The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 161: Between Thoughts

Chapter 161 A moment of thought (one more)
It was rare for Jiang Yuanzhan to rest for half a day, so he spent most of his time walking around Nanshi with Zhou Wanning.

Zhou Wanning was in a bad mood at first and was not in high spirits, but when he really went for a walk, he was not at all relentless in spending Jiang Yuanzhan's money.

I don't know how many small things I bought, and I have a smile on my face.

Seeing her happy, Jiang Yuanzhan didn't care about money or not, and couldn't stand her begging, so he led her to buy two cups of snowflake tea, and then sent her back to Zhou Mansion.

It was rare for Jiang Wan to be free when she returned home, and Zhao Xing did not come to the county palace to look for her today.

Pei Qingyuan was helping Mrs. Jiang read the account book in Shangfangyuan, and the entire county palace was quiet and quiet.

Thinking about what Zhou Wanning said, Jiang Yuanzhan turned on his toes and went looking for Jiang Wan.

Jiang Wan had heard from the little girl that he had returned to the mansion, thinking that he would come to look for her too, so she ordered Chang Ning to prepare tea for him.

But when Jiang Yuanzhan came in and sat down, there was a cup of warm tea in his hand, just in time to take his mouth, but he didn't take a mouthful.

Jiang Wan raised her eyebrows: "It's because the tea here doesn't please the second brother?"

Jiang Yuanzhan said no: "San Niang was pestering me just now, I couldn't hold her back, so I took her to have snowflake tea, it's ice cold, I can't have hot tea right now."

Jiang Wan's eyes twitched, but he didn't say anything.

It was freezing cold this day, even colder than when it snowed heavily during the Chinese New Year, and he even took people to drink snowflake tea.

She shook her head: "Did she tell you?"

Jiang Yuanzhan hummed: "The Zheng family... I have asked you many times in the past, what dissatisfaction do you have with the Zheng family? You always put it in a perfunctory manner and refuse to say it."

He squinted his eyes to look at Jiang Wan: "I don't think it has something to do with Zhao Yi, but it has something to do with the Second Highness?"

Jiang Wan sighed: "Why do you insist on asking? I said I don't know, so why don't you stop asking?
When I was young, I asked after me, and if I didn't tell you, you didn't take it seriously.

Now that I am older, it is more difficult to coax you, and you are still so persistent. "

She said while shaking her head: "Didn't you also guess it? It's not related to His Highness the Third Highness anyway. Besides him, why should I not want to see the Zheng family?
Anyway, Ning Ning doesn't want to see her now, it's for my sake, she doesn't like anyone who is related to the Third Highness and who is close to her.

As for me—Second Brother, it doesn't mean that I want to hide anything from you, but do you have to figure out everything in the world?Can you figure it out again? "

She talked about it, and Jiang Yuanzhan's face turned cold: "Did you promise the Second Highness not to tell anyone?"

Jiang Wan rolled his eyes and said, "I know you still ask!"

Jiang Yuanzhan clicked his tongue, but he really stopped talking.

But he had a vague guess in his heart.

But forget it.

If it was as he guessed, then there would be benefits in not knowing.

Zhuzhu knows the inside story...

Jiang Yuanzhan frowned: "He will tell you everything, and he is not afraid of anything bad!"

Jiang Wan knew what he was worried about, but he didn't take it too seriously: "Let's not talk about it before, but in the future, if I'm really with him, then the husband and wife should be one and united. You're hiding it from me, aren't you?
Second brother, I realize that after you return to Beijing this time, you always have unfounded worries.

Didn't I persuade you many times before, my uncle and aunt must have told you, why is it still like this? "

Of course he knew it was unfounded worry.

Before any troubles are caused, it is not his way to act too much.

With this kind of style, how can you lead troops to fight?
When he returned to Beijing this time, he couldn't say well, he always felt... uneasy.


Feeling apprehensive, always feeling uneasy.

Zhao Xing said that Zhuzhu is getting older, and she has her own little thoughts and little secrets, so let him ask less, let alone intervene.

But it seems like everyone has a secret.

There are many secrets, and a huge shadow will be woven, covering the sky above Shengjing, and the darkness will be overwhelming, and it will pour down at some point.

Jiang Yuanzhan pinched his brows: "You refused to tell me that you promised the Second Highness to keep the secret, did you tell San Niang in the boudoir before?"

Jiang Wan's back molars became sore, and he immediately smiled: "Guess?"

Jiang Yuanzhan's expression sank: "I'm not joking with you!"

He gritted his voice, not because he was trying to quarrel with Jiang Wan, but because he was simply correcting her sloppy attitude: "Sanniang is the most useless person, jealous of evil, and the most protective, always helping relatives and not helping her, her temper , really come up, no one can persuade."

Jiang Wan closed his eyes and teased: "I know, of course I didn't tell her.

The Zheng family... Didn't I say that she doesn't want to see her, it's purely because of Zhao Yi and me.

In addition, the sage is partial to the Zheng family, and now Sister Zheng Shuangyi often comes and goes in the palace, which is not in compliance with the rules, and Zheng Qingzhi's house is so arrogant.

Not to mention her, how many people in Shengjing are jealous, didn't they all become jealous in the end?

Who is not secretly resentful and dissatisfied?
Ning Ning is not quite the same as those people, so she is not jealous, she just feels uncomfortable.

What's more, his family is really suspected of supporting the big family now.

Everyone has been settled properly, and Ningning is already dissatisfied with not showing up or seeing people, and the more this is the case, the more dissatisfied she will be.

But today, my cousin and I also persuaded her, she was stubborn, but she could listen to her heart.

If you really keep it in your heart all the time, and it's really as powerful as you said, even if you take her to buy the entire store in Nanshi, she won't be happy. "

Only then did Jiang Yuanzhan relax a little, and planned to persuade his sister a few more words.

But the corner of his mouth moved, and Jiang Wan had guessed what he was thinking, raised his small hand, and said, "Second brother needless to say, I am nothing, there are saints sitting in the palace, and the Zheng family is respectable and noble.

No matter how stupid I am, I know what is important and what is important, so naturally I will not argue with them or have any conflicts.

My cousin also said that the Zheng family will stay in Beijing for half a year at most, and they will go back to Xingyang sooner or later, there is no need for that. "

She spoke with sincerity, Jiang Yuanzhan stared at her for a long time, but didn't see any sign of her lying, and finally he was completely relieved.

"As long as you know it, we are not afraid of anything, and you don't have to wrong yourself, so don't take the initiative to cause trouble."

Jiang Wan hummed.

When she lowered her eyes, her eyelids suppressed the complex emotions in her eyes.

Facing Zhao Yi now, she was able to make up her mind and calm down, and she could do the same when she saw the Zheng family again.

Some things are not rushed for a while, you can take your time.

The future is long and long.

Whether to take revenge or not is in her mind.

Jiang Wan's throat rolled twice: "I have to go to my aunt in a while. My cousin is accompanying my aunt to look over the accounts. I know that you are going back to the house, and you probably want to come to me, so I hid. After saying these words, the second brother You should also feel at ease, if you have nothing else to do, I will go back to my aunt."

(End of this chapter)

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