Chapter 205 Jin Feng (Part [-])
Emperor Jinhe seldom enters the harem twice a year. Several nobles and beauties do not see him a few times. Only Sun Guiren and Gao Meiren are raising princesses under their knees. Occasionally, Emperor Jinhe can summon him twice, especially Gao Meiren. Xi Nuan was young, and her health was not particularly good. Emperor Jin He even sent Gao Meiren to the Funing Palace for questioning.

So when Sun Guiren heard from Cui Zhu that the guard of honor of Jin and Emperor stopped outside his palace, he was stunned for a moment, put the sachet he was embroidering for Zhao Xiyue back into the small basket, got up in a panic and got off the Arhat bed, He pulled up the embroidered shoes, bent down to lift them up, and hurried to meet them outside the palace.

Emperor Jin He didn't see her for a few days, seeing her lowered brows and gentle smile, her complexion was soothed and called Pingshen.

Sun Guiren followed Emperor Jinhe into the door, Cuizhu led the palace lady to serve tea and added cups, and sent the little palace maid to leave after she finished her work. She also stood far away, leaving this space in the hall for Jinhe Emperor and Sun Guiren spoke.

Emperor Jinhe looked around and said, "I got a total of two pieces of moon shadow gauze that was newly tributed outside, one was sent to the Queen's Palace, and the other one was specifically told to be sent to you. Why don't you use it?" ?”

Sun Guiren sat there with his hands tucked in, not that he was very cautious, but he was full of unfamiliarity and respect: "The gauze is very expensive, and I put it away. I think that when the princess comes out, I will add it to the princess's dowry." Put it in the box and take it out for her."

Emperor Jinhe said: "That's fine, it's your mother's wish, but Ah Yue's marriage is still early, so if there are any good things for you, you can use them yourself.

In the past few years, you have always been unwell. Ah Yue has worried a lot about this. She is not as lively and cheerful as she was when she was seven or eight years old. This is probably the reason.

You take care of yourself so she can be at ease. "

Sun Guiren's expression froze, and he repeatedly pleaded guilty: "I have written down what you said, I must take good care of myself, and don't let the princess follow Xuanxin."

She has always been like this.

When I was in the palace in the early years, except for Queen Zheng's room, Jin and Emperor refused to go there.

But Sun Guiren was the one who was sent to the palace by the Queen Mother first, so she still has dignity, and Emperor Jin He would often say a few words to her.

She has been like that ever since.

Pleading guilty at every turn, being a petty low-key.

But not annoying.

"I've heard from the queen about Mrs. Zheng and Ah Yue."

Sun Gui's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly looked up, facing Shang Jin and Di's deep eyes.

She was even more flustered, and hurriedly lowered her head again, not daring to look again: "Officials, the princess is young, and her temper may not be calm. When playing outside with the ladies of the Zheng family, there will always be..."

"I'm not here to inquire about crimes, and you don't have to ask for forgiveness for Ah Yue."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Jin Hedi knew what she was going to say, and interrupted her silently shaking his head: "Ah Yue is my palm, so don't keep holding her like this.

Erlang told me several times in private that you have been talking like that in Ah Yue's ears all these years. "

He had just finished speaking, seeing that Sun Guiren was about to get up, he waved his hand: "I told you, I'm not here to inquire about crimes today."

Sun Guiren tightened the corners of his lips: "The concubine just doesn't want to create troubles and cause trouble... The princess is precious, but the concubine is not..."

Her voice was soft, and her face was even softer: "It's a blessing that I have cultivated in several lifetimes to be able to serve an official saint. It's just that it's not good for the princess to be tired for nothing."

"You have your own benefits. I know it in my heart, and the queen also sees it. It's been more than 20 years, and you don't need to talk about it."

Emperor Jin He sighed and said: "After much deliberation, you are a noble person who was promoted in the year when Ah Yue was born, and almost 13 years have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past few years, Ah Yue has grown up gradually, and the queen and I have given you the treatment of a concubine, but in the end, if the name is not correct, the words will not go well. "

"The official family..."

"You don't have to refuse."

Emperor Jin He interrupted her again: "How many times have you pushed me back in the past few years, didn't I never mention it again?

Ah Yue has suffered a lot of grievances in recent days.

It is true that your position has not been moved for many years.

In a few years, Ah Yue will reach the age to discuss marriage. You are her biological mother, so you are always inappropriate as a nobleman.

I thought, first promote to the position of concubine, and the proportion and treatment will be divided according to the position of wife. After a few years, Ah Yue will come down, and then I will be promoted to the position of wife, which is logical. "

If he said that, Sun Guiren really didn't know how to refuse.

And looking at his posture this time, he is determined to give her promotion points.

He also said that Ah Yue was wronged.

She is using her position to make up for Ah Yue.

But at the same time, it was slapping the Zheng family in the face.

This must not be the result of discussing with the saint.

Sun Guiren didn't know what to do.

She hesitated for a long time: "Have the officials discussed with the saint?"

Emperor Jin He's face darkened slightly: "Why don't you go to Hanzhang Palace and ask the queen?"

Sun Guiren repeatedly shook his head and said he didn't dare: "I just want to..."

She pinched her fingertips, but really couldn't explain why.

Said she was afraid that Empress Zheng would trouble her?

Say she dare not?

That's another rhetoric.

It seems that the queen is a narrow-minded person.

Maybe the officials will turn their backs on the spot.

Guiren Sun took a deep breath, and could only be forced to accept: "The officials are thinking about the princess, and the concubine dare not make excuses anymore, it all depends on the arrangements of the officials."

But at the end of the day, her hesitant appearance caught the attention of Emperor Jinhe.

Jin Hedi was about to get up and leave, but when he saw this, he sat back calmly and asked her, "Just say what you have to say."

Sun Guiren bit his lower lip, still hesitating.

Fortunately, for Zhao Xiyue's sake, Jin Hedi finally had more patience with her, so he waited.

She really thought about it for a long time before she tentatively opened her mouth: "The official family wants to promote the status of a concubine in this way, the concubine is very happy and grateful for the official family's kindness.

But for the sisters in the harem, it is best for everyone to be the same, so as to avoid many disputes and reduce the worries of the officials.

Although His Highness Yizhen is still young, Gao Meiren has worked hard to raise His Highness these years. If the government gives this kind of grace to concubines, can they also look at Gao Meiren? "

Jin Hedi's brows and eyes widened: "Your temperament is really rare. You have not thought about yourself for more than ten years, and now you want to promote your position. You are anxious to ask for a reward for Gao."

He was joking, but Sun Guiren did not dare to accept such ridicule, he was still cautious: "I am not asking for a reward for Gao Meiren, these are the dictatorship of the official's Sacred Heart, and the concubine is just begging for such a sentence from the official."

Jin Hedi didn't make things difficult for her either.

Anyway, it has been like this for decades, and they can't say a few words of heartfelt words when they sit together.

He stood up with his hands behind his back: "Then it's settled. She has worked hard, but she should not surpass you in status. Ah Nuan is still young, and she will be promoted someday in the future. According to your intention, let the inner government do it. Just register as a concubine with the day you became a concubine."

(End of this chapter)

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