Chapter 301 Rest (one more)
On October [-]th, Jiang Yuanzhan led his troops back to Beijing.

Because it was announced that he was seriously injured and ill, and now he has not led the army back to the court, so when he entered the city, he did not have such a big fanfare.

Near dusk, a group of people entered the city and went straight to the palace gate.

Since he returned to Shengjing, he would naturally not wear armor, and it was impossible to hold a sword in the direction of Miyagi.

Liang Guang's rank was not high enough, so Jiang Yuanzhan asked him to lead his brothers to the camp in the western suburbs with his warrant, and did not follow into the city.

As for Liu Quanxin, who hadn't had the opportunity to visit Beijing for more than ten years, he was inevitably nervous at the moment.

He was hesitant to speak several times, and his gaze was intentionally or unintentionally cast on Jiang Yuanzhan who was standing with his hands behind his back on the left front.

It's not that Jiang Yuanzhan couldn't notice the sight behind him and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

There was about two cups of tea, and Li Fu greeted him quickly with his hands in his arms.

When Jiang Yuanzhan saw that it was him, he straightened his clothes, showing no trace of arrogance on his face.

"General Xiao Jiang has worked hard all the way. The officials said that he will disappear today. A few days ago, the Ministry of War received a report from the mansion saying that the general was injured. Everyone in the Duke's mansion was worried. The officials wanted the general to go home first and see the Duke. Ma'am, I also went to the county prince's mansion and the privy envoy's mansion to inquire about each other's well-being, and when the court is over tomorrow, the general will be summoned to Funing for interrogation."

When Li Fu talked to him, he was always polite. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Liu Quanxin behind Jiang Yuanzhan. He didn't look too much, and said directly: "General Liu will first settle down in the camp in the western suburbs. If there is anything, the officials will take care of him." summoned together."

In fact, Liu Quanxin was born in a reckless manner, and it must be a coincidence to have his current status.

Jin Hedi could think of his words casually, he was already very grateful to Dade in his heart, how could he feel that there was any difference in treatment, and he felt a sense of gap.

So before Jiang Yuanzhan opened his mouth, he followed Li Fu's words and said, "Thank you, internal officer."

Li Fucai looked at him, and after taking a look, he was quite polite: "General Liu is tired from traveling, let's go to the camp in the western suburbs to settle down first."

Liu Quanxin went to see Jiang Yuanzhan again, and found that he still didn't respond. After thinking about it for a while, he understood.

When the footsteps behind him gradually faded away, Jiang Yuanzhan sighed and asked Li Fu, "Does the official have anything else to say?"

"The general has never led the army division, and the etiquette system is inconsistent. The officials said that these days, except for summons in the palace, it is best for the general to stay in the Duke's mansion and not to go out. The Nancheng soldiers and horses don't need to be on duty for the time being. Before the army returns to the court, the general will go out of the city to join the army and enter the city together, this battle will be considered as having a beginning and an end."

This is profound, but intriguing.

The kung fu on the scene, whether to do it or not, depends on the person.

Jiang Yuanzhan did not return to Beijing privately. He had previously sent a secret letter to the imperial court, and he escorted Yuwen alone, which was also approved by Emperor Jinhe.

Now something went wrong, and suddenly said this...

Jiang Yuanzhan pursed his lips and remained silent.

Seeing that he seemed hesitant, Li Fu smiled and said it's all right: "The general will be an official. I feel sorry for your hard work, and ask you to rest for a few days. You don't have to be on duty, and you don't have to deal with those people outside. The general is not happy to be idle." ?”

Jiang Yuanzhan looked at him deeply, and he also met Jiang Yuanzhan's gaze with burning eyes.

"The internal officer said so, so I understand."

Li Fu secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "That's it. Two days before the general came back, the officials had already delivered a decree to Liaodong. A few days earlier, the Duke of the State would be able to return to Beijing. When the family is reunited, everything will be fine. of."

Jiang Yuanzhan had a smile on his face, and thanked Li Fu twice before he was willing to leave.

Jiang Yuanzhan's return to the mansion was indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

At that time, Mrs. Gu was leading sisters Jiang Wan and Pei Qingyuan to chant scriptures and pray for blessings in the small Buddhist hall.

She didn't believe this before, but in the past half a month, except for the news about Jiang Yuanzhan's serious injury reported by the Ministry of War, she has not gotten a single word about Jiang Yuanzhan, so why not worry?
If there is no other way, I wish I could be bored in the small Buddhist hall every day, begging for the protection of the Buddha.

The little girl came in and answered, saying that Erlang had returned to the mansion, and Gu thought she had heard wrong, so she got up suddenly, her eyes went dark, and she almost fell over.

Jiang Wan and Pei Qingyuan hurriedly supported the man on the left and right, and asked the little maid: "My second brother is back?"

The little girl nodded again and again: "Now we have passed the second gate, Dalang and Sanlang have already received the news!"

This is Gu's belief.

She was agitated for a while, and she burst into tears, with teardrops hanging all over her face.

Pei Qingyuan took a veil and wiped it for her, and persuaded her softly: "It's a good thing that the second cousin came back safely, Auntie, don't cry, let's go there too, and when you see the second cousin, your heart will be completely let go." gone."

In the main hall of the Shangfang courtyard, although Mrs. Gu was sitting on the Arhat bed, she couldn't calm down, her eyes were full of anxiety, and she kept looking towards the door.

Jiang Wan also pinched his fingertips to watch.

Not long after, footsteps sounded, and Jiang Yuanyao and Jiang Yuanhui brothers talking with Jiang Yuanzhan.

Gu Shi could hardly sit still, and already had the movement to get up.

The little girl drew the curtain and led people into the house. When Gu saw Jiang Yuanzhan standing there safe and sound, although it was darker than when he left Beijing for the expedition, he was also much stronger.

He stood there with a full beard and tail, obviously very healthy.

Gu Shi couldn't hold it back, tears fell down, got up and went forward, hugging him in his arms.

Jiang Yuanzhan wiped the tears from her face, bent over, hugged her behind his back, and patted her on the back: "Aniang, don't cry, I'm back well."

He said a few words of reassurance, and Gu Shi was barely able to hold on.

Let go of people, crying and laughing.

Jiang Yuanzhan hugged him and went back to the Arhat bed. The mother and son sat down side by side. Mrs. Gu thought about it, and finally grabbed Jiang Yuanzhan's hand again.

She was somewhat uneasy, and looked left and right: "You were just wounded from the battlefield, and you haven't been cared for for long. I watched how you live and breathe. Although it's a little dark, it looks much stronger than you were before you went out.

And you are the commander-in-chief of the three armies, why didn't you go with the army and returned to Beijing first?
He didn't go to the palace to answer the conversation, and he went straight home. If the news reaches the ears of the officials, what should we do? "

Jiang Yuanzhan comforted her with a faint smile: "I have been to the palace, and the officials were sympathetic and told me to come home first, and allowed me to go to my uncle and uncle's house to say hello.

Tomorrow morning, the Empress Dowager's family will summon me to Funing Palace for questioning.

Ma'am, I'm not hurt. "

Gu's face froze, forgetting about the previous ones, but the following sentence——

She frowned: "Does the official know?"

Jiang Yuanzhan nodded and said he knew.

Gu's heart already knew.

This was discussed with the officials in advance.

That's government affairs, so they shouldn't talk too much.

So Mrs. Gu stopped talking: "It's good that you are not injured. As for other things, you can go and talk to your Aye when you come to Aye's house. Tomorrow, the official will summon you to weigh the answer by yourself in front of the emperor, and you don't have to talk to him." I said.

Or go to meet your uncle and uncle later.

You have returned to Beijing suddenly. If it is really a matter of government and military affairs, it would be useful to tell them. "

(End of this chapter)

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