The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 326 Concealment

Chapter 326 Concealment
That's right.

What should Jiang Wan be afraid of?

She has the best family background, and she has also won the best husband in the world.

Thousands of pets are in one body, nothing is better than this.

So far, she has nothing to be afraid of.

Empress Zheng's lips curled up in a self-deprecating arc.

That mockery should have been harsh.

But because she was only laughing at herself, it was inexplicably sad for others to see.

Jiang Wan had already stood up.

Empress Zheng looked sideways and waved her hand to signal her to sit down.

Then she sat down on the round pier at the end of the bed.

"You really don't have to be afraid."

Empress Zheng's tone was very light and indifferent: "When I was in full swing, I couldn't do anything to the Jiang family or you, let alone now.

In a few days, after the big wedding, you will be a serious princess of Shu, and you don't have to be afraid of anything.

With Erlang protecting you, who can do anything to you? "

"The sage's words, the courtiers dare not bear it."

Her polite words today are really too much.

Empress Zheng lowered her eyes: "In the past when you entered the palace, you dared to act coquettishly by my side."

Jiang Wan was speechless.

At that time, I was still ignorant, and I really thought that Empress Zheng was the best saint in the world, gentle and virtuous, and treated them equally well.

The older I get, the more I see, the more I understand.

Empress Zheng saw that she didn't speak, and didn't press her to ask any questions, so she said to herself, "Erlang told you about those things, right?"

Jiang Wan said: "The King of Shu and his courtiers have never hidden anything, let alone concealed it."

She said this unintentionally, but Empress Zheng's face suddenly changed.

Jiang Wan saw it inexplicably and was confused.

The government has treated her like a day for decades, and it should have been like this.

Before the empress and empress had no suspicions and estrangements, they should have been honest with each other and had nothing to hide.

If it was because of this unintentional remark that his face changed drastically, wouldn't it mean——

Jiang Wan didn't dare to think deeply, but only glanced at Empress Zheng's face.

Empress Zheng seemed tired: "You go."

Jiang Wan was too lazy to talk to her.

Today's queen is even more inexplicable.

But Jiang Wan didn't want to explore.

If there is anything else, I have to wait until after the wedding to discuss it with Zhao Xing in detail, and let Zhao Xing enter the palace to ask.

Anyway, these have nothing to do with her.

She stood up according to Queen Zheng's words, and planned to leave after giving a salute.

Empress Zheng suddenly called her to stop again.

Jiang Wan looked back, but Empress Zheng didn't look at her, she just asked: "Did the official let you go to Zhaoyang Palace to pay your respects?"

Zhaoyang Hall is where Concubine Zhen lives.

Jiang Wan raised his eyebrows almost invisible: "Never."

Only then did Empress Zheng utter an oh, and she looked even more indifferent, then ignored Jiang Wan and asked Xiao Gong'e to lead her out without mentioning it.

Seeing that she came out after not staying for long, Mrs. Gu was relieved when she looked the same as before when she followed into the hall.

The palace is not a place to talk, so the mother and daughter went all the way outside the palace.

When approaching the gate of the palace, Li Fu hurriedly chased after him: "Mrs. Mrs. Guo, stay here, girl stay here."

He was panting, obviously chasing very eagerly.

Gu naturally stopped and didn't rush, just waited for Li Fu to catch his breath, and asked him with a faint smile: "Is the internal official here to pass the decree?"

Li Fu smiled and said no: "It's not a decree, it's not a decree."

He waved his hands again and again, and his tone calmed down: "The officials knew that the madam and the girl were going out of the palace, so they called the servants to tell them that now everything in the harem is handled by the noble concubine, and even the wedding of the King of Shu is handled by the noble concubine. manage.

The girl went to the palace today to express her gratitude. Hanzhang had met the saint in the past, so she should go to the Zhaoyang Palace to meet the noble concubine out of reason.

Although this is not a custom, it may wrong the girl, but the official means, if the girl doesn't go, it will make the imperial concubine lose face, and it's not good to say it. "

Gu Shi understood.

The officials just want to give Concubine Zhen a face and tell her to have a long face.

It's not a big deal either.

It's just enough to show that the officials' treatment of saints is not as good as before.

For matters not within customization, Li Fu must be specially sent to say a word.

After leaving Hanzhang Hall on the front foot, Jinkou, the official family, went to Zhaoyang Hall to pay his respects on the back foot.

Gu's heart was clear, but she didn't show it on the face, she just pulled Jiang Wan, and said yes: "Since it is the official's order, we will go to see the imperial concubine right away, and I have to work for the internal officials."

Li Fu quickly pushed back to be polite, thought for a while, and turned his side slightly: "The servant should lead the way, and accompany the madam and the young lady."

Zhaoyang Hall and Hanzhang Hall are two completely different directions.

Come here to say hello, there are not so many rules.

Led by Li Fu again, Mrs. Gu accompanied Jiang Wan into the hall.

Concubine Zhen was also surprised when she heard that their mother and daughter had come.

When he saw Li Fu and heard Li Fu's words, his expression became serious, and it was not that he didn't know Jin Hedi's intentions.

Li Fu didn't stay in the palace much, leaving Gu's mother and daughter to talk with Concubine Zhen, then went back to Funing Palace to meet business.

As soon as he left, Imperial Concubine Zhen smiled and asked Mrs. Gu to have tea: "I shouldn't have come this way, but now that the officials are willing to give me this dignity everywhere, it's hard work for Madam and Miss."

Mrs. Gu said no: "The noble concubine is in charge of the wedding, so she should come to see her out of reason and reason."

It's nothing more than polite words of greeting.

Concubine Zhen has been in charge for a long time now, and she is the person who is the most observant of words and demeanor. When she sees Mrs. Gu, she speaks without leaking.

Jiang Wan just sat next to her and ate tea and snacks, listening to Concubine Zhen and her aunt chatting with each other.

After talking for a long time, the conversation stopped there, Concubine Zhen asked Fei Cui to fetch two gold hairpin jade bracelets for Jiang Wan: "It's my kindness, it's from my own private treasury, Fei Cui has eyesight, The things I picked are not bad, and the girl brings them back, it's like I'm adding a box to the girl's dowry.

From now on, the girl will be at peace with the King of Shu, so it can be regarded as a meritorious deed of mine. "

Jiang Wan got up and thanked him: "Thank you for the reward."

Concubine Zhen really liked her when she saw that she waved her hand and told her to sit down: "You young people have the most important thing to connect with each other, and when you get along with husband and wife, you should be honest and honest, and you should not hide your secrets, so that you can last for a long time.

But the girl is smart and clever, and she has been the most lovable since she was a child. I think my wife has taught me these words, so I just say a few words, and the girl will listen to it and remember it in her heart. "

When she said this, it reminded Jiang Wan of Empress Zheng's previous attitude for no reason.

Looking at Concubine Zhen now, it is a different scene.

She is sincerely wishing, and what she said is the most sincere words.

This is indeed how husband and wife get along in the world.

So between Empress Zheng and Emperor Jinhe, what was hidden, what was hidden?

Jiang Wan pursed her lips and slightly lowered her eyelids to avoid leaking her emotions.

Put this matter in my heart again.

I thought I would mention it to Zhao Xing if I got a chance after the wedding, but now I changed my mind.

After we get married, we must have a good talk with Zhao Xing about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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