The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 312 1 Everything Makes Sense

Chapter 312 Everything Makes Sense

The family didn't have much to say about it, the girls gathered together to gossip about the family, and it's not embarrassing to talk about it, but Zhou Wanning has the thickest skin, but recently she has probably moved on to other things and teased other people, I was very scared, and lost the calmness and generosity of the past, so I said a few words, and there was nothing to say.

Although Jiang Wan had intentions, but now he really didn't have that kind of intentions, so he stopped booing.

When the servant from the Duke's Mansion came to him, Jiang Wan didn't even finish the cup of tea at hand, and the pastry was only half moved.

Jiang Wan saw the boy trotting all the way, even panting when he entered the door, his brows twitched: "Is something wrong at home?"

The round-faced boy was as calm as possible, took a few breaths, and hurriedly replied: "It's Dalang who said that many things outside have been clarified. About Erlang, I know that the girl is worried and worried, so I called the slave." Come here, find a girl, go home quickly, and listen to it together, so you can relax."

About the second brother!

When Jiang Wan heard this, he stood up abruptly.

Zhou Wanning also looked excited.

Jiang Wan walked out immediately, but Zhou Wanning hesitated.

Pei Qingyuan paused, and went to pull Zhou Wanning: "What's wrong?"

Zhou Wanning pursed her lips: "I won't go with you, it's a family matter after all, I'm afraid it's inconvenient for me to be here."

Jiang Wanxiu's eyebrows frowned even more: "You're acting hypocritical with us now!"

The round-faced boy was the most clever, and he took over the conversation with an eh: "Our wife said, ask the girl to come with you, don't feel inconvenient, the lady has already spoken, saying that no matter what Tell the girl to go home and listen to it, you can't tell the girl to go home!"

When Zhou Wanning heard this, her face showed joy, and she had nothing else to say at the moment, she happily took Jiang Wan's hand, and went downstairs with her one after the other.

In the second room of the main hall of the Duke's Mansion, the whole family is neat and tidy.

In fact, Zhou Wanning's sitting there really seemed inappropriate.

But Mrs. Gu watched her grow up, and this time when Jiang Yuanzhan went to war, she suddenly saw clearly the thoughts of some sons, as well as the thoughts of Zhou Wanning and those little girls.

It's just that as an elder, she is happy to see this matter succeed, but she will not force a match, it is best to let nature take its course.

And now is not the time to talk about it.

So Mrs. Gu beckoned and asked Zhou Wanning to sit beside her: "When Erlang didn't return to Beijing, you ran home several times a day, hoping that we could get some news about Erlang, and told you to know so that you Don't worry, don't be cautious right now.

You child, you seem to have grown up in our family since you were a child, but now you are getting older, why are you growing up? "

Zhou Wanning shook her head and said no: "It's not because I want to give birth, but because I'm afraid that this matter sounds inappropriate to me, and I'll let my mother know about it later, and she will scold me for not knowing the rules and insisting on relying on you for refusing to leave. You should also listen to the family affairs of the Duke's Mansion."

Mrs. Gu was lenient to her, and coaxed her to persuade: "Don't be afraid, if your mother scolds you, you come and complain to me, and I will have a way to deal with her, so that she will talk about you all day long!"

Zhou Wanning smiled like a child, that smile was actually reserved and shy, and it was really rare.

Jiang Yuanyao covered his lips and coughed twice.

Mrs. Gu took Zhou Wanning's left hand, patted it on the back of her hand, and patted it lightly: "So you said that Qu Yang's matter has been found out, what's going on?"

Jiang Yuanyao just replied: "The descendant of the Xu family, he is indeed a descendant of General Xu, but he has already passed the fifth service, and he is not a close relationship at all, so it is because of the old incident 14 years ago. He felt that if General Xu was still there, the Xu family would be in a different situation now. I don't believe this anyway.

He is not a direct descendant of General Xu's direct line, so even a child of Xu's family can still enjoy a bright future, and he will not be affected by it at all.

Since it has nothing to do with him, why does he hate our family?What else is there to vent your anger on Erlang?
With his current behavior, he is fighting with his own life, and it may not be possible to win Erlang to be punished. "

When it comes to this matter, there is no one in the room who does not understand.

Even Jiang Yuanhui, who has the best temper, turned dark: "In other words, someone investigated his family background, found out his relationship with General Xu, and knew that he is also a descendant of the Xu family, so they approached him. After buying him off, he wanted to use his life in exchange for Yuwen Shichang being poisoned.

In fact, it may not be for the second brother.

Maybe they just want Yuwen Shichang's life.

It's just that this just-right game was made to make us think that it was aimed at our family and the second brother. Is that what it means? "

Jiang Yuanyao nodded and said yes: "But as for who bribed him, there is still no conclusion. There are some clues, most of which are related to the Zheng family, but there is no hard evidence, so it's better not to talk nonsense.

We know it clearly in our hearts, but we have no choice, that is, we have no way to say it.

Who to tell?
It's not possible with the officials, there is no evidence, and these things are only for our own family to cause trouble for our own family. "

Gu's serious face said: "Is there any more? Isn't there still Liu Quanxin, the defender of Quyang?"

"He was indeed the one who was promoted by Duke Cheng, and the Han family treated him as a kindness."

Jiang Yuanyao also stopped talking about the descendants of the Xu family, followed his mother's words and changed the subject, talking about Liu Quanxin: "However, he himself is not very up-to-date, and he has not been as good as the Han family in the past ten years. No relationship, so it has been like this.

As for whether this incident has anything to do with him—"

After he prolonged the ending, his complexion sank slightly: "Liu Quanxin's first wife, Xu, has a younger brother who married Wang's daughter. Wang's younger brother made a fortune more than half a month ago. After investigation, it was found that there was about one or two thousand taels of silver and several hundred acres of fertile land, all of which are now under the name of Wang's younger brother.

This account is not in Liu Quanxin's head, and it can't even be in Xu's name, but the most interesting thing is that those industrial shops, after further investigation, were bought by a young man surnamed Han, and transferred to Wang's younger brother. The name went down. "

"Han's surname is Xiao Langjun?"

Jiang Yuanzhan was taken aback.

Zhou Wanning was obviously also suspicious.

The two asked in unison.

Jiang Yuanyao said yes: "It's the surname Han. We should have been overwhelmed, but when these things are connected, I always feel that it is inseparable from the Han family. In other words, it must be blamed on the Third Highness.

And who that Xiaolang Jun surnamed Han is is still being traced. "

He hesitated for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at Mrs. Gu: "I sent people to investigate these matters, and encountered many obstacles. It can be said that there are many difficulties. A Niang, if the Zheng family is behind it, everything will make sense .”

(End of this chapter)

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