The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 343 Compensation

Chapter 343 Compensation
It is a very powerful thing to send it back as it is without Zhu Zhu's approval.

Empress Zheng barely fell over.

The breath was held in her chest, almost making her unable to breathe.

She was short of breath and her complexion gradually turned blue, which frightened Concubine Zhen and the servants in the inner room.

Concubine Zhen hurriedly got up to support Empress Zheng, while patting her back to let her breathe, and at the same time ordered someone to go to the imperial doctor: "Saint, saint, don't scare this concubine, take a breath."

When Empress Zheng suddenly came back to her senses, she opened Concubine Zhen's hand.

She fell heavily back on the soft pillow, and cast her vicious gaze at Concubine Zhen Gui: "Is it you? Tell me, are you instigating the officials!"

Concubine Zhen really didn't know what to say.

It was indeed she who came up with this idea.

But she was also forced by the officials.

The officials are extremely angry, and without this method, it is absolutely impossible for him to calm down.

Now being questioned by Empress Zheng like this, she can't say no confidently, let alone admit willingly that she instigated it.

She wasn't trying to instigate officials or anything!
Empress Zheng seemed to be much calmer.

The female officer brought the tea and served it over. Empress Zheng ate a couple of mouthfuls with her hands. After moistening her throat, her cold gaze was still fixed on Concubine Zhen's face.

She suddenly sneered: "You all back down!"

The female officer looked at her, then at Concubine Zhen, hesitated for a moment, then led the little maid who was serving in the inner room and retreated together without mentioning it.

Concubine Zhen stood there and did not sit down again.

Empress Zheng didn't let her go.

After standing like this for a long time, when the cup of tea became warm, Concubine Zhen sighed inaudibly: "Why is the saint doing this?"

Empress Zheng narrowed her eyes: "The official called you here, what did you invite you to tell me?"

Concubine Zhen shook her head obsessively: "The officials are just afraid that your anger will not go well, and your anger will hurt your health. If you rush to your heart, your condition will only get worse, but the memorial book of the Zheng family... If the sage sees it, he will be able to understand the officials.

The secret book mentioned the matter of Mrs. Zheng, and said that he had no way to teach his daughter, but what he said earlier was all about the third highness's blatant refusal to marry, and said that the third highness had been raised by the Zheng family for ten years.

Saint, with words like these, don't you mean that His Highness's actions are all due to the Zheng family's poor upbringing?
But His Highness the Third Highness is the son of the official family and the prince of the Tian family. Even if it is said that the son is not the godfather, no matter how bad the Third Highness does, it has nothing to do with the Zheng family.

It is reasonable for the officials to be furious if it is said in the secret booklet.

And what about you, saint? "

She sighed, gathered her skirt, and sat down again: "The saint is sick, and he can't work hard. Hearing these words, he hangs his heart again, which is not good for your recovery.

The official family loves you, so they don't want to come to see you.

After all, he himself is still angry, and if we do meet, I'm afraid you will intercede with the Zheng family, and a disagreement will start a dispute, which will hurt your heart even more.

So the official called the concubine to appease you, and told you the whole story.

You are the person who is most willing to be considerate of the officials. After hearing this, you must always think of the officials and the officials.

It wasn't that the officials wanted to trouble the Zheng family, it was the Zheng family who spoke and acted...too presumptuous and presumptuous. "

She wouldn't have said those things before.


Empress Zheng knew her too well.

A person who is not as courageous as a mouse is silent, and dare not speak loudly.

In the past, the queen mother was still there. She was sent to the palace by the queen mother to serve as a waiter in the official house. It is only right that the whole palace should look at her high, even her rightful princess is no exception.

However, Mrs. Sun couldn't stand on her own, and the officials didn't take her seriously at that time, which made her in an awkward situation. Even the slave girls in the palace dared to ride on her head and bully her.

What a difference now.

The imperial concubine who had done the six palace affairs took her place next to the official family. She was free to enter and leave the Funing Palace, and even showed her the secret documents of the official family.

So she dared to stand in front of her and speak like this.

The sneer on Empress Zheng's face gradually became bitter.


What else would she beg for the Zheng family?

Officials will not say this.

Empress Zheng's eyes were cold: "You don't need to say these things to fool me. I have been married to the official for 20 years. The official knows me and I know the official. He won't say these things now, and you don't need to pretend to be a good person." , to comfort my heart."

She originally lowered her eyelids to hide the coldness in her eyes, but at this moment, she suddenly lifted her eyelids and swept over, all the icicles gathered in her eyes shattered at this moment, and then they all hit Zhengui Concubine one after another: "Officer What on earth did you say, since he asked you to come, you should tell the truth, otherwise it is also a crime of deceiving the emperor, do you dare to bear it?"

Concubine Zhen is not someone who will not get angry.

She just didn't dare to be angry.

That's not what the official said.

And she really didn't want to cause trouble for herself, so she said it tactfully, hoping that Empress Zheng could understand and stop making trouble.

But Empress Zheng is not only ungrateful, her words are extremely hurtful!

Concubine Zhen gritted her molar teeth: "The officials said, please be quiet, and you are not allowed to interfere with outside affairs, no matter if it is the Zheng family or other families. The talkative young ladies in Hanzhang Palace today have been pulled down. Stick death, in the future, you will never try your best to find out the news from outside.

You should know, the government will send someone to tell you, such as His Royal Highness Su Wang's wedding, such as the concubine Shu's pregnancy.

For the rest, you shouldn't know, so don't worry about it.

In a few days, His Highness the Third Highness will still be able to come to Hanzhang Hall to greet you and see your face.

But if the news from outside the palace, especially the news from the Zheng family, makes you refuse to take good care of your illness and start tormenting in the palace, the official family will not be able to kill the third highness with a cane, but seal the prince and rush to the fiefdom, It is also spared that he stays in the capital and comes to the palace to cause trouble for you. "

This is the original words of Emperor Jinhe.

Word for word.

Empress Zheng has been in a coma for more than half an hour, and the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital gathered in Hanzhang Hall, but she still has no sign of waking up.

Concubine Zhen's complexion was not looking good either.

She didn't say the words, she just conveyed them, but from outsiders' perspective, the queen was really fainted by her anger.

Zhao Xiyue held her hand: "Don't be afraid, father will support you, it's okay."

Concubine Zhen hummed.

She also believes in officials now.

It's just that what she said was true.

In a high position, you must not withdraw.

It is really impossible for her to live a life without disputes with the world.

This time it is the queen, next time, I don't know what the officials will use her hand to do.

How could this be because she was in his heart?
All the grace and rewards given to her are just compensation.

(End of this chapter)

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