Chapter 237 Reluctant (One Update)
Jiang Wan said that he would leave Beijing to go to Suzhou and Hangzhou for a trip, and he had just talked about it in front of Mrs. Jiang yesterday, but today Zhao Xing came to him.

He left the palace early in the morning.

Jiang Wan only had breakfast at that time and headed towards the practice room of Dongkuayuan, and he had to wait for Zhao Xing.

It turned out that Zhao Xinglai was dressed in black when he came, and his face was darker than his body.

She froze at first.

When he came back to his senses, he raised his skirt slightly, stood up, and trotted towards Zhao Xing: "This early in the morning, did the second brother get angry with the saint? Why did you come here with a dark face? It looks scary. Have you eaten? In the morning, the kitchen made steamed eggs, and I asked them to save a bowl for my second brother, which is still warming on the stove."

Jiang Wan liked to eat steamed eggs when he was a child.

The chefs in the Peiguo Mansion are very skilled. The steamed eggs are tender and tender, and when mixed with chopped green onion, they are delicious.

At that time, Jiang Wan liked to mix the eggs in the bowl with her small spoon when eating steamed eggs. Everything went into Zhao Xing's stomach.

Zhao Xing never disliked it, but was happy to solve it for her.

It's not that the Peiguo government can't afford a bowl of steamed eggs, and throw away what they can't finish.

It was the first time that Jiang Guan always grabbed Zhao Xing's clothes corner, and insisted on stuffing the steamed egg in her hand for Zhao Xing to eat.

In fact, Zhao Xing had already grown up at that time, and he had long since stopped eating the things that little girls like to eat, but Jiang Wan was so cute, he never had the heart to refuse, and over time, he developed such a habit.

Although it's no big deal to throw a bowl of steamed eggs that can't be eaten, but Zhao Xing usually takes care of it for her.

When she got older, it was Jiang Wan who felt that this was not good, and she didn't want to get rid of those little habits when she was young, so every time the kitchen prepared steamed eggs for her, she would specially order another bowl for her. Zhao Xing is ready.

Just after Jiang Wan finished speaking, he was going to order Chang An to bring the steamed eggs.

Zhao Xing glanced at her, and said no: "I have eaten in the palace, and I don't have any appetite now, so let me warm it on the stove. If you are hungry in the first half of the day, you can eat by yourself."

Jiang Wan said oh, waved his hand, and sent Chang An and Chang Ning to retreat to the porch outside, and then sat on the official hat chair, then raised his head and continued to ask Zhao Xing: "I don't think you look right, you are really scolded by a saint ?”

It is said that it is impossible.

It has been several days since Empress Zheng summoned her to Hanzhang for an audience.

The affairs of the Zheng family have also come to an end.

These days, Empress Zheng's body is getting better day by day, and her energy is also well maintained.

It's as if the Zheng family was punished and seized the title never happened at all.

Concubine Zhen had already handed over all matters concerning the Six Palaces to Hanzhang the day before yesterday, she pulled out and returned to her original position.

Business as usual.

Since Empress Zheng put it aside for the time being, she couldn't turn around and scold Zhao Xing first.

This is unreasonable, and it is not something that Queen Zheng would do.

Jiang Wan kicked the hem of the skirt with her toes, and the ripples of the blue sea water on the skirt swayed, which was very beautiful.

She kicked one after another, her eyes always fell on Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing looked at her and became helpless for a while, and he couldn't let go of his previous temper, but he just felt uncomfortable.

I really don't know what he is trying to figure out.

He sighed, walked to the official hat chair directly opposite Jiang Wan and sat down: "Can't you make me feel more at ease?"

Jiang Wan tilted his head, blankness flashed in his eyes: "I hear what you mean, is it because I made you unhappy? But I've been very good lately.

My cousin said before that there are many people on the street, and there are many people entering and leaving the city gate at this time. If we go out carefully, we will not let people bump into us.

I thought it was like this every year anyway. Originally, my cousin was in the capital this year, and she wasn't interested in taking her for a walk. Besides, my aunt and uncle wrote letters, saying that she would stay in the capital as long as she wanted. I think there are plenty of opportunities, and I'm not in a hurry for this one or two months.

Now that you don't even go out, why are you upset? "

She had just finished speaking, and she suddenly remembered something, her eyes tightened, she made a sound, and then looked at Zhao Xing intently.

Zhao Xing's smile was not a smile, and the corners of his lips curved lightly: "Do you want to understand what you are doing?"

Jiang Wan pursed her lips, aggrieved: "I'm just talking casually? It's not like I'm really going to Suzhou and Hangzhou for fun.

Cousin and the others have just come back from Suzhou and Hangzhou not long ago, how could they take my cousin and me there again.

That day was just a matter of talking, and when I got to this point, I thought of joking, it was my cousin.

My aunt didn't tell me to finish, so she taught me a lesson.

Why did you turn around and sue me? "

Hearing her aggrieved tone, Zhao Xing wanted to laugh even more, but he was afraid that if he laughed for real now, he would offend her.

He simply endured it: "Are you wronged? I'm about to join the military department as an errand, and you suddenly said that you would go to Suzhou and Hangzhou for a trip.

Earlier, your cousin and the others went to Suzhou and Hangzhou, and it took more than half a year to go there. If you really want to go, the two girls travel slowly, and you won’t be able to come back within a year.

Why did you make this joke in a hurry?

Have we made it clear before?

In May you will celebrate the ceremony, in July it will be my birthday, after that my father will officially confer the marriage, and then the wedding date will be set.

It can be seen that you didn't take this matter to heart at all, that's why you joked about leaving Beijing. "

This is an injustice.

Jiang Wan was also taken aback.

She looked left and right, as if Zhao Xing really took it seriously.

Jiang Wan was anxious again, and complained to her aunt again in her heart: "Why don't I take it to heart? I wish I could get married now!"

The words came out of her mouth.

It made Zhao Xing frowned, and it was rare for him to look away from her awkwardly.

Jiang Wan raised her eyebrows: "What's so embarrassing? That's what I think in my heart, don't you?

I was really joking, how could it be possible to leave Beijing at this time to play outside?

Even if you don't talk about the two of us, just say that I, Aye, Auntie, is going back to Beijing soon. I haven't seen my parents and elder brother and three brothers for more than a year. Don't you want to reunite with the family now, but look forward to going out play?Am I that heartless? "

She thought for a while, stood up, and slowly walked towards Zhao Xing: "You looked really angry when you came, because you just heard what my aunt told you that I want to go to Suzhou and Hangzhou for fun, take it seriously , so you are very angry?"

Zhao Xing was really angry when he heard it.

So when he came, he didn't look good.

It's just that after seeing the little girl, all that anger dissipated at once.

How could you be willing to get angry with her?
(End of this chapter)

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