Chapter 363
Wei Zhichao had already slumped and knelt on the ground.

Speaking of which, he hadn't kneeled like this for many years.

It's nothing more than the opening of the ancestral hall of the Wei clan, and they will kneel down with the clan members. For the rest, only when the imperial court sends some orders to Kuaiji, he will kneel when he receives the orders.

But kneeling like that is just a short moment.

It will never be like this, kneeling down for a long time, and a gesture of pleading guilty.

In addition, he was indeed afraid after hearing what Zhao Xing said.

When he was kneeling just now, his knees were close together, and he knelt down with a plop, and his knees hit the cold and hard floor tiles, excruciatingly painful.

Looking at his appearance, Zhao Xing didn't understand anything.

There is indeed an inside story about the whole incident in Xiaohezi Village.

The common people's life is unspeakably miserable, and Wei Zhichao is indeed responsible.

Otherwise he wouldn't be scared like this.

Zhao Ran also turned cold-faced: "No wonder—you are the governor of Kuaiji County, a parent official, and the people of Kuaiji depend on you for their lives. Whatever you manage Kuaiji County, they will live like that!
It is unreasonable for you to be an official, but harm the people under your rule! "

In fact, Zhao Ran is also a person who rarely gets angry.

He always prefers to laugh it off.

It is probably related to the King of Changping County.

But Wei Zhichao didn't know this.

All he knew was that Zhao Xing sat on top without saying a word, and Jiang Yuanzhan's sharp gaze almost stared a hole in his back.

Now Zhao Ran is furious again.

He thought that he must not be kind today, whether he could walk out of the gate of the imperial envoy's mansion safe and sound, he had to say.

The more he thought about it, the more Wei Zhichao became limp.

Zhao Xing saw that he was so unpromising, he was really not a tough guy, and his heart became more and more contemptuous.

But he is an imperial envoy, and when he goes out to handle cases, he can't mix any personal feelings with him.

Once you are influenced by your emotions, your reason is affected, and you cannot think calmly, you will often make mistakes.

And there is no room for error in these cases.

Zhao Xing tapped his fingertips on the armrest of the chicken wing wood official hat chair, handed it over, and made a dull sound: "You don't need to say anything else to this king, this king only asks you. , is this thing true?
Second, the villagers of Xiaohezi Village came to file a lawsuit and beat the drum outside your government office to complain. As the sheriff, instead of sending people to investigate carefully, you arrested them and used them as troublemakers. He was locked up for five days, and afterwards he threatened the people of Xiaohezi Village that if they dared to go to the government office to make trouble again, they would be punished as mobs.

Three things, you sent people to investigate that day, and besides Xiaohezi Village, you were afraid that other villages would follow in trouble, so you asked your servants to threaten everywhere, and even the villagers of Taohua Village, which is close to Xiaohezi Village, were innocently implicated.

Regardless of the rest, for these three things, Mr. Wei should explain it to the king first? "

Wei Zhichao was still kneeling there.

Zhao Xing was really too lazy to look at it. After looking away, he just waved his hand: "Master Wei, you should get up and sit down to answer. Don't kneel and hurt your knees. This king will send someone to take you back to the mansion, and you have to call the medical officer to treat you."

This is ironic enough.

At first it sounded like concern, but in fact it was all scolding him sarcastically.

Wei Zhichao put his palms on the official hat chair beside him, propped himself up, and stood up slowly.

After kneeling for a while, my knees really couldn't take it anymore.

Moving slowly, he moved over and sat down.

Zhao Ran snorted: "Master Wei is really a noble man."

Wei Zhichao was so ashamed that he didn't even dare to reply.

Zhao Xing shook his head at Zhao Ran, and then went to ask Wei Zhichao: "So which question will Mr. Wei plan to answer the king first?"

"I don't know anything about it if I say it, it's just fooling the prince, and the prince will not believe it."

Unexpectedly, when Wei Zhichao opened his mouth, he let out a long sigh: "But this whole matter, whether it is Xiaohezi Village or Taohua Village, if it is all the responsibility of the official alone, the official will really feel wronged."



Zhao Ran was in a fit of anger, so of course he couldn't listen to Wei Zhichao's words.

That's why Wei Zhichao's voice fell, and he wanted to pick up the words and curse people again.

In the end, Jiang Yuanzhan coldly cut off the conversation, blocked all Zhao Ran's subsequent words, and just questioned Wei Zhichao: "You are now complaining about grievances with His Royal Highness the King of Shu. Who will replace the grievances of the villagers in Xiaohezi Village?" They tell?"

Wei Zhichao repeatedly shook his head and said no: "I don't dare to complain to the lord, after all, the lord has visited both Xiaohezi Village and Taohua Village, and the current situation in Xiaohezi Village is based on the fact that there is no room for the lord to quibble. .

But there is indeed another story about this matter. "

He didn't dare to go around in circles, and he returned without waiting for Zhao Xing to ask: "The villagers of Xiaohezi Village gave the land to the village's land security, not the land security, but their own muddleheaded way. signed the deed.

It was written in black and white, that the original land had been guaranteed to take over their land, and they went to the Yamen to sue once.

As soon as Xiaguan heard about this kind of thing, he immediately sent someone to escort the land in their village to the hall for questioning.

But there is a contract in his hand, one is not forged, and the other is indeed in compliance with the rules and regulations.

My lord, what do you want the government to do with this matter?
It's not bad that the lower official is a parent official. As a county guard, it is right to stand up for the people, but this is something you like and I wish. They signed the contract with the land themselves, and the land was taken away afterwards. They repented and made trouble in the court. Could the subordinate officials still help them? "

Speaking of these, Wei Zhichao was really wronged.

Even now, he didn't dare to lie a single word.

Talk to Zhao Xing about those things at the beginning, exactly, and answer whatever you have.

Zhao Xing and the others also understood in their hearts, so they frowned even more after hearing this.

Wei Zhichao sighed again: "After the matter was clarified, the subordinate officials let them go away on their own.

The lower officials also thought that they were all poor people, maybe a little unreasonable, but they were not that big of a crime, they should be punished a little and given a warning, and let them go back.

But who knew that less than half a month later, the villagers of Xiaohezi Village gathered to make a fuss at the government office again, still talking about their land.

But my lord, how can you accept me as a subordinate?
They beat the grievance drum over and over again. The case was clear and clear, and there was no need for a trial.

But those people stood at the gate of the government office and uttered wild words, saying that the subordinate officials accept bribes and are the biggest corrupt officials. The Kuaiji officialdom is rotten, and they are all corrupt officials, so they joined forces with the land protection to embezzle their land.

The officials really had no choice, so they arrested the leader and put him in prison, hoping to give a warning to the villagers of Xiaohezi Village! "

(End of this chapter)

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