Chapter 308 Chilling (Part Two)
When the father and son hadn't discussed the reason for coming, Li Fu entered the hall and said that Zhao Yi had come.

Emperor Jinhe didn't want to see him at first, but he came from Hanzhang Hall, and he was afraid that there was something wrong with Empress Zheng, so he had to be told to enter the hall.

Zhao Yi entered the Xici Room to meet people.

Those letters were all kept on the imperial case in the main hall, anyway, Zhao Yi couldn't see them, and there was no chance at all.

After he entered the palace, he greeted Jin Hedi and greeted him, and then he looked over Zhao Yu and Zhao Xing seemingly inadvertently.

But I saw two people looking as usual, sitting on the official hat chair, with a small celadon teacup in hand, white mist shrouded, steaming hot, obviously a new cup of tea just added.

Jin Hedi said a few words about the small case, and he came back to his senses: "The queen mother asked the sons to come and ask the father, is it because of the Zheng family that he hastily called the emperor brothers to Funing to talk back and discuss matters?"

After Zhao Yi hesitated for a moment, he pursed his lips and pinched his own fingertips, looking a little cautious.

This is indeed what his mother asked him to ask, not his own decision.

After hearing this, Emperor Jin He frowned.

He didn't think his son was instigating anything there.

Calling a few sons in a hurry, and sending Sanlang to Hanzhang Hall alone, even if she closed her eyes and thought about it, she could guess that the matter to be discussed today was related to the Zheng family.

"Your mother asked you to ask, but instead of persuading her to be at ease, don't bother with the government affairs of the previous dynasty, but instead help her to ask?"

Jin Hedi turned cold.

Zhao Yi was taken aback.

He has been back in Beijing for several years, no matter what the reason is or what kind of mentality he has, his father, queen and empress seldom treat him coldly.

This time, he really showed his face.

Zhao Yi replied more cautiously: "I tried to persuade you, but I can't persuade you.

The father also knows the temper of the queen mother. When she is in that state of mind, let alone a son-in-law, even if you say it yourself, does the queen mother listen to you? "

She will not listen.

Don't look at her seemingly soft-tempered and easy-to-talk all these years, but she is actually the toughest.

He is that kind of person, and after so many years, he has gotten used to it.

Everything should follow her heart, how could she be willing to listen to what others said?
Emperor Jin He was helpless, so he didn't say anything more.

Zhao Yi persevered, seeing his compromise, he pursued again: "So I can only follow the mother's words and come to Funing Hall to ask you."

He didn't mention anything about Zheng's family anymore, but he was actually asking.

Bringing out Empress Zheng, this matter can't be hidden now.

Emperor Jin He let out a long sigh and got up slowly.

He got down from the Arhat bed, and walked back and forth for several steps with his hands behind his back. It seemed that he had made up his mind before he asked Zhao Yu, "Will you go with me to see your mother?"

Zhao Yu's complexion sank again.

He's used to it.

With just one look and one word, he knew exactly what his father wanted to do.

It's a dilemma for the Zheng family to put the father in the middle.

One end is the majesty of the law of the country, and the other end is the queen mother.

Bringing him in is nothing more than asking him to bring it up again, to bring up the old things ten years ago, so that the mother will feel guilty and stop holding on like this, insisting on protecting the Zheng family.

Zhao Yu lowered his eyes and said hello.

Zhao Xing's body moved, and he clearly wanted to say something, Zhao Yu saw it out of the corner of his eye, and pressed the back of his hand calmly, not to make him move.

In fact, Emperor Jin He could see it clearly, and sighed softly: "Da Lang..."

"Father needless to say, the sons and ministers understand."

This is what he should do.

Whether it's for the court, or for the harmony between father, queen and queen.

Zhao Yi felt like an outsider, and couldn't get in the way right now.

He was originally excluded by his father today.

It's about the Zheng family, he'd better not speak up.

The father and son went all the way from Funing Hall to Hanzhang Hall.

The female official Hanzhang waited at the gate of the palace in a hurry, with anxiety written all over her face.

Zhao Yi panicked at this moment, as if he had forgotten the rules and etiquette, and stepped forward in two or three steps, even his voice was anxious: "Why is my aunt waiting here with such an expression? What's wrong with the queen mother?" ?"

The female officer crossed hands, bowed down to Emperor Jin He and everyone, Shi Shiran: "The imperial hospital boiled the medicine, but the sage refused to take it, he had to wait until the officials had finished speaking before taking the medicine.

The officials know that the saint's body now needs medicine to warm it up, and it's impossible not to take medicine.

The servant girl wanted to send the little maid to report to Funing Hall, but the saint said nothing.

The saint's temper became anxious, and the servants did not dare to force the saint's wishes, so they could only wait for you at the gate of the palace..."

When Emperor Jin He heard this, he became anxious.

Those medicines are specially prepared for Empress Zheng, she has been taking care of them all the time, but it is not very good. The imperial hospital has talked back and forth, and the medicine cannot be stopped for a day.

Although it is just warming and tonicing now, if it is cut off, it will not be beneficial to her health.

Emperor Jin He didn't ask any more questions, and strode straight to the palace.

Empress Zheng's expression was complicated.

She was recovering from illness, so the blood color was naturally not too obvious, it was slightly pale, but because she was angry, her cheeks flushed red again, showing a little more blush.

That's what makes it even scarier.

Emperor Jin He stood still at the head of the bed, and the bowl of black concoction was indeed placed on the round pier, and he did not eat a bite.

His face darkened: "It's too big a matter to wait for me to talk about it, can this medicine be put aside and not taken?
Is it possible that I will hide and refuse to come to see you?

Even if it's because of the Zheng family, since you want to meet me and clarify the matter, I will come and explain it to you.

Why do you bother to threaten yourself with your own body and abuse yourself like this? "

Empress Zheng also sneered: "Can I still threaten the officials now?"

Fortunately, she was able to say such words.

Don't talk about how Jin Hedi felt when he heard it, even Zhao Yi didn't feel chilled when he heard it.

A young girl with hair tied, how her father treats her, even outsiders can see clearly, why doesn't she know?

Even saying such things now... Even if you are in a hurry, you really shouldn't say such things.

"Mother, calm down, your father will..."

"Shut up! Stand aside!"

Emperor Jinhe scolded the people in a cold voice, turned his head and told Zhao Yu: "Take your two younger brothers to the side hall. If there is anything, I will send someone to call you."

Zhao Yu hesitated to speak, but a lot of words came to his lips, but he didn't say any more after all.

He just answered, and then pulled Zhao Xing and went out of the hall, regardless of what Zhao Yi did, let him follow him out.

Jin and Emperor never looked back, but waited for the footsteps of the three brothers to gradually fade away. With a dark face and hands behind their backs, without the usual warmth, they asked her condescendingly: "What do you mean now?" , as long as it's about the Zheng family, if I don't agree with you at all, are you going to treat me like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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