The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 225 Hurt Yourself

Chapter 225 Hurt Yourself (Part [-])
Empress Zheng was ill for several days, her complexion was always bad.

The imperial doctor took good care of her, and she didn't go out of the palace very much. She stayed in bed all day long, but she didn't maintain her body well.

Zhao Xing came to serve the sick early in the morning, and Zhao Yi stayed at night and retreated.

The hall is full of medicinal fragrance, even the incense can't suppress the medicinal smell.

Taste it carefully, the faint aroma is also mixed with a little bitterness and sourness.

Zhao Xing lowered his eyes, and after seeing the ceremony, he sat down on the round pier at the end of the bed, and called his mother in a gentle voice: "How do you feel today?"

Empress Zheng's face was icy cold: "What do you think of me?"

She's always been like that.

No oil and salt.

When he just found out that something happened to Zheng's family, his blood surged up, and he was so anxious that he really passed out.

Because of this, the father and son were frightened.

The imperial doctor took a pulse, said there was no major hindrance, prescribed a prescription, and he woke up within half a day.

But since Empress Zheng woke up, she has always had this attitude.

No matter who it is, it's all the same.

That is to say, Zhao Yi can still get a few nice words in front of her.

The rest, including Jin Hedi, couldn't be listened to well, and couldn't get a good face.

For the first two days, Jin and Emperor were afraid that she would get angry and want to do something bad, so they always came to Hanzhang Hall.

All the important matters at hand were left to Zhao Yu to take care of, for fear that something might happen to Empress Zheng.

As a result, such a cold attitude towards Empress Shangzheng gradually disappeared.

On the fourth day after Empress Zheng fell ill, he made a decree to ask Concubine Zhen to take care of the affairs of the Six Palaces.

These are inside stories that outsiders don't know.

Only they in the palace know.

Zhao Xing took a deep breath, feeling extremely helpless, and then sighed heavily: "Mother, no one has ever made things difficult for the Zheng family, the father is the emperor, and so is the elder brother and me.

But Queen Mother, if the Zheng family does something wrong, we have to turn a blind eye and close one eye, lift it up high, and put it down gently. Is this the most appropriate way?

Just because your surname is Zheng? "


"Don't get angry."

Zhao Xing was not trying to anger her, so his voice was still calm: "Mother, what kind of lintel is Pei Guogong's mansion, what kind of character is Pei Guogong, you are the mother of Zhonggong Tianxia, ​​you should have this in mind .

I will not hide from you that the matter was by no means over.

Duke Pei Guo is far away in Youzhou, and he still doesn't know about Zhuzhu's injury. If he knows, why don't he rush to Beijing with the memorial at six hundred miles away, so as to be at odds with the Zheng family?

The Jiang family has deep roots and intricate forces, and it is a family that can affect the whole body. "

After he finished speaking, seeing Empress Zheng's mouth twitch, he immediately knew what she wanted to say.

So she stopped her again: "Yes, the Zheng family of Xingyang, a century-old family leader, isn't it possible that just one hair can affect the whole body.

I know what you want to say, but have you forgotten?
The Jiang family was born in martial arts, but now there are no military generals in the court. To put it bluntly, they all depend on the Jiang family. This is the truth!
Empress mother, royal father loves you in his heart, and has pampered you for decades.

You should also think about your father.

These days, you are throwing face at the Zheng family's affairs. At first, the father was still afraid that you would get angry and put aside the things in hand, wishing to stay twelve hours a day in Hanzhang Hall to accompany you to recuperate from illness.

He is the emperor, he has to consider the overall situation.

If Mr. Pei Guo quit the job, he just said that he is getting old, his old illnesses have relapsed, and he can no longer support himself in the bitter cold land of Liaodong.
He relinquished his military power and went back to Beijing to take care of him. He is still the Duke of Pei. "

As he said, he shook his head again and again: "Mother, you can't always be like this.

It has been 20 years, and the Zheng family has been proud because of you, isn't that enough?

Even the Jiang family doesn't have this dignity.

Do you still remember how the father, the emperor, had a stalemate with the officials in the court in order to give his uncle the title of duke?

The censor officials turned up one after another, deeply thinking that this matter was inappropriate, and the emperor ignored it for your sake, with a tough attitude, and insisted on elevating the uncle's title of Duke of the country.

That's not what uncle deserved, now that you have won the title, why are you so angry? "

Every word and sentence, all poked in the heart of Queen Zheng.

She didn't even know what to say in rebuttal.

Is half a word of these words wrong?
She couldn't tell.


After a long time, Empress Zheng gave a faint cry.

Zhao Xing's eyebrows moved, and he murmured: "My son is here."

"A net is impenetrable, and one day it is suddenly torn open by someone. Tell me what will happen."


Zhao Xing frowned suddenly.

He is a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, very handsome.

Jian Mei frowned, and there was a slight sadness between the brows.

After a while, Zhao Xingcai said dully: "What the mother means is that the Zheng family is not clean, you know it very well, all the maintenance and favoritism in the past 20 years is because you can't let people lie on the Zheng family and tear the hole.

Because once the hole is torn open, the net will be broken.

The end--a fiasco.

This has been the case since ancient times.

The Zheng family is the mother family of the Central Palace, who gave birth to you and raised you, so you can't watch the Zheng family go to the day when the building collapses.

The best way is not to be touched or touched by others.

The Zheng family will always be aloof forever, so it will always be airtight.

You cast a copper wall to firmly surround the Zheng family, and people outside can't get inside—"

Zhao Xing suddenly understood everything!
He was startled suddenly, but also more chilling.

He clearly knew that the Zheng family had a lot of bad things, but just because he didn't want the Zheng family to go down such a path, one day, they would no longer exist, so they had to favor 20 years like this.

How can this not be chilling when you can't even compare with your own flesh and blood?

"Queen, have you never thought that it is far from enough to push down the people outside?"

Empress Zheng was slightly taken aback, pursed the corners of her lips, and said nothing.

Zhao Xing smiled wryly: "If you want to live in peace, you should also keep the Zheng family safe.

If they are willing to stay within your city walls, people outside will not be able to spy on them, and they will not be able to hurt them at all.

It's just that they don't want to live in peace, and insist on crossing the high wall to let the world know how bad they are.

Whether it was ten years ago or ten years later.

In your opinion, the empress mother, elder brother's left hand, and the injury on Zhuzhu's body are all worthless, because in your heart, no one is more important than the Zheng family, not even the emperor.

But queen mother, there will always be someone who will value someone you don't value.

Father, me, Duke Pei, even the emperor's uncle and aunt, the Pei clan of Hedong, the privy envoy, and so on, as well as the elder brother's future concubine——mother, with your attitude, in the end, the only one who will really hurt you is yourself . "

(End of this chapter)

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