Chapter 333
The lunch was prepared by the chef of the Duke's mansion himself, and some dishes were even prepared in the second half of yesterday. As for the fish and shrimp, they were all fresh, and they were bought early in the morning.

Although there are many exquisite dishes in the restaurant outside, but it is a family banquet after all, Gu Shi thought about it, but he still didn't ask to go outside to buy it.

Neither Gu Shi nor Jiang Wan came to the table during the meal.

The mother and daughter passed the food to the house, and stayed in the house to talk about themselves.

Besides, Zhao Xing couldn't do without a good meal when he came back to Guining.

Jiang Wan was worried, he picked up the dishes on the plate and kept looking outside.

Mrs. Gu nodded her forehead: "What are you looking at? They are all prepared according to the dishes you like, and you don't eat well. I think the food in the Shu Palace is so delicious. It took only three days to eat your food. Is your appetite different?"

She teased, and Jiang Wan's face flushed slightly: "Aniang said something like that again!"

"What's the matter, there are no outsiders in the room, so you are shy talking to A Niang?"

Jiang Wan poked the fish pieces on the plate: "I'm afraid that the second brother will drag the second brother to drink him."

Gu Shi shook her head: "I knew it."

Jiang Wan raised her eyes and looked at her: "Second brother has been at odds with second brother since he was a child, look at him, I just entered the house with second brother today, and he gave second brother a blow.

After all, the second elder brother is also a king, so I'm still here, and he doesn't even look at me.

Now that I'm not at the banquet, he relied on the second elder brother's second elder brother today, so he didn't drink heavily?
Although the second elder brother has a lot of food, he doesn't like alcohol.

We have to go back to the palace in the second half of the day.

The second brother got drunk, and he was happy for a while, so don't you want me to take care of the second brother when he returns to the palace?
He's not making trouble for me. "

She just said that, as if she didn't want to take care of Zhao Xing.

Gu Shi heard it, but it didn't mean that.

She poked Jiang Wan's eyebrows again: "Duplicity, the girl who left the house is really not in my house, it's not a big deal, every word is defending His Highness the King of Shu.

What troubles you, why do you come to serve and arrange, even if the king of Shu drank too much wine today and returned to the palace with so many servants, it is necessary for you, the princess, to serve you personally?
Is it because he is afraid that His Royal Highness the King of Shu will be drunk and feel uncomfortable when drunk, and he will have a headache when he turns around. "

Mrs. Gu didn't say anything else, and didn't wait for Jiang Wan to quibble, she turned her head and told Chang Ning: "Go to the front and tell me that I told you to, have a meal and be happy, just have some drinks, but that's all. Don't drink too much, if you get drunk, I will be angry."

Chang Ning agreed with a hush, and hurried out to the front seat to answer and tell.

Gu Shicai smiled and said to Jiang Wan: "Now can I have a meal with peace of mind?"

Jiang Wan felt embarrassed now.

"This time, Gui Ning came back to the door. Our mother and daughter sat together for a meal. You were absent-minded, and you said you missed me when you entered the door just now. I see your mouth is always deceiving."

"Where did I lie to you?"

The silver chopsticks in Jiang Wan's hand picked up a piece of fish, and put it into his mouth to chew carefully: "Don't tell me, Aunt, the fish pieces at our house are better than those in the Prince of Shu's mansion, which suits my taste."

She is still that child.

"If you like to eat, eat a few more mouthfuls, making it as if His Royal Highness the King of Shu has lost you, even if you don't ask you to eat a mouthful of fish?"

Gu Shi sighed, and picked up a few more chopsticks for her: "I originally wanted to ask you a lot, but yesterday you, Aye, said that you and His Highness just got married, and His Highness has always loved you so much, so don't worry. have a bee in one's bonnet.

I always feel that he thinks too simply and doesn't take these ways of getting along with couples to heart.

After all, I am used to being in the army, and I don't care about it with him.

It's just that after seeing you today, I feel that what you said, Aye, is also true, maybe I'm overthinking. "

Jiang Wan hesitated for a moment, and dropped her chopsticks: "Amiang is afraid that the second elder brother will treat me badly?"

"Of course everything is fine now. He has depended on you for so many years, big and small. He just got married, so he won't change himself immediately. Am I afraid of the future?"

Mrs. Gu sighed again: "He is the honor of the prince, the nobleman of the royal family, it is hard to guarantee the future..."

Jiang Wan knew what she wanted to say.

In the previous life, when she married Zhao Xing and returned to Ning three days later, A Niang dragged her to say so many things.

One is afraid that Zhao Xing will change his mind over the years.

The second is that they are afraid that the palace will take concubines or even raise side concubines.

After all, the most important thing for the royal family of heaven is to pass on the family line. Zhao Xing is the direct son, and now he has just married the concubine, so he doesn't say anything. After a few years, it is guaranteed that Qi Jin and the emperor will give him some prominent backgrounds. side concubine.

This is also reasonable.

"Aniang, are you afraid that the second elder brother will become a concubine in the future and will take concubines?"

Gu looked at her unexpectedly: "You know what I want to say?"

The corners of Jiang Wan's lips were raised, and the dimples were clear and shallow: "Because the second elder brother is the king of the prince and comes from a noble family, after a few years, the royal father may take care of his side concubine, you must have thought so in your heart, so He was hiding his words when he spoke, afraid that I didn't have these worries at all, but if I spoke for a while, I would become worried instead, so why did I hesitate?
But A Niang, my uncle is also a nobleman of the royal family, but you see that he has been married to his aunt for decades, and there is not even a housemate in the county prince's mansion, is there? "

That's different.

The lineage of the Changping County King does not inherit the general lineage, and no one is watching and worrying about the descendants. As long as there is one, it is enough to inherit the lineage of the Changping County King.

If it is said that the father of the king of the county is the eldest son, then I am afraid it is a different scene and statement.

Gu shi thought so in her heart, but seeing her daughter's face, she couldn't say it no matter what.

In the end, all worries turned into a long sigh: "You're right, thinking about it now is indeed unfounded worry.

You are the only girl under my knees, and when I go out and become a family member, I always have to worry more about you.

The more you think, the longer you think.

As long as you feel that everything is fine, I have nothing to worry about.

You and His Royal Highness the King of Shu—"

Forget it.

She doesn't even like to mention these things, and the little girl's family has the thinnest skin, and if she wants to ask about the things in the husband and wife's room, she will definitely not like to talk about it.

Gu's simply closed her voice: "It's nothing, the most important thing is that you two have a good relationship."

Jiang Wan heard her hesitate to speak several times, and burst out laughing: "I didn't know before that A Niang is such a person who looks forward and backward and thinks a lot.

No way, none of my elder brothers are married, so you worry about me so much.

Otherwise, when you are out of the year, you should also take care of your brothers' marriages. When your brothers are all married, start a family, marry a wife and have children, you should look forward to your grandchildren all day long, and I will wait to do it Auntie. "

(End of this chapter)

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