The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 295 Take it lightly

Chapter 295 Take it lightly
Jiang Yuanzhan rode his horse forward, and when he returned to the front of the team, Liang Guang followed on his horse.

He glanced sideways at Jiang Yuanzhan's unfriendly expression, and of course his face tightened: "Did Yuwen Chang say something to the general?"

Jiang Yuanzhan hummed, but he didn't have the intention to repeat those words to Liang Guang, he just asked him: "You selected this team yourself, right?"

Liang Guang's heart tightened, and he was about to nod and say yes, but then he thought of something and shook his head: "Not all of them. I didn't pick out the two who were seriously injured in the night attack on the river beach.

The night before we left the army, two of the candidates who had been selected happened to fall ill and came to ask me for leave.

The number of people is insufficient, I was going to report back to the general, or choose two more.

The two of them recommended these two, saying that they were from their hometown, and their skills were good, so they just happened to be able to stand up to them.

I asked people to be brought over to have a look, and I tried to reach out to them, so I selected them.

General, is there something wrong with the two of them? "

It's not a big problem, it's just that everything is too coincidental.

These people were all carefully selected by Liang Guang, and all of them were good fighters in the army with one against ten or even one hundred.

Why were those two seriously injured the night the river beach was attacked?
Among this group of people, someone was secretly delivering news for Yuwen Shichang.

There is no doubt about that.

Jiang Yuan looked serious and nodded: "You send someone to rush back quickly, and first control these two people. Heal them when they need to be treated. After they recover from their injuries, they will be detained on the spot and choose a trustworthy one." confidant."

As soon as Liang Guang heard this, he knew that the matter was serious, so he responded repeatedly: "There are troops from all over the front to respond, the general will see if I..."

"You can't go." Jiang Yuanzhan frowned, "Let Yang Xu go, he is careful, he can reach out, take my warrant, and let the local garrison cooperate with him.

After recovering from their wounds, they were detained on the spot, and there was no need to think about escorting the two of them to Beijing, as Yang Xu might not be able to handle it alone.

You told Yang Xu to work harder on him, and told him to stay here for the time being, and return to Beijing when news came from the capital. "

After Liang Guang listened to the tasks he had assigned him one by one, he complied with all of them with a serious face, and turned his horse's head back without mentioning them.

At dusk, near Quyang County.

The escort team met the Quyang garrison team who came to meet them near the official road.

It was a team of 50 people personally led by General Liu Quanxin of the Quyang Garrison, who went out of the city first and came towards the official road.

It was naturally a good exchange of pleasantries when we met each other.

Jiang Yuanzhan handled it with ease.

It's just that the sky is getting late, there are no lights or candles beside the official road here, and it has been raining for several days, and the weather is not good, and the moonlight is hazy, unable to illuminate the land of Quyang.

Even the sky was getting dark a little earlier.

Jiang Yuanzhan was not satisfied with the weather: "General Liu, hurry up now, how long will it take to enter the city?"

Liu Quanxin accompanied him, made a rough estimate, and then returned to Jiang Yuan: "It's a bit far away, even if the footsteps are faster, it will be half an hour later, and the sky will be even darker then."

The moon is dark and the wind is high, the night is the most suitable for murder and arson.

In such a weather, marching on the road is the most taboo.

If you are on your way all the way, if you don't take precautions, it is very easy to be attacked by enemies hiding in the dark.

Once he loses his initiative and is caught off guard, he will naturally be at a disadvantage everywhere.

Jiang Yuanzhan knew that the garrisons in various places were not very reliable, and Liu Quanxin only brought 50 people to support him, which was really too negligent.

It's just that now is not the time to care about these things.

He made a decisive decision, stopped the team, and ordered Liang Guang to set up camp on the spot.

Liu Quanxin seemed puzzled: "The general had a hard time escorting the King of Nanyuan all the way. We had to catch up with the journey for half an hour. When we entered the city, the post house in the county town would be cleaned up by the general in the afternoon. The general can also take a bath and change clothes, so that he can be at ease. Why do you want to camp here all of a sudden?"

Jiang Yuanzhan glanced across.

He knew Liu Quanxin.

Born in the army, he also made some military achievements in his early twenties, but he was not prominent.

It was only because there were too few military generals available in the imperial court over the past ten years that he was exposed.

Jiang Yuanzhan vaguely remembered someone who promoted Liu Quanxin in front of the imperial court. Aye seemed a little dissatisfied with this matter. He heard Aye say it when he was young, but after many years, he couldn't remember clearly. , I didn't take it too seriously at the moment.

Anyway, that's how it is in the court.

It's good to have someone behind you.

Otherwise, with Liu Quanxin's ability, even the guard of Quyang is not worthy of him.

But in officialdom, people still have to talk about worldly sophistication.

Jiang Yuanzhan was patient, and watched Liang Guang get busy with his people: "It is difficult to travel at night, half an hour is too long, and the official road is not completely safe and reliable. In case of any accident, the 50 people brought by General Liu How long can people resist?"


Liu Quanxin was stunned for a moment: "Listening to what the general said, have you been attacked by gangsters on the way here?"

Jiang Yuanzhan sneered in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

Anyway, he has a cold face right now, three points colder than tonight's cold: "General Liu is afraid?"

"People who have seen blood in battle, even though they have been stationed in the county all year round, their blood is no longer what it used to be, but they will not be like what the general said. They will be afraid when they hear such things."

Liu Quanxin responded frankly: "It's just that if I knew this earlier, I should have brought more people with me when I came.

The general retreated from the southern battlefield, and probably knows that the garrison troops stationed in various places, as well as ours, stationed in counties, are only used to stabilize the peace of one side and prepare for the expansion of the army. Chinese use.

If you really want to fight the enemy, all the soldiers under the general's command are good players with one against ten, those of us—"

He smiled self-deprecatingly: "Three or five times beating up one person is not bad.

I really took it lightly. I didn't know that the general would encounter gangsters on his way back to Beijing. I just responded as usual at that time, so I only ordered 50 people to come, otherwise no matter what..."

"It's okay, I sent someone to send a letter and didn't make it clear to General Liu. General Liu doesn't have to blame himself."

Jiang Yuanzhan was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, so he waved his hand and interrupted all of Liu Quanxin's next words: "It's just that everyone is working hard tonight, and you are on duty in shifts, so as to avoid any accidents, I will order Liang Guang to arrange our people to patrol outside, Liu Quanxin The people under the general's command are divided into three shifts, and they are mainly responsible for guarding the prison cart, so as not to let any irrelevant people get close to King Nanyuan's prison cart."

Liu Quanxin stood a little behind him, his eyes darkened, and a look of complexity flashed across his eyes, without saying anything else, he said right away: "But follow the general's orders."

(End of this chapter)

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