Chapter 219 Disposal (one update)
She doesn't know whether Jiang Shi will settle accounts with her or not, but Zhao Xing will definitely settle accounts with her.

It was near dusk that Zhao Xingcai came out of the palace and went to the county palace to meet people.

Jiang Wan thought, the palace must be a mess now, there is a mess everywhere.

Zhao Xing's face was not good-looking.

Seeing his expression, the servants below were not very willing to serve in front of him.

Only Zhao Xing and Jiang Wan were sitting face to face in the warm pavilion of Xiaohua Hall.

Jiang Wan kept his head down and kept silent.

Zhao Xing looked at her for a long time, but could only see the top of her head.

Then, suddenly, he was discouraged.

What is there to be angry with her?

I knew from the beginning that she thought like this.

Just the wound...

Men and women are different, even if the marriage contract has been agreed, he can't see how she is hurt now.

President Zhao sighed, "Is the wound still hurting?"

Jiang Wan still didn't raise his head, shook his head, and said in a low voice that it was all right: "The imperial doctor prescribed a prescription for pain relief, but it seemed to be very effective, but in fact it was fine, the medicine cured the blood, and now the pain is not so bad.

But I can't move my arm, and even if I lift it, it will easily affect the wound.

My cousin also said that when I fell asleep at night, Chang An and Chang Ning had to take turns to keep vigil for me, lest I sleep dishonestly and turn over and over again, which would definitely press the wound.

It's good to have the two of them watching over me, otherwise tomorrow I will have to invite the imperial doctor to the palace to re-bandage me. "

Her understated tone made Zhao Xing hold his breath even more.

How could Jiang Wan not see it?
Coax him first with a smile: "Don't be angry! Isn't this what we agreed before?"

Zhao Xing gritted his teeth and could only say: "So you're happy now?"

"Of course happy!"

She was decisive, and looked at him with her pointed chin: "Are you unhappy?"

This is making trouble out of no reason.

How could he be happy when she was hurt?
Even if it was agreed early in the morning, he did agree, but when things really happen, there are actually many things that cannot be controlled.

For example, he didn't know that she would be hurt so badly.

He brought someone into the temple at that time, what if he went later?What if she failed to hurt Zheng Shuangyi?
Even if she did—

Zhao Xing took a deep breath and raised his hand to press on his chest.

"I can't be happy."

His voice was muffled: "When you entered the hall, your face was pale and you had no blood at all. I really want to kill Zheng Shuangyi!"

Of course Jiang Wan knew.

"It's already happened, don't be upset, I'll recover from this injury for ten days and half a month, and it'll be fine." She looked sideways at her wounded and bandaged arm, "My aunt said that it's not good for a little lady to leave scars on her body." , It’s not pretty, I went to look for the ointment that my uncle got her from somewhere, and said it can beautify the face and remove scars. When the wound is healed, I will use it and it won’t even leave a scar. .

Second brother, you should be happy, really.

I know you don't want to see me get hurt, the blood is not dripping on the gray floor tiles, it is hitting your heart drop by drop.

The reason why my aunt is angry is also because she knows that I probably made a game by myself to lure Zheng Shuangyi into the game.

You are angry and unhappy because you care about me and value me so much. "

Jiang Wan breathed a sigh of relief: "You value me, I am very happy today, shouldn't you be happy for me?"

There are many things that she doesn't need to repeat over and over again.

There is also the hatred of Zhao Yu back then.

Zhao Xing should be even more happy.

Zhao Xing thought about it, and decided to forget it.

The little girl was right.

Things have already happened, there is really no need to worry about anything.

If you are depressed because of this, it is better not to promise her from the beginning.

Zhao Xing sighed silently and said hello.

Jiang Wan breathed a sigh of relief: "You came out of the palace, the officials already know about it, right?"

Zhao Xing nodded humbly: "The matter is such a big mess, the emperor knew about it a long time ago. When the queen mother dealt with the situation, he didn't want to show up because the emperor's aunt was there.

After I sent you out of the palace, Zheng Shuangyi didn't wake up, so my father went to Hanzhang Hall.

Ah Yue and I were both there at that time, and he also asked about the ins and outs, and sent Zheng Shuangyi out of the palace and back to Zheng's residence, not allowing her to be raised in Hanzhang Hall.

Actually very angry. "

Jiang Wan pursed the corners of his lips: "What did the saint say?"

Zhao Xing lowered his eyes and was speechless for a while.

Jiang Wan's heart sank.

"However, we can't hide this matter. There were so many young ladies at the palace banquet today, and something happened suddenly. After a little inquiring, I heard about it.

This has seen blood, and this matter cannot be resolved.

The father stayed with the queen mother for a long time, and didn't say much, let alone comfort the queen mother.

I think the father is decisive.

But because Zheng Shuangyi was still in a coma and didn't wake up, the queen mother was worried now, if he really wanted to punish him, the queen mother would probably turn against him.

Let's take it easy, at least wait until Zheng Shuangyi wakes up. "

That Zheng Shuangyi is really precious.

She was also hurt.

If she had known that she was injured in the palace, when Zhao Xing brought someone in, she should have been blinded and fell down.

Just pretend to be asleep, as if anyone can't do it.


"I'm afraid there will be trouble tomorrow."

Jiang Wan's eyebrows twitched suddenly: "How to say?"

"When I left the palace, the eldest brother went back to the palace, it must have heard the wind outside."

With a straight face, Zhao Xingzhen said to her slowly: "Aunt Huang is very angry, Uncle Huang will not just sit idly by, he will take care of everything, I have to go and ask you for an explanation, will your uncle hide it from you? "

That's something to make a fuss about.

Maybe it will even make trouble in the Tai Chi Hall.

In fact, it was not as expected by Zhao Xing and Jiang Wan. The only difference was that this matter did not make a fuss in the Tai Chi Hall.

There is no other reason, Jin Hedi did not go to court.

He never went to court at all!
Jin and Di Yuji have also been together for decades, and the days of the Xiu Dynasty can be counted on one hand.

A large group of people stood in the hall of Funing.

Needless to say, the Zhao Yu brothers, Changping County King and Gu Huaizhang were also there, and even Zheng Qingzhi stood beside the crowd with his hands tucked in, his face dark and sullen, without saying a word.

Emperor Jinhe sat on the throne, with a look of distress on his face, it could be seen that he really had a headache.

Zhao Yu frowned, and opened his mouth first: "Father feels embarrassed, is it because of mother?"

He is rarely so straightforward.

Jin Hedi raised his eyebrows and subconsciously looked at Gu Huaizhang.

You can't see that face at all.

Emperor Jin He took a deep breath: "Your mother is sad."

Then he looked sideways at Zheng Qingzhi: "I heard that your sister woke up in the morning and knew that her hand was useless, she cried and passed out twice, is she still in a coma?"

(End of this chapter)

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