Chapter 264 Candidates (Part [-])
"Poetry meeting?"

Jiang Wan's hand for peeling the orange paused, his fingertips tightened suddenly, and he squeezed out a lot of orange juice.

She whispered, Pei Qingyuan shook her head and took her hand, took the orange in her hand, took the plain handkerchief that she carried with her, wiped off the orange juice on Jiang Wan's hand, and wrapped her to peel it off. He picked up half of the oranges and continued to peel them for her.

Not long after a whole orange was peeled and handed over, Pei Qingyuan even picked his pointed chin: "Here, eat yours well, don't mess with it again. Such a big man, he doesn't think it's dirty, just like a child .”

Jiang Wan enjoyed it happily, and refused to accept the connection, her expression was full of coquettish anger, her mouth slightly opened, and she let out an ah.

Pei Qingyuan felt helpless and funny for a moment, so he peeled off a petal and handed it to her lips.

Jiang Wan didn't think there was anything wrong, but instead she felt embarrassed first, so she fed him a mouthful, and she refused to feed it to Jiang Wan again: "The Second Highness and cousins ​​are here, you don't feel ashamed, you don't have any Hand, can't you hold it and eat it by yourself?"

Zhao Ran also stared at her with a dark face: "I peeled it for you, and I will feed it to you, why don't you just let someone eat it for you?"

Jiang Wan took the orange with her lips curled up: "My cousin didn't say anything, why are you scolding me?"

Zhao Xingheng glanced over, Zhao Ran had no choice but to shut up in embarrassment, not daring to stare at Jiang Wan again.

On the contrary, she became proud, shaking the toe of her shoes, kicking the hem of the skirt with her toes, and handing it over: "There are so many serious things to do in the court. In the past, His Royal Highness King Su rarely took us to play around together." , let alone now?"

Jiang Wan had a good idea.

After all, Zhao Yu is that kind of person.

He has been the most mature since he was a child.

For those young ones, they are actually quite good-natured and barely patient.

The problem is that he doesn't like to play around with the little ones.

Only Zhao Xing can let him free up some time and spend some time.

As for eating, drinking and having fun elsewhere, Zhao Yu never took part in those matters of recruiting hair and fighting dogs.

And until he began to help Emperor Jinhe handle the government affairs in his serious eight hundred years, there was no time for that.

Right now, the court is busy. Emperor Jinhe has just issued a decree to set up the Nanyuan Protectorate. The Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of War are busy handling this matter. Even Aye and his uncle are not free. Zhao Yu is willing to spare time to lead What poetry are they doing?

Zhao Xing shook his head and said no, and he didn't say any polite words: "Brother naturally has his considerations. Once the Nanyuan Protectorate Mansion is established, the imperial court will definitely send people there to sit in the town and transfer all important military and political affairs in Nanyuan to lead Nanyuan. Garden affairs.

As soon as the Duhu Mansion was established, it had to be ruled by Lei Ting's wrists, so that it could be governed in the future.

Other people's fathers may not be at ease, and there are other problems if they want to transfer people from the court. "

His voice paused for a moment, and Jiang Yuanhui had already taken up his words: "The officials of the six ministries perform their own duties, and everyone has worked hard for many years to get to this position.

Transferring people to Nanyuan now is a big boost to the official position, but it is not obvious that everyone is willing to give up the opportunity of Shengjing to be an official and release Nanyuan Protectorate.

Three years and five years later, things over there have settled down, so what should they do? "

At that time, if they want to be transferred back to Beijing, it is impossible for them to keep the positions in that ministry.

Most of them also found an errand outside and threw it outside.

Among the three provinces and six ministries, there are some famous people who can hold their own and stand alone. From the perspective of age, there are no young people under the age of 30. If you want to go up to the level of the third-rank servant, anyone over forty will be caught. Bundle.

It's true that he was transferred to the Dufu Mansion now, and after five years, he will be released to other places, and it will be like this for the rest of his life.

Who is willing to go?

This is what Jiang Yuanhui said was troublesome.

Jiang Yuanzhan frowned: "King Su is afraid that this job will fall on the heads of us?"

Zhao Xing was noncommittal.

However, Zhao Ce clicked his tongue: "We are still young. If we really want to talk about it, there are only the eldest cousin and Yuan Daoxi. Now that we are in our twenties, it is a good time to make contributions..."

Zhao Xing looked at him along the way, with a half-smile.

Zhao Ce stopped abruptly.

Jiang Wan roughly understood: "His Royal Highness King Su is afraid that the officials will send Yuan Daoxi or my elder brother to Nanyuan?"

"more or less."

Zhao Xing hummed, and said lightly: "Yuan Daoxi himself works in the Ministry of War. Although he is only a fifth rank, it is good not to stand up to his background. If this job falls on him, others dare not have any objections, and there may be no one who is willing to snatch it. Errands.

He is also the right age now.Let him go out for five or six years, and when there is a vacancy in the ministry, he will be transferred back to Beijing, and he will return to work in the ministry, which is a matter of course.

As for your brother—"

He scanned around for a while, and the meaning was obvious. When he came to the end, he looked back and raised his eyebrows: "Isn't this going out today to have a drink with Yuan Daoxi and the others? He is the same person as Yuan Daoxi , the same age, just right.

It took him so long to go to Youzhou to take office with the Duke of the State, and he delayed his entry to the court to serve as a leader, but he asked your second brother to rush ahead of him.

Now that he is back in Beijing, there is no shortage for him in the Ministry, and his father did not intend to ask him to go to the Imperial Court of Yushitai.

People like him will do practical things for the court in the future.

It happened to be right at this stall to set up the Protectorate, so it was just right to let him go there.

The eldest brother just wanted to avoid the two of them, and it would be best to pick it out, so he suddenly said in front of the father, saying that he wanted to do this poetry meeting.

Anyway, I didn't tell me before.

After leaving the palace, I went to the palace, and the elder brother probably told me about it, saying that I knew it well. "

Sitting on the side, Zhou Wanning was puzzled: "But if the officials have a heart, it may not be that King Su will be able to pick out Brother Yuan and Brother Yuan Yao by holding a poetry meeting, right?"

That must be impossible.

But here is a question of attitude.

King Su didn't really want to put these words on the table, and Emperor Jinhe could understand what he meant.

Yuan Daoxi will be his right-hand man in the future, and Jiang Yuanyao is similar.

People of the same age grew up together. Although Jiang Yuanyao did not serve as his companion, he often walked back and forth between childhood and childhood, and often had long conversations.

The personal friendship is very deep, and the relationship is very good.

It is not a good thing to stay away from Shengjing for five or six years.

Even if he wasn't troubled by the seizure of the heir, he didn't want those close to him to be sent to Nanyuan like this.

Emperor Jinhe always wanted to take care of Zhao Yu's wishes, so he would take his opinions into consideration.

What Jiang Wan had in mind was another matter.

Her expression became a little serious: "The officials of the three provinces and six ministries are not successful, neither are Yuan Daoxi and my eldest brother, so who do you plan to ask the government to send? Who will the government send?"

(End of this chapter)

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