Chapter 267 Poetry Meeting (Second Update)
When Zhao Yu said that he wanted to start a poetry meeting, he didn't just say it casually.

Since the report in front of the imperial court that day, I have been busy for seven or eight days, choosing places and posting posts.

The location was chosen in his own courtyard.

After the founding of the mansion, Jin Hedi chose another secluded and elegant courtyard in Dongcheng to use as a separate courtyard for him. The father and son knew exactly what the purpose was.

At that time, Empress Zheng also handed Zhao Yu to Hanzhang Hall and said that if there is a girl she likes outside, don't take her to the palace. After all, he has not been registered as a princess now. There are no concubines, only the two house maids that Empress Zheng called over from her side. If she really has a little lady she likes outside, it will not sound good to talk about it in the palace.

The meaning of getting that other courtyard is that he is not allowed to raise a foreign room, and he is not allowed to be brought back to the palace, and he is placed in the other courtyard, which can be regarded as a status.

When he gets married in the future, he will discuss with the princess and take him to the palace. The concubine, even the side concubine, can give him any title as long as he likes it.

Zhao Yu rolled his eyes in his heart when he heard this.

He has never been a person who loves sex, and it is not his thing to be greedy for beauty, so worrying about it makes him speechless.

Unexpectedly, the other courtyard came in handy right now.

Since it is Zhao Yu's other courtyard, the scenery of the courtyard with five entrances and seven widths is naturally good, and everything is extremely luxurious and capable, with pavilions, towers, pavilions, and artificial hills scattered here and there.

The inner court did not know how many treasures accumulated over the years were found and sent over, all of which were the intentions of Emperor Jin He and Empress Zheng.

The second and fourth courtyards of the other courtyards were all cleaned up, and there were a lot of preparations across the courtyards. In Shengjing, Zhao Yu almost gave posts to all the respectable households.

Those children from small families are not qualified to speak in front of Zhao Yu on weekdays, but they cherish such an opportunity very much.

On the other hand, Jiang Wan and the others were indifferent to it, and didn't care too much about it, and knowing the inside story of this poetry society, they couldn't even arouse any interest.

Anyway, it's not really necessary to judge the quality of poetry and prose, and even if it is judged, what good is there?
It is later than later.

The Dongkua Hospital of the third entrance hospital specially cleaned up a few places and reserved them for Jiang Wan and the others.

Sister Jiang Wan and Pei Qingyuan, sister Zhao Xiyue, and Zhou Wanning and Shen Baozhi.

For others, for example, a girl like Li Yuqi has a good background, but it is not to the point where Zhao Yushang has to prepare a cross-court specially for her.

Those are the errands arranged by the stewards in the palace.

At this moment, Jiang Wan and the others were sitting in front of the corridor across the courtyard. There were a large number of peonies planted in the courtyard, and there were all kinds of peonies.

"It's the first time I've come to Brother Wang's other courtyard. The peonies he grows here are good."

Zhao Xiyue rolled up her cuffs, making a gesture to get up.

In the end, Jiang Wan pulled her back: "It's the peonies blooming season, and those blooming are just in time, and you're going to pick flowers again, so don't mess with them.

It’s blooming like this, can’t you enjoy the flowers? "

"I want to make a wreath." Zhao Xiyue curled her lips and pointed to Jiang Wan's head, "I think this white jade hairpin on your head is too plain, it's just suitable for picking a few bright peonies, weaving a wreath for you to wear on the head."

After hearing this, Zhou Wanning smiled and went to pull her: "Forget it, she doesn't like these, if you put them on for her, she will feel uncomfortable if she needs a cup of tea."

Zhao Xiyue felt bored.

Pei Qingyuan saw it, leaned slightly, pushed Jiang Wan's hand away, and rescued Zhao Xiyue's little hand: "Don't listen to the two of them, go fold it, I love these, you can choose a few colors for me, Don't be too colorful, just beautiful, I'll wear it after weaving it!
After a while, I saw the little ladies in front of me, and I also showed off a little. I just said that the garland was made for me by Her Royal Highness, and no one else had it, and I couldn't ask for it. "

Only then did Zhao Xiyue's brows bend and her eyes became happy again.

She lifted the hem of her skirt with an eh, then went down the steps, ran all the way to the flower garden, and carefully selected flowers for Pei Qingyuan.

Jiang Wan was also helpless: "The flower is blooming well, so cousin can let her go."

"A few flowers are worth nothing, so why make the princess unhappy?" Pei Qingyuan asked her back, "You said that peonies bloom, and they are originally for people to watch. It's a common thing to like them for a while, and to fold flowers and climb branches. You Hold on to this."

She seemed to be thinking of something again, and the curve of her lips rose even more: "You still talk about your mouth, how many good things did you waste earlier? Don't talk about flowers, it's just food and drink. You play with it in your hands. It's a mess, and today I'm taking Sister's money and preaching to others?"

Jiang Wan couldn't hold back anymore.

I was stunned for a moment, and burst into a laugh: "It can be seen that my cousin likes Ah Yue more in her heart, so she favors her like this! Then I broke those food, and it was only a dollar or two. She went to fold flowers, and she didn't know how to ruin it." How much, you use this to compare!"

Zhou Wanning also leaned towards Pei Qingyuan, holding Zhou Wanning's arm, almost sticking to her side, with a hey, just tearing down the stage: "That's right, once you eat something, you will waste a piece or two. 15 years, how many things have you eaten?
Meals are not counted, but what about the daily snacks?What about the fresh melons delivered every season?

Lin Lin finally figured it out, why not be compared?Don't tell people? "

Jiang Wan pursed his lips, even furrowing his brows together: "Okay, you are now a team, join hands to bully me!"

Zhao Xinuan just woke up and came out of the house.

Rubbing her eyes with her two little hands, as soon as she went out, she heard something bullying or not, and she didn't know what the consequences would be. With a huh, she immediately woke up, lowered her hands, her two short legs were swaying, and walked quickly to the ground. Beside Jiang Wan: "Someone is bullying Sister Awan? How brave!"

She has grown bolder lately.

Ever since Empress Zheng became seriously ill, Concubine Zhen took charge of the affairs of the six palaces, and was more lenient than Empress Zheng to the people below, Zhao Xinuan always followed Zhao Xiyue, whether it was playing or going out of the palace, there was always someone to take care of her. With her, with her, she gradually let go, and jokes are not as timid as before.

Jiang Wan rubbed her and straightened her slightly crooked braid: "No one bullies me, I'm joking right now.

It's about time you woke up, your sister is going to pick flowers and weave wreaths, and it happens to be brought here in a while, so you can pick one and wear it first. "

As she spoke, she hugged Zhao Xinuan and put her in Zhao Xiyue's previous position.

Zhao Xinuan grabbed Jiang Wan's hand and didn't let go: "Then sister Awan make it up for me! You make it up beautifully, I don't want sister's!"

(End of this chapter)

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