I'm just an actor

Chapter 17 Goldfish

Chapter 17 Goldfish
Xu Rong's schedule is very regular.

When he was in high school, he had to get up at five o'clock every day to go to self-study in the morning, and after school, every time he filmed, he would get up early and stay late.

Probably just a habit.

When I went to college, I got up at six o'clock in the morning, previewed, had meals, and went to class.

The school's class schedule was not satisfactory, and it was even quite loose. After finishing the freshman class, he went to the sophomore class.

At the flea market, he bought a complete set of textbooks and notes from a senior student.

Few people asked about these things, and the most popular one was the senior's original quilt. He just heard about it, and it was sold out as soon as it appeared, but he didn't see any real ones, so he probably needed to ask for help.

On the set, Li Youbin taught too piecemeal, teaching wherever he needed it, and just mentioning it casually when he didn't need it.

He memorized all those things, but he knew a little bit, but didn't understand everything, and felt very uncomfortable.

Therefore, I was very anxious to know what the completeness should be like, but many things were not covered in the freshman courses at all. In order to be able to apply them, he had to learn the knowledge of higher grades in advance.

The same is true in the afternoon, when there is a class, there is a class, and there is no class.

Originally, he was very curious about the practical class of the senior year, but after half a session, he planned to leave.

Not much practical significance.

The starting point of his learning is "use", rather than learning purely for the sake of learning.

If you have this spare time, why not go to the library to preview the content that follows.

"That classmate, where are you going?"

Xu Rong was about to open the door and slip out, when he heard the teacher's voice behind him, he couldn't help being stunned, talking about me?

Turning his head slowly, seeing the seniors and sisters in the entire classroom and the female teacher in front of him all staring at him, he felt a slight heat in his ears for a moment.

"Where are you going?"

"Teacher me."

The female teacher's face was quite ugly. For a teacher, the student skipped class, which was really a sad thing.

Worried and helpless about the future of the child, but also angry at the students' neglect.

The female teacher pointed to her front and said, "Come on, let's perform dumpling making."

Xu Rong hesitated for a few seconds between turning around and running out of the classroom and going back, but then, the female teacher ushered in the urging: "Do you want to be demerited?"

Xu Rong had no choice but to walk over and put the schoolbag on the side table.

Without hesitation, he pulled a chair and sat down, holding his hands half-empty, vigorously back and forth.

It's like seeing a saw.

"Where are you rolling the iron sheet?" The female teacher laughed angrily, "You don't do that. Wait, you should be weaker, and do it again."

Seeing that the teacher's tone was not kind, Xu Rong thought he had fooled it. The previous few similar students pointed out the flaws after arguing, and they were fine.

But when he heard the second half of the teacher's sentence, he turned to look at the teacher in surprise, and asked, "Teacher?"

The female teacher frowned, Xu Rong was completely ignorant of nothing, not like a sophomore in the acting department.

But his rhythm is too weird.

The action sucks, but the timing is spot on.

Like, just right.

She felt that she seemed to have discovered a genius, a genius with a strong sense of rhythm.

Actors with a strong sense of rhythm can come out easily as long as they practice hard.

Xu Rong wasn't quite sure what was wrong with him, but he decided to tell the truth: "Teacher, I'm a freshman."


The female teacher took a breath and said, "Then try again, relax, don't worry."

The female teacher stared at Xu Rong, freshman, this talent is about to overflow.

Xu Rong was dumbfounded, and said again: "Teacher me."

"Shut up." Seeing his chattering, the female teacher scolded, "Am I the teacher or are you the teacher? Just do what you are asked to do, so much nonsense."


Xu Rong knew that he couldn't be fooled, so he took a deep breath, and his face softened a lot in an instant, how can rolling dumpling wrappers be bitter and bitter.

I rolled it back and forth twice with both hands, pinched my thumb and forefinger in the air, as if I had really pinched something, turned it slightly, and rolled it back and forth twice.

Putting the "rolling pin" aside with one hand, picked up the "chopsticks" with his right hand, and held the "chopsticks" with his left hand. He pulled it a bit, and it seemed that there was too much stuffing for the dumplings, so he pushed it back.

When he finally put a wrapped "dumpling" on the non-existent chopping board, he stood up, patted the flour on the same non-existent apron and the same non-existent apron, and said: "Teacher, I It's packed."

"Are you really a freshman?"

"True, but I've done a few films."

The teacher suddenly said, "Go out, this class means little to you, but please remember that respecting the fruits of other people's labor is a good quality."

Xu Rong hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry teacher, I didn't mean it."


"After watching the performance of that junior just now, how do you feel?"

Listening to the teacher's voice in the classroom, Xu Rong smiled wryly, which didn't match his original intention.

Li Youbin told him that the greatest success of an actor lies in making people remember the characters he portrays and forget about the actor himself.

Based on this, there are two aspects to be achieved. On the one hand, the professional ability is strong enough to be able to shape the characters first. On the other hand, the actors themselves must maintain a certain sense of mystery.

Standing in the spotlight for a long time hurts the scene.

In Xu Rong's understanding, except for filming, try not to deal with the media at other times.

But fortunately, this is only in school, but it is also worthy of vigilance, the desire to express will become a habit.

Habits that you don't like and don't notice yourself.

Xu Rong seemed to be back in high school again, busy and full.

Although acting skills have not improved, but unlike in the past, he began to understand acting comprehensively and systematically. It is divided into processes and levels. It has a lot of skills that can be used, and it is a skill that requires experience and talent. live.

Like a dry sponge, it is eager to absorb water, and like a young woman who has been dry for a long time, she is constantly asking for it.

In mid-September, an accident happened.

"Bright Sword" is released.

At first, it was just a spark, and then it burned more and more fiercely, sweeping the north and south of the river for almost half a month.

The rights to the second and third rounds of screenings continued to be sold, and records were broken one after another.

And Li Youbin, who is the first male actor, has become the hottest first-line actor in the mainland from an unknown second-line actor.

Immediately afterwards, news began to spread that he was shortlisted for Best Actor in Golden Eagle.

Xu Rong also showed his face by the way. In view of this, Guo Si called him to communicate with him, and put aside the previously agreed things for the time being. It is said that the company has other arrangements, and the role of the role is bigger than what she arranged. a little more.

Xu Rong looked at the ever-increasing glory value every day, and although there was joy in his heart, he also fell into deep self-doubt.

"Is my vision really bad?" This is a question he has been reflecting on in recent days.

In his opinion, it is impossible for a drama like "Bright Sword" that wants to fight every episode to be so popular that he has become a celebrity in the class.

He suddenly had many friends, and when he was eating, some male or female classmates would always sit over.

Talk about this, talk about that.

The relationship between the roommates suddenly deepened, and when buying food, they would always ask if they wanted to bring a copy.

He originally thought that the school should be very pure, to get into academics wholeheartedly, to be the most cutting-edge and cutting-edge of science and technology, and then to lead the social trend. This is what he imagined the university to look like.

But obviously art is not included.

He is not very used to it, nor does he like it very much. His purpose is very clear, but he always hides it.

On the contrary, he was not as good as classmate Xiao Zhang, so he simply stopped playing with him.

It turned out that after class, the two of them still ate together, but now, at some point, she ran to find her roommate to play.

He didn't care too much. The relationship between himself and his roommate is also deep. After getting along, there will always be feelings.

After finishing the first class at noon, Xu Rong went to the library for two hours of self-study, seeing that there was no class to spare, and when it was time to eat, he went to the cafeteria to eat as usual.

After entering the cafeteria, I didn't take a few steps until I saw Xiao Zhang sitting alone at a dining table with some packed meals beside him, probably for his roommates.

After dinner, Xu Rong walked over and sat opposite her.

Xiao Zhang looked up at him, but said nothing.

"What's wrong with you?" Xu Rong looked at her strangely.

Could it be that the aunt is here?

This is what he heard recently. When a woman comes to be an aunt, her emotions will always become very strange.

Once again he felt wise for his previous decisions, look, women are a fickle group.

And cry.

"It's nothing."

It was only in the last two days that Xu Rong noticed the change in Xiao Zhang.

Because there is not a second class at noon every day, after the first class, he usually goes to the class or self-study.

In essence he is also very busy.

In addition, Xiao Zhang usually doesn't talk much.

Furthermore, there are always students who make excuses to stay together all day long.

But he finally noticed that Xiao Zhang seemed to be alienating himself on purpose.

Xu Rong heard that her voice was wrong, thought about the recent changes, slapped her forehead, and said, "Tell me, are you jealous of me?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang ignored him and just ate in a muffled voice.

Xu Rongdao: "I thought something was wrong. When I grow up in the future, I will take you with me when filming."

She suddenly raised her head, tilted her head, and asked seriously: "Really?"

"Of course it's true, but let's talk about it first, I have to wait until I can lead someone."

Classmate Xiao Zhang nodded slightly, and then slapped the chopsticks on the table with a "snap".

Xu Rong was startled, stared at her and asked, "What are you doing?"

She stretched out her hand and untied a red string from her white wrist. A small goldfish was strung on the red string, and she handed it to him, saying: "This is the most valuable thing on me, here it is."


"They said they said... you have to pay to get something back, I don't want your help for nothing."

Seeing that the base of her ears turned red suddenly, Xu Rong was amused, this was the first time he saw classmate Xiao Zhang blushing.

He probably guessed the reason, it was nothing more than her roommates said some unpleasant things.

He also vaguely guessed the reason why Xiao Zhang alienated him, probably to avoid suspicion.

But, he really treats Xu Rong like a green onion!
He hasn't been able to get the drama himself yet, and right now he's just taking advantage of Li Youbin's enthusiasm, and when the enthusiasm passes, everyone will be the same, and he still won't be able to get the drama.

If you really want to hug your thighs, you should hug someone like Yang Mi. Since school starts, I often don’t see people, either in various activities or filming.

"Take it, what do I want from you?"


(End of this chapter)

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