Chapter 108 Overcorrecting (Part [-])
Jiang Yuanzhan's face was slightly stern.

Zhao Xing shook his head and said: "We have grown up together since we were young. The Duke's Mansion is not only the mainstay of Daye, but also the relatives of the emperor. Why is this?"

With his hands behind his back, his deep gaze was always fixed on Jiang Yuanzhan: "If it wasn't for your elder brother's specious nonsense back then, and hiding it from everyone, why did this happen in the past five years?"

Zhao Xing bit down on the last sentence and mentioned the four words "why is this" again, and Jiang Yuanzhan immediately understood what he was referring to.

It is obvious that the eldest brother even kept Aye in the dark.

Regarding the death of his wet nurse that Zhao Yi said, the elder brother deeply thought that the Jiang family should not have been involved, so after hearing what Zhuzhu said, he made his own decision and never mentioned it.

And what about Zhuzhu?

She was only nine years old that year.

With the love of growing up together, I have more trust in Zhao Xing than suspicion in my heart.

But the little girl didn't know the truth, she was afraid, she was afraid to think twice, she didn't dare to ask her parents, she only dared to ask her elder brother.

In this way, he was led astray by the elder brother, so that he felt fear in his heart and alienated Zhao Xing for five years.

Not only that, most of her sympathy for Zhao Yi also came from that time.

I feel pitiful for Zhao Yi, who left Beijing since he was a child, was finally taken back to the palace, and was suppressed by his elder brother in this way.

If the eldest brother didn't have that attitude back then, even if he just told Aye about it, many things would be completely different now.

Jiang Yuanzhan lowered his eyes, it is undeniable that Zhao Xing was right.

"My elder brother also has his considerations and concerns."

It's just that he didn't have much confidence in saying this.

He can understand, but it doesn't mean that Zhao Xing should also understand and tolerate.

However, Zhao Xing didn't seem to care about these things: "Who is not in trouble? He is a child of the Duke's Mansion, and he is only concerned about the Duke's Mansion. This is understandable, and I have no intention of marrying him What's the deal."

Jiang Yuanzhan raised his head, frowning tightly.

Zhao Xing sighed: "Do you think I told you this to force you to choose among our brothers?"

Jiang Yuanzhan was noncommittal.

The sound of Zhao Xing's sneer was very shallow, but the meaning of mocking was very heavy.

Jiang Yuanzhan's eyelids sank, a little angry.

"I am respectful to my eldest brother, and I have never had such ambitions. What do you want the Duke's Mansion to do for me?"

After he asked such a question with a smile, he saw Jiang Yuanzhan's face was slightly surprised, and then he said: "But not all brothers and sisters in this world are close and respectful.

I used to think that Zhao Yi could also do it, but it turns out that I was wrong. In this regard, he is farsighted like the elder brother.

The eldest brother is the eldest son, and no one can surpass him.

I'm going to tell you clearly today, just to tell you that there is no need to hide some things.

Jiang Yuanyao's self-assertion back then is the best lesson from the past.

Cover up, cover up, do you want to do what your elder brother did? "

Jiang Yuanzhan's throat tightened, and even his eyes darkened by a third.

Zhao Xingcai continued his own words: "I might as well explain it to you more clearly.

Eldest brother has been displeased with him since a long time ago. When he first came back, elder brother teased him a lot, both openly and secretly.

Although the father and the queen mother felt guilty towards Zhao Yi, the elder brother's status was different from ours after all, so he did not do too much, and the father and the queen mother would say a few words at most. If he didn't listen, the father and the queen mother had nothing to do with him.

I have treated this brother sincerely, but what did he give me in return?

Regardless of whether what happened to Xue Chan this time is because he secretly ordered Han Peizhao to do it, he is not a good person, you should know it in your heart.

In a sense, we are all the same, and he is definitely not. "

Jiang Yuanzhan was silent for a long time before he said leisurely: "Since we are on guard against him so far, why don't you tell the officials and saints that raising a tiger is not a long-term solution."

The corners of Zhao Xing's lips were raised: "Brother Yu, he is far from being a tiger in the mountains. And there is nothing to say about these things.

There is nothing wrong with grandparents looking after the children. No matter how violent the brothers are, when they are with grandparents, everyone is fine.

This time you severely injured him, the queen mother knew that he was to blame, and also knew my feelings for Zhuzhu, so why didn't you come to persuade me to accompany Zhuzhu to the Zhenzhen Hall to say a few words to him and forgive him? Heart? "

"But those..."

"It's nothing different." Zhao Xing interrupted him, "The Queen Mother is the middle palace of the Taiping Dynasty, from the Crown Princess to the Mother of the World, she walked smoothly all the way.

Her father never told her about the many troubles of the previous dynasty, and she probably knew it in her heart, but because she had never shared the world with her father, her selfishness was far more important than that of the court.

Besides, so what if you say it?kill him?Or should they be enfeoffed, rushed to the fief, and not allowed to return to Beijing without an edict?

People in the capital, under the eyes of the eldest brother, there are still constraints.

If it is released, there will be endless troubles. "

Jiang Yuanzhan stopped talking.

My aunt was right.

Even he can guess, Zhao Yu will only think earlier than him.

So is Zhao Xing.

And Zhao Xing told him clearly what he wanted, and he knew it clearly.

Jiang Yuanzhan rubbed his eyelids: "I understand what you mean, and I will be sensible in the future."

After finishing speaking, thinking of his father and brother, he frowned and glanced at him: "My elder brother has his own way of dealing with the world, and there are many things. When he returns to Beijing in the future, I don't think you need to talk to him."

Zhao Xing narrowed his eyes slightly: "I said it, it's just because it's unnecessary to affect our relationship for more than ten years because of these things, it's not to form a party for personal gain, what do you think of me?"

Jiang Yuanzhan said yes, but his voice was still muffled: "I'm narrow-minded. My aunt said that when you get married with Zhuzhu and become the son-in-law of Pei Guogong's mansion, we will be a family after all.

She advised me to tell you about Zhao Yi, but I didn't want to.I never thought about it, you don't actually take these things to heart. "

He hesitated to speak several times, Zhao Xing's complexion changed slightly: "Didn't the emperor never think about that in the past few decades?

Since Emperor Taizong established the rule that heirs should be the heirs, in the 170 years since the founding of Daye, there have been eight emperors, and only the "five kings were in chaos" during the Zhenzong Dynasty. Because Emperor Ningzong had no brothers, it was difficult to rise to the throne. In addition, even if there is some small turmoil, it is not a climate.

Yuan Zhan, you are a general, and you have been in the Liaodong border for a year. It is probably your instinct to be prepared for danger in times of peace, but I think you have overcorrected a bit. "

Jiang Yuanzhan couldn't refute this.

Thinking about it carefully, Zhao Xing is not wrong about him.

Embarrassment flashed across his face: "Since returning to Beijing, I've often been restless. I might as well be comfortable in Youzhou. Give me some time."

Zhao Xing agreed with a grunt, and this time he talked about it, so thoroughly, there is nothing to mention.

However, Zhao Yi's behavior is indeed not tolerated by Jiang Yuanzhan's temperament, and it will be troublesome to get along with him in the future.

So Zhao Xing thought of Jiang Wan again.

He patted Jiang Yuanzhan on the shoulder, and said: "You don't like Zhao Yi, and we are all the same, but no matter what Zhuzhu wants to do, you don't scold her, and don't care about her.

Since you persuaded me, Jiang Yuanyao, to act in his own way and not ask me to settle accounts with him, I will return these words to you. "

(End of this chapter)

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