I'm just an actor

Chapter 193 Knock on the Door

Chapter 193 Knock on the Door
"Haha, Teacher Xu, let me tell you, I'm going to pretend to be a big guy!" Xu Rong couldn't help being slightly surprised when he heard Xiao Zhang's cheerful voice coming from the phone.

Ever since classmate Xiao Zhang entered the art troupe and started his career as a host, when she got home every day, she seemed to have lost half her life. Whenever she called, she would always say, "Oh, I'm so tired today!" It was the first time that I was so excited like today.

When he understood the ins and outs of the matter, he also laughed and said: "Don't go too far, it's fine, after all, he is also a kind person. By the way, you give me the phone number of that Liu or something, that is, your classmate." Send it."

"It's Liu Wei, Mr. Xu, what do you want him to call?"

"Anyway, for the sake of my classmates, I am willing to help you. This is kindness, and we have to thank you."

"But, but if you tell him, how can I pretend to be that?"

"Don't worry, it won't affect your plan to pretend."

Xu Rong hung up the phone, received a message from Xiao Zhang, edited another message, and sent it to Jin Fangfang.

If Liu Wei hasn't signed a brokerage company yet, let Jin Fangfang or Guo Si sign him.

You fucking bastard, mind your own business!

He finally managed to be cruel and threw classmate Xiao Zhang to the art troupe, but this guy did something bad with good intentions, which disrupted his plan a little bit.

The relationship between Renyi and the art troupe is not as close as that of He Guohua, but it also has historical origins. Back then, Baolin established the "Crosstalk Improvement Group", and a part of Renyi also participated in it and contributed. If you want to take care of Xiao Zhang , but it's a matter of favor.

But even so, it is impossible for him to really blame Liu Wei. He has already heard from Xiao Zhang that Liu Wei is not doing well, so he plans to help him.

Since it is a good deed and they are the beneficiaries, it is necessary for him to let his good deeds be rewarded with kindness.

Of course, if Liu Wei has other unrealistic fantasies, he can basically consider what he will rely on to support his family after quitting this industry after signing a ten-year contract.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

When Xu Rong heard the knock on the door, he closed his cell phone. He was a little surprised. It was already ten forty. It stands to reason that no one should come to disturb him.

Putting the phone on the table, he got up and went to open the door, looking at the girl standing outside the door, the strings in his mind immediately tightened, but on his face, he still smiled and asked: "Mr. Lu, what's the matter?" ?”

Standing outside the door was Lu Jiarong, who played the role of director of the archives office, Wei Keli. At this time, she was wearing an off-the-shoulder red dress with lace gauze at the neckline. like.

Lu Jiarong looked at the smile on Xu Rong's face, opened and closed her red lips, and said: "Mr. Xu, I heard that you have been going out to eat all the time these few nights. Where do you eat? I'm just a little hungry. I want to I'm going to have some supper, but I don't come here many times, and I'm not familiar with the neighborhood, can you introduce me to a delicious restaurant?"

Xu Rong understood, according to the usual practice, he should answer "I know, I will take you there." After supper, if the agreement is reached, he will definitely have another meal of seafood.

But he knew better, maybe in some corner of the hotel, there might be a few paparazzi waiting for him, even if nothing happened, once a photo of the two of them was taken, the manuscript would be withdrawn. Spend some money.

After the celebrity's lace news is captured by the media, it is not immediately published in the newspaper overnight, but a friendly negotiation is held first. If the price is acceptable to both parties, the result will naturally be happy for both parties. If it is not acceptable, it will be time to test the level of the public relations team.

Xu Rong didn't seem to understand the meaning of her words at all, and said: "Mr. Lu, you are asking the wrong person. I was so drunk that I passed out, and I can't remember clearly. I am really sorry."

"Or, you can ask Dapu, he never drank too much, so he should remember clearly."

The smile on Lu Jiarong's face froze for a while, but very quickly, it became natural again, and she nodded gently and said: "Then, okay, I'll ask again, please trouble Teacher Xu."


Looking at the back of Lu Jiarong leaving, Xu Rong laughed, eating supper is fake, maybe wanting to eat him is real, and it is the kind of eating that can chew even the bones into slag.

Unlike the previous Chen, Chen didn't need his resources and fame, but Lu Jiarong needed it. He was not familiar with her at all, and he didn't even say a few words, but somehow came to knock on the door of the first man's room. Women, the purpose is too obvious.

Xu Rong heard an interesting story from senior brother Huang Xiaoming before. He had a friend who accidentally got a little closer to an actress during filming. Pregnancy as a threat, asking for property.

He didn't ask Huang Xiaoming's friend's name, but similar situations are not uncommon. As long as the temptation of fame and fortune is strong enough, not to mention morality, even the law, you have to try to step on it.

He didn't close the door immediately, but leaned against the door frame to see if she would really knock on Ren Zhengbin's door.

It's just that his expectations were quickly dashed, and Lu Jiarong walked directly to the elevator and went downstairs.

In Xu Rong's mind, a delicate face suddenly appeared, the model he saw when he was called to sing by senior brother Huang Xiaoming a while ago.

Because he just realized that the eyes of the model named Yang Ying are very similar to Lu Jiarong just now.

As soon as Lu Jiarong left, Liu Jiang walked over with Huang Ke and another acquaintance of Xu Rong's.

It's just that although the three of them were walking this way, their heads were all looking in the direction of the elevator entrance, obviously noticing Lu Jiarong.

Seeing the middle-aged man walking side by side with Liu Jiang, Xu Rong hurried out the door, greeted him, and habitually stretched out his hand and said, "Oh, Teacher Huang, long time no see, long time no see."

Huang Sanshi looked at Xu Rong's hand stretched out in mid-air, but didn't take it, and said, "Xiao Xu, it's not appropriate for us to say hello like this?"

"Ah." Xu Rong hurriedly took it back, laughing, "Indeed, why is Teacher Huang here?"

Huang Sanshi said: "I am the producer of "Before Dawn", shouldn't I come here to have a look?"

In fact, in essence, Huang Sanshi is not only a named producer, but also one of the screenwriters. The main idea of ​​the script is also provided by him.

Liu Jiang said: "Teacher Huang just arrived, I reserved a room downstairs, let's go, let's meet Mr. Huang."

"to make."

When they arrived at the private room downstairs, Xu Rong opened the window first as soon as he entered the door. As expected, he turned his head and saw that the three of them had already lit their cigarettes before their butts touched the chair.

After Xu Rong pulled up a chair and sat opposite, Huang Sanshi pointed to the upstairs with his index finger: "The little girl just now, was looking for you?"

Although Liu Jiang and Huang Ke also ran into each other about this kind of thing, they were not easy to ask. After all, Lu Jiarong is also an actor in the crew, and they don't know how things are going with Xu Rong. What if the two of them are no longer They started an in-depth discussion quietly, but they were embarrassed when they asked.

But Huang Sanshi was his teacher after all, and he knew that he had a good relationship with Zhang Xiaofei, so he was afraid that he might go the wrong way.

Xu Rongyi said honestly: "Yes, come here and ask me a question, I didn't even enter the door, so I left."


After laughing, Huang Sanshi warned: "Don't be confused, in this circle, regardless of men and women, there are many good-looking ones, and nothing happens for no reason."

Xu Rong curled her lips and said, "Come on, Mr. Huang, you didn't come here to tell me these things, did you?"

During his filming, he usually doesn't come out to socialize. Liu Jiang is aware of this. He went out with Lin Yongjian and Zhang Xilin one after another to cultivate a tacit understanding, but today it seems that it is almost eleven o'clock, and the three of them ran over specially Looking for him, definitely not to catch up with him.

Huang Sanshi smiled and said, "It's really something. Do you have time at the beginning of September?"

Xu Rong looked at Liu Jiang and said, "I can't decide this, it depends on the director."

Liu Jiang shook his head in thought, and said, "I guess it's a bit of a surprise. Our early stage of the play is not progressing fast, and the big heads are all behind. Is it a matter of urgency?"

"No." Huang Sanshi shook his head lightly and said, "It was the dean who asked me to ask if you could give a speech to the freshmen on behalf of the seniors at the opening ceremony."

"No, no, no, no, I have no achievements in drama, so don't be ashamed." Xu Rong immediately refused without hesitation. The school's style of study is not very good. The boys and girls set a bad example.

Before Huang Sanshi came, he had already expected that Xu Rong was not pushy, but he reconfirmed: "Aren't you going?"

"I really don't go!"

Xu Rong replied decisively, but in his heart, he became more and more suspicious. He and Huang Sanshi had just met a few days ago, and he didn't believe that Huang Lei came here just for such a trivial matter.

He was the one who stepped in last time and replaced Haiqing because he didn't understand the situation beforehand, otherwise he wouldn't have mentioned that to Liu Jiang.

A few people had a drink, and Xu Rong didn't want to go around with him anymore, so he asked, "Mr. Huang, have you finished the preparation?"


Whether it's him, Liu Jiang, or Huang Ke, they never deal with Huang Sanshi once or twice, and they all know his style. They put the easy things first and the difficult things last. It's always been his style.

Huang Sanshi smiled, picked up the wine dispenser, and was about to serve it to Xu Rongman.

Xu Rong didn't dare to take the wine that Huang Sanshi poured, so he quickly stopped his hand and said, "Mr. Huang, you are a teacher and I am a student, so I can't ask you to pour it for me."


Huang Sanshi didn't refuse either, and said, "Didn't you receive a book before, it was called "Gongsuo Heart Jade", and Mango Channel is going to divest suddenly."

Xu Rong didn't quite understand what he meant, what does it have to do with him if the capital is withdrawn as soon as the capital is withdrawn?
Liu Jiang smiled and said: "Mr. Xu, don't you understand? They are here for you. If you act, they will invest in it. If you don't act, they will not take the job. The reason is as simple as that. "

Xu Rong naturally understood this truth, but he hadn't heard that another investor in "Gong Suo Xin Jade" had anything to do with Huang Sanshi.

"Hey, this matter was caused by Liu Heping. He took his notebook and went to various film and television companies, saying that you and Chen Baoguo have agreed to act, and many companies are raising funds to prepare for it."

"Really? At that time, I heard that the plan cost [-] million?!"

Liu Jiang burst into a swear word on the spot: "Fuck, is he crazy? A TV series is [-] million? What about robbery?"

Huang Sanshi said: "That's why Mango TV has withdrawn its capital. I guess I also plan to get involved. I'm here today, first to see the shooting of our drama, and another one of "Gong Suo Xin Jade". The investor has entrusted it to me."

Xu Rong was stunned, pondered for a while, and said: "Mr. Huang, I read the outline of the script. It's really a good script, but I really don't plan to accept any more TV dramas."

"Have you received a good movie script?"

"Not yet."

"Why not? You can film the TV series while waiting for the movie script." Seeing that Xu Rong still wanted to refuse, Huang Sanshi said, "I will give you a second female lead."

"It's not a question of whether the second girl is the second girl or not." Xu Rong smiled and understood what he meant.

"Also, add this amount to the salary." Huang Sanshi stretched out two fingers and waved them in front of him.

Xu Rong opened his mouth. This is indeed a sky-high price. He wanted to refuse immediately, but Huang Sanshi raised his glass and said, "Don't refuse in a hurry, think about it first."

Warming the wine into his throat, what Xu Rong felt was not spicy, but helpless. He wanted to go to the film market with all his heart, but the major film companies only gave the male second at most, and there were other conditions attached.

On the contrary, the TV drama producers and TV stations are crazy, wishing that as long as he agrees to act, he can agree to any request.

He regretted that he didn't go to the film market earlier to test the waters. Now that he has reached the current situation, he has put himself in an extremely awkward position. In big productions, he is worried about roles with relatively few roles. Investors are worried about roles with many roles. .

At that time, "Bright Sword" and "Crossing the Guandong" were very popular. Although he was not a leading actor, he was limited by the role and did not make a leap.

But he didn't refuse immediately, and said, "I'll think about it again."

Huang Sanshi stayed in the crew for three days, went through the films made by the crew, and watched the two days of shooting at the same time.

Before leaving, Xu Rong sent him to the gate of the film and television city.

Before Huang Sanshi got into the car, he straightened Xu Rong's unbuttoned shirt collar, and said, "I've watched your drama for two days, maybe what you think is right, you really shouldn't be obsessed with TV dramas anymore."

"When you have time, go to dramas. It's a waste of your ability to hang out in the film and television industry all the time."

Xu Rong shrugged his shoulders and said, "It depends on the situation."

He understands what Huang Sanshi means, and with his age and professional ability matching, the future height may be incalculable.

But his family knows his own affairs, and his talent can be seen. In a short period of time, it is impossible for him to make as much contribution to the development of the performance system as Yu Zhi.

(End of this chapter)

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