The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 223 Flying Pigeon Biography

Chapter 223 Flying Pigeon Passing Letters (Part [-])
Jiang Yuanzhan's tone was really bad.

So much so that Zhou Wanning was a little angry when it came to it later.

Originally, she followed Jiang Yuanzhan, even though Jiang Yuanzhan pushed her hand away, she didn't feel anything.

At this moment, with a cold snort, he simply stopped and refused to follow Jiang Yuanzhan's footsteps: "Mr. Jiang Erlang is so temperamental! I don't know, I thought I did something to kill and set fire. Mr. Erlang said such sarcasm, but he stood here and taught me a lesson!"

Jiang Yuanzhan was stunned for a moment, then looked back at her, and found that she had a serious face, and she was really serious in saying this.

He is actually very angry.

But suddenly there was no way to be serious with her.

Make her angry again.

It has not been a day or two since she has been so outspoken.

It's just that I have never suffered a loss since I was a child, let alone be afraid, I have no fear in my heart, and I can say nothing but my head.

In front of the few of them, it's not too much to say, but I'm afraid she will say that she is used to it, and it won't do any good.

Jiang Yuanzhan was also anxious to get angry because of this.

Instead, it pissed her off.

Jiang Yuanzhan crossed his hands, and took a small step back helplessly: "I was wrong, can it make it? See if you are angry, didn't you just say a few words to you, or put on a face because you were anxious , why are you so impatient with me?"

If he still had such a cold attitude, Zhou Wanning could just walk away.

She didn't come to the county prince's mansion to be angry, she had to look at Jiang Yuanzhan's face.

It's not that I haven't quarreled since I was a child, but as I get older, it doesn't quarrel much.

She is not in the mood to quarrel with others, and Jiang Yuanzhan is very accommodating to her, coming and going again and again, this fight can't be quarreled no matter what.

She thought she could have a quick fight today!

She has held her breath for so long.

It was not easy for the officials to despise Mrs. Zheng, but Wan Wan and the others were still persuading her to be careful in her words and deeds, which made her almost annoyed to death!

Jiang Yuanzhan would also jump out of the scorpion sting and teach her a lesson.

She is not afraid of shame.

Who knew Jiang Yuanzhan changed the subject, his face changed, and he apologized to her openly.

It made her so angry that she had nowhere to vent her anger.

Zhou Wanning's cheeks were puffed up, and she stood there with her hands behind her back, staring at Jiang Yuanzhan without saying a word.

Jiang Yuanzhan also looked at it for a long time, his complexion was gentle and gentle, he didn't even dare to be too straightforward in his eyes, even with a hint of flattery and begging for mercy: "Are you really angry with me?"

Zhou Wanning snorted: "Then I don't dare! Mr. Jiang Erlang is very angry now, how dare I get angry with you? Today, I will take a bite of Sanniang, and bring the one who buys cakes and flowers. Tomorrow, I will be angry." If it doesn't go well, Zhou Wanning is always there, trying to scold others with a cold face.

Very scary! "

She is the most eccentric, especially when facing Jiang Yuanzhan.

Because Jiang Yuanzhan has nothing to do with these things.

The main reason is that there is nothing to do with her.

Jiang Yuanzhan could only sigh: "I was wrong. There will be big things in the future, and I won't make fun of you. If we have something to say, let's talk about it. Will it work? Or if you feel puzzled and think about it, I will do it , who told me that I owed a beating and insisted on messing with you, right?"

Zhou Wanning didn't tense up after all, the corner of his mouth loosened, and the arc hung out.

She quickly looked away, but the uncontrollable smile still fell into Jiang Yuanzhan's eyes.

Jiang Yuanzhan immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good not to be angry. If you are too angry, it hurts your body. It's all my fault. Don't be angry."

He even softened his tone before he dared to step up to Zhou Wanning's side.

After walking three or two steps, and getting closer, Jiang Yuanzhan sighed inaudibly: "I'm so angry, I'll take you to have a cup of tea, take it easy, and then take you home?"

It doesn't matter if you drink tea or not, Zhou Wanning is not short of that cup of tea.

The main reason is that at this moment, the mood is smooth, the whole body is comfortable after being coaxed, and the complexion naturally looks good.

"What's so delicious about the tea outside? Do you have something to tell me?"

Jiang Yuanzhan said yes, but had nothing to say.

Zhou Wanning thought for a while: "There are so many people out there, I'm afraid that what you want to say may not be heard by others. Wanwan and the others are at the flower hall, let's go to the waterside pavilion, and after talking, you can take me home.

Didn't you just say that my elder brother is in a hurry to ask you to take me back?Then go out to have tea to waste time, and let my elder brother know later, and see if he troubles you. "

The water pavilion of Changping County Prince's Mansion is located in the east of the courtyard, and it is completely in two directions from the flower hall.

It is quiet here, except for the servants and women who come and go to serve, there is no one to disturb.

The water pavilion is transparent on all sides, it looks like a small house, but there is no privacy in it.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to sit here and talk.

After all, the servants who came and went could see the people in the house at a glance, but because they didn't dare to approach easily, they couldn't really hear what the masters said.

Zhou Wanning sat on the rose chair, and Jiang Yuanzhan sat a little further away on the official hat chair diagonally opposite her.

She scanned over and looked at it for a while: "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I know you are very unhappy because of the Zheng family's affairs. The grievances you haven't suffered in your teens have all been suffered by the Zheng family sisters."

Zhou Wanning curled her lips: "You know, you scolded me just now."

Jiang Yuanzhan felt a little headache: "Ningning, why have I ever scolded you?"

Well, there really isn't one.

Zhou Wanning still snorted and turned her eyes away, refusing to look at him.

Jiang Yuanzhan sighed again: "The government will deal with the situation, the saint will not get sick because of this, and the affairs of the Six Palaces will be handed over to Concubine Zhen to take care of.

I'll tell you in private, this is not the end of the matter.

My aunt couldn't swallow this breath. Yesterday when it was said that the sage fell ill, my aunt was so angry at home that she sent letters to Youzhou and Hedong. At most tonight, I, Aye and my little uncle will both receive the letter , Go back six hundred miles and rush to send the booklet back to Beijing, and make a big fuss about this matter.

Right now Shengjing is already panicked and very unstable, just think about it, what will happen when I, Aye and my little uncle rush back to Beijing with the two playbooks? "

Zhou Wanning said loudly: "Sister Guanwan and Qingyuan didn't tell me..."

"Isn't the princess still there? How can I tell you?" Jiang Yuanzhan replied to her first, and then patiently continued to explain to her, "There is nothing to say about these things. My uncle tried to persuade me yesterday, but I didn't. My aunt is just like that. Now my uncle's family knows about it.

I went to be on duty in the Bingma Division in the morning, and my uncle went to see me specially.

He said that he guessed that I, Aye, would return to Beijing ahead of schedule, but he didn't know.

So let me tell you, stay safe these days, even if you are in our house, don't talk about the Zheng family, let alone involve the saint.

People outside the family know that if you don't talk, you don't talk about it. How can a smart girl like you talk about it instead?

Your elder brother didn't tell you to run around because he was afraid that you would get into trouble.

You don't need to be angry, after Aye returns to Beijing, are you still afraid that Zhuzhu will suffer and be wronged? "

(End of this chapter)

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