The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 368 Trust or Not

Chapter 368 Trust or Not
They stayed at Wei's house for lunch, and drinks were served on the table, but Zhao Xing and the others still had business to do, so they just had a couple of light drinks, that's what it meant.

Plum wine was also added to the banquet for the women's family members, and it was said that Wei Baoling brewed it himself.

Jiang Wan felt that she was very capable.

Let's not talk about what it will be like to get married in the future, at least when you are a girl in your boudoir, it is really amazing.

Seems to be impeccable a perfect person.

She is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she is also very good at riding and shooting.

Now it is said that even the wine is so good.

When leaving Wei's house, Zhao Xing took her into the car, and Jiang Wan raised the small curtain to look out.

Zhao Xing was afraid that the carriage would jolt and knock her, so he pulled him back, took her by his side and told her to sit down: "Like the Wei family?"

Jiang Wan never liked to drink, so he was in a good mood today, so he just drank a couple of sips of the plum wine.

But when she was sitting next to Zhao Xing, when she opened her mouth, she could still smell the sweetness of plum wine.

Zhao Xing was helpless: "It can be seen that I like it. I didn't keep an eye on you for a while, so why are you still drinking?"

Jiang Wan took his hand: "It's not the Wei family that I like, but Wei Baoling."

"Wei's first daughter?"

Jiang Wan hummed: "I think she is a very nice girl, logically I want to call her cousin."

"Then let's say goodbye. You call me cousin, and I will call you too. Where do all these cousins ​​come from?"

Zhao Xing joked, and scratched lightly on the tip of her nose: "When you get back to the imperial envoy's mansion, you can tell your cousin that if you like it, she probably likes it too.

It just so happens that I'm going to be busy these days and I can't take care of you, so I told Wei Yanming just now that if I don't have time, I will send you and my cousin to Wei's house to play.

Anyway, there is a girl in his family who is about the same age as you, and they are related, so there is no need to stick to your princess status.

Now that you say you like Mrs. Wei, that's all the better.

Also in case you don't want to see them again, you and your cousin are very bored in the imperial envoy's residence all day long. "

As for how good Wei Baoling was, he didn't ask at all.

Jiang Wan knew that he was not interested in inquiring about those things, and he never cared about other girls' affairs, let alone asked, so he didn't tell him.

The carriage moved slowly, and when it left the long street where Wei's mansion was located, Zhao Xing seemed worried, so he held her hand and explained a few words: "The water in Kuaiji is deep, and the Wei family has probably never been involved in it. It is difficult to have eggs under the nest, and when the case is investigated, even if the Wei family has not done anything, they are likely to be punished by the emperor.

If it is light, it will be reprimanded, but if it is serious—”

He dragged the end of the sound, Jiang Wan sat up a little bit, and then took it: "If it is serious, you will win the title?"

Zhao Xing said in a muffled voice: "It's not known yet. Even if you walk around with his girl, it's not advisable to have too deep acquaintance.

I'm not afraid of you talking nonsense with them, you won't be confused about these things.

I'm just afraid that you will be deceived, remember? "

It's because she's afraid that she doesn't know people well.

The Wei family is on the cusp. Whether Wei Baoling's lovability is a coincidence or intentional is indeed worth pondering and intriguing.

This can't be blamed on Zhao Xing's carelessness.

Jiang Wan said she knew: "It's just an ordinary acquaintance. When I saw her, I just felt that she was straightforward and straightforward, and seemed to be well-raised by the Wei family. She had many similarities with her cousin, and she was more open-minded than her cousin. I just find it pleasing.

Nothing else. "

After her words fell, seeing that Zhao Xing was no longer chasing and saying anything else, she raised her eyelids to see the reassurance in his eyes, then poked his waist with a smile: "So you can't trust me?"

Zhao Xing had no choice but to grab her hand, not to cause her to make trouble: "If you can't believe you, what you said just now, I won't ask you to go around Wei's house again.

You can do whatever you like, I just kindly remind you, don't turn around and let people deceive you, you just go up with a sincere heart, people trample on you at will, and you are sad and wronged, don't you still have to call me coax you? "

Jiang Wan snorted, took her hand out of his hand, and looked at him suspiciously: "Why did I hear the sly and insinuating words of the lord?"

Zhao Xing couldn't hold it back, he burst out laughing: "Wangfei is really good at hearing, that's what I meant."

So angry that Jiang Wan clenched his hands into fists to beat him, but he didn't use much force.

There was a commotion, and the carriage had already driven a long way.

Jiang Wan leaned on his shoulder and asked him: "You just said that the Wei family may not be involved in it, did you get something from the county magistrate?"

Zhao Xing never hides from her about these things.

It was before, it is now, and it will be in the future.

When he wasn't married, he always let her be happy. When married, they are the most intimate people in the world, and there is no reason to avoid her.

Therefore, he nodded and said, "It's not like asking too many things, but judging from his attitude, the line of Wei's direct branch has nothing to do with Wei Zhichao."

"Didn't you say that the whole Wei family is very supportive of this county sheriff?"

"Who is the whole family? Who said that the so-called whole family must include Wei Yanming and the others?"

Zhao Xing rubbed the top of her hair, fiddled with the peach hairpin on her bun: "He wasn't that kind of person in the first place.

Before leaving the capital, my eldest brother told me in private that the Duke of Kuaiji County is a very nice person.

I didn't feel anything at the time, I just kept these words in my heart.

After all, you know, brother is much more accurate than me in judging people.

After seeing Wei Yanming today, I finally understood. "

When he said this, Jiang Wan became excited again, and sat up abruptly: "How do you say it?"

"Brother thought from the very beginning that Wei Yanming had nothing to do with all the cases in Kuaiji."

Her ears were scattered again, Zhao Xing raised his hand to close her ears, and put them behind her ears: "As for the seemingly coincidental things that Wei Zhichao said, we have to investigate them one by one.

Why was he suddenly transferred to Qinghe County? Is there any inside story about the contract signed by the villagers of Xiaohezi Village and the local guarantee?

If everything was as he said and there was no inside story, then even Wei Zhichao himself would be innocent. "

"Do you believe it?"

Jiang Wan's face was serious, and before Zhao Xing could respond, she said coldly, "I really don't believe it."

Doubtful indeed.

According to Wei Yanming, starting from the first emperor's dynasty, it was even a promise to give the Wei family the position of governor of Kuaiji.

Unless there are so many descendants in the clan that it is impossible to pick out a satisfactory one.

Otherwise, no one can take this position from the Wei family.

That being the case, why was Wei Zhichao suddenly transferred to Qinghe County three years ago?
And what a coincidence, it was Qinghe County.

Wei Yanming's first wife is the eldest daughter of the Qinghe Cui family.

Inexplicably, everything was connected together again.

Zhao Xing lowered his eyelids: "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. I am an imperial envoy, and what I want to hand over to my father is the evidence, not whether I trust it or not."

(End of this chapter)

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