Chapter 303 Reward (Part [-])
Jiang Yuanzhan's attitude was really good, and what he said was even more impeccable.

Everyone in the hall looked at each other in blank dismay, no one knew what Jin Hedi was thinking at the moment, so no one was willing to speak first.

Jiang Yuanzhan was still kneeling straight, Jin Hedi smiled and told him to stand up: "At your age, it's really rare for you not to be aggressive or arrogant."

As soon as these words were spoken, why didn't everyone understand?

Both the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple knew in their hearts that they had nothing to do with them today.

Originally, when the officials summoned them, they thought they were going to come to discuss crimes.

Originally on tenterhooks.

Because of one failure, I had to ask the Privy Envoy to rob him in Funing Palace.

The Ministry of Punishment is better, Dali Temple is really unwilling to offend the Privy Council.

It's all right now.

The official laughed, and the matter calmed down.

"Whether the guilt is inevitable or not, there is nothing to worry about, it depends on your own attitude."

Jin Hedi glanced at him and saw that he had already got up, with his hands hanging by his side, and he was standing very well, and his heart was more satisfied: "If you are young and vigorous, relying on your own meritorious service, you will become frivolous, For this matter, I must be responsible for you.

Now that you can say such things and know what duty is and what loyalty is, and I am not that kind of tyrant who only made military exploits and returned to the court, I will seize your power first without saying a word, and that’s all. Can't you? "

He laughed again and shook his head: "Your family is the most protective, I won't poke that hornet's nest."

Jiang Yuanzhan's face changed slightly.

Wei Cundao is really on the right track now, and probably today he also figured out Jin Hedi's intentions.

He didn't even wait for Gu Huaizhang to open his mouth, he took two steps forward, and complimented him with a smile: "This is also a virtuous and virtuous official, General Xiao Jiang has received the emperor's favor, and he must do his best in the future. The master is watching and taking care of it, even if General Xiao Jiang doesn’t think well, he won’t succeed.”

Gu Huaizhang glanced over, but Wei Cundao pretended not to see it.

After hearing this, Emperor Jinhe was very helpful: "Just now, you are all here today, so there is no need to mention the word "crime and responsibility", it's a reward..."

He dragged the end of his voice, in fact, he was waiting for the people from the Ministry of War to take the initiative to ask Jiang Yuanzhan for credit, and this matter would be considered a successful conclusion.

Anyway, even the coach Jiang Yuanzhan didn't punish him, so Jin Hedi probably didn't plan to pursue Liu Quanxin's improper employment.

Wei Cundao understood in his heart, and was about to accept Jin Hedi's words.

As a result, Gu Huaizhang moved faster than him, and spoke faster.

He stopped Wei Cundao's words, cupped his hands and called the officials: "The officials are benevolent, and he will not be held accountable for the crime of being unfavorable to the escort. However, this offense can be big or small. As usual, it is only reasonable to balance the merits and demerits.

However, instead of being punished, he was awarded a reward, just for the four words of his meritorious service in calming the chaos. The minister thought this was inappropriate.

It's all about the people outside, the chaos in Pingnanyuan, the people are safe, so naturally they won't say anything.

But the Chinese and Chinese military officials may not accept it in their hearts.

The fact that the officials did not pursue it does not mean that he is not at fault.

Since there are mistakes, there should be no further rewards.

Besides, he was right.

Nanyuan quelled the chaos, the merits belonged to the three armies, not him alone.

If the officials want to award rewards, it is nothing more than his surprise attack on the enemy camp and the capture of Yuwen Shichang alive.

But now that Yu Wenchang is dead, he has not really brought him back to Shengjing to wait for his punishment, so he asked the officials to invite the officials, and no longer rewarded General Xiao Jiang, nor favored the Duke of Peiguo. Rewarding the three armies, and rewarding meritorious deeds, should first be handed over to the Ministry of War to draw up a regulation, then submitted to the Privy Council for review, and finally submitted to the imperial court for official review and approval. "

Not to mention others, even Wei Cundao was taken aback.

The matter was not mentioned in the past, and Jin Hedi's attitude could not be more obvious. At this moment, as long as the Ministry of War pushes the boat along, Jiang Yuanzhan's reward will be finalized.

As a result, Gu Huaizhang, the uncle, jumped out first and said it was wrong?
But he is a privy envoy, and he has more say in this matter than the Ministry of Punishment.

This made Wei Cundao in a dilemma, he didn't know whether to refute him or not.

Jin Hedi squinted his eyes, in a state of contemplation.

Standing beside Gu Huaizhang, Jiang Yuanzhan echoed: "I don't dare to covet the merits of the heavens, and if the officials don't punish their crimes, it is already a lenient one, and they are extra lenient to the minister.

What the privy envoy said was also what I thought in my heart, and I would like to ask the officials to be merciful, and no longer reward the ministers, and no longer favor the Duke of Peiguo. "

Coming out of Funing Hall, Wei Cundao and the others would not join Gu Huaizhang.

On weekdays, Gu Huaizhang didn't like to walk around with the courtiers very much, especially the people in the Ministry of War, except for the necessary intersection of court affairs, they would not even say a word.

Anyway, no one wants to go up and post his cold face, so he is happy to be quiet.


"Let's talk after leaving the palace."

Gu Huaizhang kept a straight face and didn't ask Jiang Yuanzhan to speak.

The two uncles and nephews went down the jade steps in front of the hall, and Li Fu hurriedly caught up behind him: "Secretary Gu, General Xiao Jiang!"

He chased anxiously, out of breath.

Gu Huaizhang stopped at his feet and stopped in the middle of the jade steps.

He turned around, seeing Li Fu approaching quickly, he took another half step back: "Slow down, officer."

Li Fu nodded: "The official asked the servants to chase them out quickly, and told the privy envoy and the young general to leave the palace slowly. Although it was agreed in the palace, the reward from General Xiao Jiang and the favor from the Duke's mansion should be given up, but the official People say that General Xiao Jiang’s meritorious service is in the country this time, and he made great achievements in surprise attacking the enemy’s camp, and saying that the merits and demerits are offset is for the outside officials to see, and we still want to reward General Jiang in private.”

After he finished speaking in one breath, he took a breath and took a few breaths: "The government wants to reward a hundred taels of gold and ten pieces of jade, and the little eunuch has already been sent to the treasury to get them.

Because it was General Xiao Jiang and the Privy Councilor who asked him not to grant rewards in front of the palace, so it is not good to send these to the Duke's mansion with great fanfare. Now that General Xiao Jiang is going out of the palace, let's take them away together and put them in the sedan chair Up, it's not that noticeable. "

Jiang Yuanzhan was a little dumbfounded when he heard the words.

One hundred pieces of gold, ten pieces of jade, not one ingot of gold ingots and one small jade hairpin, these things were taken out of the palace, even if they were to be put in the soft sedan chair, how could they not be conspicuous?

But with the gift from the Son of Heaven, he would never be able to evade it in every possible way in front of Funing Hall.

So he nodded in response, then turned around and bowed in the direction of Funing Hall: "Please also ask the internal officer to come to the official's house to answer for me, and I will not enter the hall to thank you."

Li Fu followed up with his words repeatedly: "The little general waited a while when he arrived at the gate of the palace. The little eunuch sent something outside, and you took it home. The official also meant the same thing. You don't need to go into the palace to thank you again." , These days, just stay at home and rest well, wait a few days for the army to return to court, the young general is the commander of the three armies, and he has to go out of the city gate to join the army, and after that, he will go back to Bingmasi to be on duty."

Jiang Yuanzhan said he knew, and didn't say anything else, and went out of the palace with Gu Huaizhang without mentioning it.

(End of this chapter)

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