"Hot girl, let me tell you what's going on with you, how could you be hunted down like this all of a sudden. It's been two years, why are you still so humble? When you left us, you still Why don't you make me look good when I see us next time!" Niuniu said to Lingxian'er very charmingly, when she said this, she flung herself at Lingxian'er very playfully panda eyes.

Lingxian'er's complexion suddenly darkened, and then she gave Niu Niu an angry look. Although she had seen Niu Niu's poisonous tongue two years ago, she didn't expect that Niu Niu would immediately launch a poisonous tongue attack on her just as soon as they met.

So angry!

I'm really pissed off!

Lingxian'er was so angry that she gritted her silver teeth, and her expression was as depressed as she wanted. If she hadn't been rescued by Buyun and the others this time, she would still be able to speak back to Niuniu, but now she is being rescued by Buyun and the others. After being rescued like this, she didn't have the confidence to reply to Niu Niu at all.

"Hey!" Ling Xian'er gave Niu Niu a very unwilling look as she shook her jade hand vigorously, and then turned her gaze to other places, and a sight came out.

"Hehehe..." Seeing Lingxian'er's appearance, Niuniu immediately smiled secretly to Bu Yunxinyu, "Master, look, take a look, it's interesting, it's really interesting, I knew it, burst It must be interesting for a rough girl to have no confidence..."

"..." Buyun.He really didn't know what to say about this matter.

"Tell me, what's going on with you this time?" Without a word, Buyun touched Niuniu's head with his hand, and then asked Lingxian'er indifferently, he was somewhat curious about this time .

"The thing is like this..." Seeing Buyun speak, Lingxian'er felt relieved, and then ignored Niuniu, but told Buyun about her experience.

Since she left Buyun, she has continued to search for heavenly materials and earthly treasures in Qixing Cave. Although she did not find any heavenly materials and earthly treasures along the way, since she got the divine grade star stone, other levels of treasures Starstone, she couldn't see it at all, so after using her last god-grade starstone to build a foundation to become a second-line star warrior, she didn't use other starstones to build a foundation, but was going to go back after leaving here. Let your elders figure out a way.

本来,如果一直这样,这一次七星洞的寻宝之旅,虽然令她并不是极度满意,但是却也能算是完美落幕,不想,在半个月多月之前,她竟突然被十来个武者给盯上了,这些人盯上她后,第一时间对她展开了围杀,虽然她的战力已然很是不错,但是在十来个星辰级的跨五天才的攻击下,却仍旧相形见She was clumsy, and soon fell into a disadvantage. As she fell into a disadvantage, these warriors then forced her to become their slave girl for them to practice.

How could Lingxianer agree to such a thing, let alone a group of people's kung fu furnace? , so after learning about these people's intentions, she immediately went all out, and killed several warriors at once with her own hole cards, and then relied on Mengxian's flower basket, and these people were not going to kill her, but With the mentality of preparing to capture her alive, he broke through the encirclement of these people, and then ran away. This escape lasted for more than half a month, until he met Buyun.

As for why these people choose her as a cauldron, it is because some of these people have a strong perception technique, and they perceive that Lingxianer used the god-grade star stone to build the foundation, so they are risking At the risk of offending the faction behind her, they chased her down completely.If it weren't for this, with the power behind her, ordinary warriors wouldn't dare to chase her down so frantically.

If it wasn't for Buyun and Niu Niu this time, when she ran out of cards, it can be said that she is definitely dead!So this time, facing Niu Niu's run, although he was unwilling, he didn't refute anything at all.

"Hot girl, your situation is really miserable. If you knew this, you shouldn't have taken two divine grade star stones from us back then. If you didn't have divine grade star stones, you wouldn't have Being hunted down like this!" After Ling Xian'er finished talking about her experience, Niuniu smiled at Ling Xian'er with a cute face, as if you asked for it yourself.

"..." Ling Xian'er looked at Niu Niu angrily, wishing she could strangle Niu Niu to death, this damn mount is really irritating.

"Take out all the good things you have on you!" After hearing Lingxian'er's words, Buyun's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he stretched out his right hand to Lingxian'er.

"Uh, what do you mean?" Ling Xian'er looked at Buyun suspiciously, her face full of incomprehension.

"I saved your life just now, so you don't want to show it at all!" Buyun looked at Ling Xian'er with an expression of looking at an idiot, and said quite logically.

"You..." Lingxian'er opened her eyes wide, as if meeting Buyun for the first time. Buyun's words shocked her, and she couldn't believe what she heard.


OMG! !

It's too unmannered, and this Buyun is too unmannered! !

People say that it is most romantic for a hero to save the beauty, why Bu Yun doesn't understand at all.After saving someone, he still asks for a reward, isn't that a man!

"Why, you don't want to pay, do you? You have to know that I saved your life. If I hadn't saved your life, you would have been raped and killed by those people!" Buyun frowned, and then quickly Looking at Ling Xian'er angrily, she didn't have any embarrassment at all because she was a beautiful woman.

"Fuck, I'm so mad!"

Hearing Buyun's very clear words, Lingxian'er couldn't hold back the anger in her heart immediately, and couldn't help but once again became rough in front of Buyun, with a beautiful little face, it was all because of too much Because of being too angry, he became livid.

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