Chapter 416 Protection
"Brother Li, you're a little out of character, don't you? I've worked hard to find out for you, and you don't even invite me to a meal?"

Li Chu really couldn't figure it out, how could Uncle Liu, who was so serious and serious, accept such a jumping as Sun Jianjun as his apprentice.

Is it really looking for what is missing?
"Jianjun, it's not easy to eat, just cook with me later, I'll spend a little money, please have a small stove."

"Tch, Brother Li, you are too picky, you still need to spend money on the small stove? Oh, come on, you, I'd better go back and eat our own small stove."

Sun Jianjun retracted his feet, stood up and walked towards the door.

After walking to the door, he stopped and turned around and said, "Brother Li, to be honest, you should pay more attention when you prescribe any prescriptions in the future."

Li Chu nodded with a smile: "Don't worry, Jianjun, my medicines are always prescribed according to the patient's condition. Even if someone else takes the prescription and takes it by someone else, it won't have any effect."

"That's fine. I'm leaving Brother Li. Say hello to sister-in-law for me. Remember, you owe me a meal."

"Remember, this Sunday, bring your siblings to my house, and I'll give you something you haven't eaten before."

"Come on, with your words, I'd be happy to stay busy all night."

Looking at the back of Sun Jianjun walking out, Li Chu smiled and shook his head. This is really a treasure, and he doesn't know how he got into the security department.

He opened the drawer and took out the material on the protection of traditional Chinese medicine that he had been writing, and it was only half written.

But judging from the situation in front of me, I can't allow myself to write down slowly.

It's better to report to Uncle Wang first, and express clearly what you want to express verbally.

Uncle Wang also needs to report to the higher authorities and hold a meeting to study it. I don't know how long it will take.

Thinking of this, Li Chu picked up the phone on the table and dialed out.

The call was picked up quickly.

"Secretary Liu, I'm Li Chu. Take a look at the work arrangement of the leader. Do you have time today? I have something very important to report to the leader."


"Okay, I'll wait for you to call Secretary Liu."

Putting down the phone, Li Chu took the material he had written and read it from the beginning.

The traces of writing, painting and smearing on it are very heavy. This was originally a draft, and now I have no choice but to take it to report.

It didn't take long for the phone to ring.

"Vice President Li, the leader can't push back on today's work, but the leader just said that he asked you to come and have dinner with him at noon."

He glanced down at his watch, there was still half an hour to eat, and now he was about to rush over.

"Okay Secretary Liu, I'm going there now, please call the lunch to the leader's office."

"I know Vice President Li."

After hanging up the phone, I called the trolley class again.

"Hi, I'm Li Chu, tell Tian Jun to get the car ready, I'm going out now."

Immediately afterwards, he called his wife and reported his whereabouts.

Then take the materials and go out.

Downstairs, Oda just drove the car over.

"Go to the center, drive faster on the road, hurry up."

Hearing what the leader said, Xiaotian knew that there was no delay, so he kicked the accelerator and set off.

Oda's driving skills are quite good. It should be said that as long as the army has drivers who have been trained orthodox, there is no one who can't drive.

He quickly rushed to the central hub and parked at the designated parking place. Before Li Chulin got off the car, he dropped a few food coupons for Xiao Tian to eat in the central hub cafeteria.

"I'll go to the cafeteria to eat later. After eating, just wait for me in the duty room of the health care team."

He hurried in, and when he arrived at Uncle Wang's office, Secretary Liu instructed the waiters in the small cafeteria to bring the food.

In the living room, Uncle Wang and Li Chu were sitting opposite each other.

Uncle Wang pointed to the food on the table: "Hurry up, let's talk while eating, what makes you so anxious to come and call me."

"Uncle, do you know the result of the previous drug stealing case?"

"Yes, they reported it."

"You still remember what I told you about Chinese medicine?"

Uncle Wang frowned and thought about it, then nodded his head: "Well, I have a little impression, what's the matter, these two things are related?"

"It's really related." Li Chu took a chopstick from the plate and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Uncle, here's the thing. What I told you about the report on traditional Chinese medicine is actually mainly about the protection of traditional Chinese medicine."

"Protect traditional Chinese medicine?" Uncle Wang thought for a while and said, "Well, Xiao Chu, go on and I'll listen."

"Uncle, through this case of stealing medicine, we can actually see that those overseas pharmaceutical groups have begun to pay attention to our traditional Chinese medicine."

"Yes, we have noticed this too." Uncle Wang nodded.

"Uncle, almost every country has its own intellectual property protection, and because our country started relatively late, this law is still under discussion.

But here comes the problem. Due to the early development in foreign countries, other countries attach great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights. They have already established a sound intellectual property protection law. If someone else takes our traditional Chinese medicine to register, it means that in the future we will The traditional Chinese medicine produced by itself cannot be sold in that registered country.

Uncle, what if the whole country is squatted by others? "

Uncle Wang had stopped eating at this time, and he looked at Li Chu in shock.

As a decision maker, he can understand the meaning of these words, but can this kind of thing really happen?

"Isn't it a little too pessimistic for you to say that?"

"Then why do you think those overseas pharmaceutical companies want to steal our traditional Chinese medicine formula? Why do they spend a lot of money to do this? I don't think it's just for fun, right?"

Uncle Wang thought about it carefully, then picked up the bowl and continued to eat. After eating a few mouthfuls, he said, "Didn't you mention the material you wrote earlier? Have you finished writing?"

"Not yet. It's only half written. There are too many materials to check, and the progress is relatively slow."

"Xiao Chu, do you need some work assistants for you now?"

"No, uncle, please don't. I don't like people forcing me to do something, or plan my time in advance."

"I think you're just lazy! Come on, don't talk to me anymore, and hand over the material you said as soon as possible. You have to eat food one bite at a time, and you have to deal with things one by one. It's not a day at all. It can be solved in two days, this is a huge system project, let’s take our time and do it carefully.”

After speaking, Uncle Wang began to bow his head to eat again.

(End of this chapter)

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