Chapter 485 Medical Reform
"Old leader, I don't believe you didn't get angry after hearing what they said."

"Hey... I'm angry, but I can't say anything."

"So, if you can't say it, let me say it, and I will take the blame." Li Chu spread his hands and said solemnly.

"Hehe." Deputy Minister Cheng pointed at him with a smile: "Who told you to take the blame?"

"You people, I took the initiative to take the blame. If you don't even admit it, then don't blame me for flipping the table next time."

"Uh..." Seeing the half-smile expression on Li Chu's face, Vice Minister Cheng stifled slightly, shook his head and sighed: "We can't help it either."

"I can understand, so I will cooperate with you as much as possible. However, there will be no next time."

Vice Minister Cheng nodded silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

Li Chu didn't speak either, and took a sip of the freshly brewed tea, um, this jasmine tea is not bad.

"Someone proposed that doctors adopt an access system. What do you think?"

Lao Cheng skipped the topic just now, just click on it.

"Admission system? What do you mean?"

"It means that all doctors must take the exam organized by the health department. Only those who pass can become doctors, see patients, and have the right to prescribe."

"Isn't that a medical license?"

"Well, yes, this is it, you know."

"You underestimate me too much. Although I am a Chinese medicine doctor, I also learn English, and I can read those foreign language journals."

"Okay, okay, I said something wrong. What do you think of this?"

"Good thing, but I think it should be distinguished."

This time it was Vice Minister Cheng's turn to be confused: "What do you mean, what is the difference?"

"It's like this. If the doctor's qualification certificate is implemented, people who don't have this certificate will become illegal practitioners, right?"


"Then have you ever considered remote areas, or those people in the mountains? Some villages have no access to the outside world, or are too far away from the city. Those mountain people have a little headache. It may be someone in their village. Give them Get some herbs.

This person may not have studied medicine at all. Regardless of Chinese medicine or Western medicine, the two hands he knows are all passed down from his ancestors. It is impossible for this kind of person to pass the qualification certificate. What do you ask them to do? "

Li Chu took another sip of water, put down his cup and continued: "Old leader, there are many people like this among the people, some of them may only know a few words, and the medical skills they know are passed down from generation to generation. Point to this to eat.

Some people may only cure a cold, fever and diarrhea, and use homemade prescriptions. If these people fail to pass the qualification certificate, will they become illegal practitioners?How to do?Don't let them do it?What does he eat and drink?What if the villagers are sick?Have you considered these issues? "

Li Chu's words, as well as his last series of questions, caused Vice Minister Cheng to fall into deep thought.

He didn't know how to answer, and these questions were very good.

Now, and even for a long time to come, many rural areas can only rely on these native doctors for medical treatment.

A little illness, it is impossible for me to walk tens of kilometers of mountain roads to go to the city to see a doctor.

But what should we do?Send them a qualification certificate directly?This doesn't work either.Not fair to medical students who have worked so hard for years.

"What do you think should be done about this problem?"

"Old leader, if I know what to do, I should be the one who makes the policy.

Aren’t there so many experts and scholars? Throwing this question to them and letting them think about it will save you from being idle every day. "

"You, you are not forgiving. But you should find something for them to do." Vice Minister Cheng nodded and said.

"Don't be idle, think about it when you have nothing to do, how should the assessment method for this qualification certificate be formulated."

"Don't, don't, Mr. Deputy Minister, don't give me a job. I have a lot of things to do every day. After the new year, I will go to the medical school to teach. I don't have so much free time. .”

"Are you going to teach?" Vice Minister Cheng looked at Li Chu in surprise.

"What's your expression? My co-author, Li, is not qualified to teach students?"

"No." Deputy Minister Cheng waved his hand hastily, good guy, if you are not qualified, who else is? You edited the textbooks.

"I mean, can you teach at the local medical school?"

"Those who applied for approval two years ago can take classes, but they cannot receive part-time wages."


This mysterious operation made Lao Cheng unable to do it anymore.

"What? Selfless devotion?"

"You old comrade's ideological awareness is not right, why can't I talk about dedication."

"Hurry up and go, I can understand Mr. Lin, what a mouth!"

"Hey, you all use me up one by one, just throw it out, old leader, tell your big leader that you owe me two favors, and think about paying it back later."

After speaking, Li Chu stood up and walked towards the door of the office.

Deputy Minister Cheng sat on the sofa without moving, watching him open the door and go out, then closed the door, a bit dumbfounded.

He also stood up and walked to the window, looking downstairs.

Within two minutes, I saw Li Chu walking out of the building swaying, walked to the parking lot next to him, opened a black car door and got in.

Only then did Vice Minister Cheng realize that when the car was changed, it was still Volga.

Much better than his jeep, hey, this guy, where did he get such a nice car without saying a word.

Thinking of the connections behind this guy, he shook his head again, there is no way to compare.

By the way, he patted his forehead, and he had to quickly report the problems that the kid said to the big leader. These problems were very good, and they really needed to be discussed seriously.

There is a serious shortage of grassroots medical staff, so last year, individual doctors were allowed to practice medicine, which also broke the dominance of public hospitals in the medical and health field.

However, this also created a situation of mixed good and bad, just like what Li Chu said just now, some people may only know one prescription in their whole life, but it is very useful.

So if you say that this person is a doctor, don’t count, he prescribed medicine for people, forget it, he doesn’t know anything else except this.

Then if it is decided to implement a doctor's qualification certificate in the future, this kind of person will be a problem.

It won’t work if you don’t recognize these people, and there are many problems if you admit it.

Forget it, let the leaders and those experts and scholars consider these issues, since I am about to retire anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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