Chapter 497 Agreement
"By the way, shouldn't we call Wenxuan and Wang Yueyue over, and I'll treat you to dinner later."

"No need, the little girl Yueyue has made arrangements for you. At noon, she and Wenxuan will have dinner at the guest house. You can invite me for dinner."

When Li Wenhui said this, Shen Yi shook his head and laughed and said: "No problem, I will treat them to dinner tonight, but this is a small county town, so there definitely won't be as many delicious foods as Sijiu City."

"As long as there is meat, we all love meat!"

Looking at his fiancée's smiling face like a flower, Shen Yi was already deeply involved and couldn't extricate himself.


At the same time that Li Wenhui and Shen Yi met, Li Chu also received a call from Li Wenxuan from the guest house of the armed forces.

Knowing that they had arrived safely, he felt relieved.

After putting down the phone, he looked at the two people sitting in his office and said, "I'm really sorry, comrades, I didn't understand what you just said. Who do you say wants to test the medicine? What kind of medicine?"

"Uh..." The two people glanced at each other, and one of them said, "This is Dean Li, a pharmaceutical company in West Germany. Didn't they buy two prescriptions from us last time? They may Nothing was researched either.

As far as we know, it seems that other pharmaceutical companies have also come up with something. "

While talking, this person looked at Li Chu's face, and seeing that there was no change, he continued: "The West German company means that they admit that their skills are not as good as theirs, and they want to pay you to try it on their people." Take the medicine!"


And this kind of operation?

Li Chu's head is a little confused at the moment, this laowai is not stupid!

Knowing that you can't do anything hard, just use this method to test the authenticity of your medicine.

But he wasn't worried, because there was nothing wrong with the prescriptions he sold them.

After thinking for a while, he asked, "Are there any other conditions?"

"Indeed, they mean that when you give those people medicine, they need to follow up and observe the whole process!"

He knew that he would not simply send a few people to test the medicine.

"Two comrades, I don't know if you are aware that this medication is based on a year.

This is no longer a simple matter of drug testing, nor is it a matter of your foreign affairs department coming to inform you, I must get the approval of my superior unit. "

"President Li, don't worry about this. We have already submitted the application. As for the timing of the medication, we have negotiated with the foreign party before, and they are very clear about this."

Hearing this, Li Chu nodded: "I don't have any problems here. If the country needs it, I will definitely cooperate with it! Just go through the normal process."

After getting a positive answer, the two people also breathed a sigh of relief. They never expected that things would go so smoothly.

The two of them came here today and were ready to be rejected, or to be rejected.

Fortunately, Dean Li is easy to talk to, so he didn't make things difficult for them and the staff.

"Dean Li, then we will go there first, and we will contact you after you receive the notice from your superior."

"Okay, then I won't send you off."

"Please stay."

After watching those two people leave, Li Chu leaned back in his chair, frowning and thinking.

After a while, he picked up the phone on the desk and dialed out.

"Hello, Lao Gao, I'm Li Chu from the General Hospital."


"I want to ask, has your place received an application from the foreign affairs department?"


"Yes, yes, it's about me."


"No, no, no, I want to ask, can you hold down that application for ten days and a half months before we talk about it?"


"Yes, that's what I mean."


"Okay, thank you, Lao Gao, I'll treat you to Moutai later!"


"Haha, no problem, there must be enough wine."


"Okay, that's it, I'll contact you another day."

After putting down the phone, he picked it up again and dialed out.

"Secretary Liu, I'm Li Chu, is the chief busy right now?"


"Okay, then I'll go over now."

This time when he put down the phone, he stood up and went out. Uncle Wang had half an hour to spare before eating. He still had a reception during lunch. He didn't dare to waste any time now.

He quickly walked down the administrative building, and trotted all the way to the parking lot.

The driver, Xiao Tian, ​​asked Xio to visit his family on leave. During this period of time, there were not many things to do, which just allowed him to go home for the new year.

Sparks and lightning rushed to the center all the way, and when he ran to Uncle Wang's office area, Secretary Liu just sent the last visitor away.

"Brother Li, you came just in time, the chief is waiting for you."

"Thank you, Secretary Liu."

In the office, Uncle Wang was sitting in the reception area, just after lighting a cigarette, Li Chu came in.

"You want to see me in a hurry, what's the matter?"

"Uncle, the foreign affairs department..."

After listening, Uncle Wang thought for a while before asking: "Over there, have you told the comrades in the Liaison Office?"

"Well, I told the old Director Gao Gao of the Liaison Office and asked him to press for a while before talking."

"Well, I really don't know much about this matter, let me call and ask."

After finishing speaking, Uncle Wang stood up and walked to the desk, grabbed a phone on the desk and dialed out.

Li Chu sat in the reception area and didn't move, nor did he deliberately listen to the content of the call.

After Uncle Wang finished talking on the phone and came over, he asked, "Uncle, what's the matter?"

"The thing is basically what those two people told you, but this time the pharmaceutical company is very willing."

"What do you mean?"

"They promised that during the period of medication, they would pay for the expenses of these ten people and all logistics personnel; secondly, they would bring over some medical equipment that had been tested and donate them free of charge;
Third, they will pay an additional 1 million. Fourth, after the first phase of drug treatment is over, they will invest in a domestic pharmaceutical factory, and the initial investment will not be less than 10 million. "

Before he could ask anything, Uncle Wang explained again: "By the way, all the money I just mentioned are US dollars."


Uncle Wang's words made Li Chu gasp, good guy, this is a waste of money!
If this is the case, then the Liaison Office of the General Logistics Department cannot press the application.

"Uncle, is this an agreement that has already been signed?"

"The agreement can be signed at any time."

"Is there any possibility of these numbers going up?"

"It's unlikely, that's basically it."

Uncle Wang turned his head to look at the watch hanging on the wall.

"Xiao Chu, let's stop here today. You go back and think about it. I have a banquet for foreign affairs reception here."

(End of this chapter)

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