Chapter 222
It's no secret that Xia's fourth-bedroom store has made money.

But outsiders just look at this store to make money, and don't know how much it makes.

Even the Xia family themselves, only Xia Daohua knows how much profit there is.

Others probably only know part of it.

Like a couple of four, all they know is just a fraction.

However, even if it was only a small change, Xia Youtian and Jiang Shi still had smiles all over their faces, the corners of their mouths kept turning upwards, and they couldn't fall down no matter what.

Although such a shop has invested a lot of money in the early stage, the profits it brings each month are more cost-effective than working hard for a whole year.

The couple have completely lost the mood to farm.

I just want to help my daughter guard the store.

This store is now under the name of Xia Daohua.Xia Daohua's household registration has been separated from the Xia family's household registration and has become a separate household.

The reason for doing this is because of a long conversation.

The fourth household of the Xia family has already realized that relying on farming alone and relying on the sky for food may not even be able to solve the problem of food and clothing.

If you want to make money, you still have to do business.

However, if the fourth house of the Xia family wants to really develop, it must let Goro, the only male so far, study and study in order to change the family.

And if the Xia family went directly to do business, it would affect Goro's identity.

If Sifang is listed as a merchant in summer, no matter how good Goro is, he will not be able to take the imperial examination.

It was a bolt from the blue.

The four-bedroom couple have already tasted the sweetness of doing business, how can they be willing to let go?

Xia Daohua took this opportunity to propose to separate her household registration.

All business matters in the family are handled by himself and placed under his own name.In this way, even if the imperial court strictly prohibited merchants from taking the imperial examination, Goro would not be implicated.

Xia Youtian and Jiang Shi discussed in private for several days before agreeing to this approach.

Xia Daohua is still young, and it's too early to go out.Even if she married at the age of 15, it would be six years later.

There is no need to worry about her taking all these businesses to her husband's house.

If it weren't for Linghua being too small, Xia Youtian and Jiang's family would still want to put all the family business under the name of Linghua.

The Xia family spent their first New Year in Jixiang County in that rented courtyard.In addition to the Xia family, the Hu family and the Zhao family celebrated the New Year together.

After a long journey, the relationship between the three families has become much closer.But getting closer, there will inevitably be some friction between each other.Some people lost their temper on the spot and they were fine, while others just kept it in their hearts.

The gaps, big and small, just stayed like this.

During these days, the three families looked at the fields and bought land together. Originally they acted together, but the Xia family moved quickly and found a suitable land first. The Hu family and the Zhao family inevitably felt a little uncomfortable.

Before the three families agreed to buy the land together, they also made an agreement-if they encountered such a suitable large piece of land, it would take the three families to work together to eat it, so the three families would start together.

Therefore, the Hu family and the Zhao family saw that although the Xia family made a move first, the land they bought was not too big, so they couldn't complain openly.

It's just that the sourness in my heart, although I can't say it out, is really stuck there, making people uncomfortable.

Later, the Hu family and the Zhao family also bought some scattered pieces of land—it's not that they didn't want to buy a whole piece of land, but the whole piece of land was either too big to eat, or too expensive to be worthwhile.

On the contrary, this kind of scattered land, one piece to the east and one piece to the west, is not appreciated by rich people, but it is suitable for small households like them.

But in this way, the three families were all separated.Originally planned to continue living in one place, report to the group for warmth, and advance and retreat together, but it was impossible.

Of course, compared to outsiders, they all came from Beiguan Village after all, and they still take care of each other, contact each other, and help each other.

It's just not as close as originally planned.

The Hu family has already decided that they will move out in half a year and move to the countryside.The Zhao family still intends to continue living in this courtyard and is unwilling to leave Jixiang County.

While making dumplings, the old couple talked to their sons and daughters-in-law about these trivial parents.In a few sentences, he abducted to his own family:

"Our family also has to think about how long we want to live in this place, and whether we can move in half a year?"

There are also many changes in the affairs of the Xia family.

The field bought by the old couple has already been decided to be planted by the second bedroom.The couple in the second room were very proud of it.The third room and the fifth room secretly sighed, this behavior, I am afraid they will offend Da Lang.

Speaking of Dalang, he has already found an academy, and after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, he will go to the academy to study.

The old couple will continue to help Da Lang, not only will help Da Lang take care of A Liu, but will also pay for Da Lang's education.

Although in the past two months, Dalang has been setting up a stall on the street, writing letters and couplets to others, hoping to support himself and earn some money to supplement his income, he did not reject the kindness of the old couple.

He has thought about it for a long time, and for him, the best way out is naturally to take the imperial examination.

And to take the imperial examination, he had to study in an academy.

To enter the academy, no matter whether it is apprenticeship ceremony, book repair, books, pen, ink, paper and inkstone, or the etiquette of three festivals and two longevity, which one does not require money?
Moreover, after entering the academy, it is impossible for him to take A Liu by his side all the time.

Although he was separated from his family just now, he felt that he couldn't leave Ah Liu for a moment.

But for the good life of Ah Liu, he can only entrust the child to the elderly Mr. Xia and Zhou's old couple first.Fortunately, the old couple has incomparably rich experience in raising children.

Aliu lost her mother and had a tragic fate. She was very quiet and well-behaved on weekdays, and was the first child of her great-grandchildren.

Xia Youxi from the third room found a job at a carriage and horse dealer, but he is new here, so he can only feed and groom horses, take care of livestock, and repair cars part-time.

The five-bedroom couple planned to observe the situation of various industries in Jixiang County first, and then decide what to do.

Xia Xuejiao took Xia Yujiao, Xiao'e, and Qianniang with them, and they took over a lot of embroidery work and came back to do it. Sometimes they would bring in juniors such as Xinghua, Pear Blossom, and Lanhua, and lived a very fulfilling day.

Zhou Yunniang and Granny Qu are always bored in the house and do not go out. Xia Erlang runs outside all day long, but he is happy all day long, smiling from ear to ear, without feeling burdened at all.

Sister-in-law Qiu is sensible.

Although she borrowed Xia Dalang's help and lived in Xia's house, she didn't put on a face of sorrow for the spring and autumn, nor did she rely on Xia Dalang to think that it was not on the table.

Qiu's sister-in-law's embroidery work is not outstanding, but her cooking skills are quite good.

After wandering around for a few days, she settled down neatly and went to a merchant's house to help with the cooking.

I signed a three-year contract of living, with food and housing included, and a monthly silver of twenty-eight dollars.Going out early and returning late every day, I am very tired, and I have less time to meet the big guys.

Even Sun, who has a broken mouth, is too embarrassed to gossip about her anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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