Chapter 253
In the practice room at home, Xu Rong sat cross-legged on the ground.

After watching Feng Yuanzheng's teaching to Xiao Zhang, he not only lamented the agility and broadness of Feng Yuanzheng's teaching thinking, but compared himself, he also received some inspiration.

For example, the voices of voice actors are often more emotional and expressive than the lines of film, television, and voice actors.

Because their expressive dimension is only a single voice, they must and can only express the emotion they want to express through voice.

Just like when he was studying with Tong Zirong in the past, only one item of accent was used. Tong Zirong divided the lines into four levels: strong, second-strong, medium, and weak according to the logic of the lines, the ups and downs of emotions, and the intensity of desire. Emphasize the change in the nature of stress during practical use.

A single method will inevitably lead to specialization.

He thought of another colleague who had worked with him, Ni Dahong, and the situation was probably similar.

"Xiao Zhang, did Feng Yuanzheng tell you, can you reverse the silent practice you did during the day, for example, instead of using facial expressions and lines, just use your eyes to express what you want to express?"

At this time, student Xiao Zhang was wearing a black blindfold, like a blind man touching an elephant, using his hands and feet to test his surroundings bit by bit.

This is another way of training.

Since Xiao Zhang began to study with Feng Yuanzheng, her training methods have become quite weird.

Xiao Zhang pushed up the blindfold, looked at Teacher Xu who was sitting next to Xu Xing, pinched his waist, laughed and shook his head, and said: "Yes, and I said that the amount of golden performance is fixed, the teacher taught The purpose is only to develop, but to increase out of thin air."

Zhang Qin understands what you mean, the so-called "performance gold" is talent, the purpose of training and teaching is the process of developing talent.

Seeing that Mr. Xu was not thinking, Da Zhang said, "Mr. Feng Yuanzheng also said it. I said that kind of performance is not suitable for him."

Xiaofei became a little interested. I also wanted to know how Feng Yuanzheng's peers at that level saw me, so I asked, "Oh, how do I evaluate you?"

Classmate Da Zhang tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "I said that you are a typical experience, and what you are pursuing is the ultimate delivery accuracy. By the way, I made an analogy at the time, hey, how do you say it?"

When Xiaofei and Zhang Qin saw you looking at them, they had something to say, Zhang Qinqian told him, and also told you.

"Hey, what did your brain say?"

Classmate Da Zhang frowned, imitating the two people opposite, and sat under the cushion. After a few seconds, you slapped the cushion on your buttocks, and said pleasantly, "You remember, I It is said that his performance is like the relationship between water and a faucet. His talent is water, and the internal skills he has mastered are faucets. The precision is equivalent to that when he wants to turn it off, he can drip or leak, and when he turns it on, he can turn it into a faucet. Low-pressure water gun, but that method generally depends on the firmness of the faucet, because its talent is generally low, if the quality of the faucet is passed, it can only be turned on and off freely, and it will burst with a 'bang'."

Classmate Da Zhang seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly got up excitedly, and said, "Mr. Xu, you come and teach him a general training method."

Xiaofei knew that you must have learned something from Feng Yuanzheng, and asked, "What?"

Classmate Da Zhang pointed to the mat on the ground and said, "If he gets down on the ground, you tell him to do it."

Xiaofei is not interested in it, because I have seen the clues from Da Zhang's training and practical application process. Using Feng Yuanzheng's example, I control it with a faucet, and Feng Yuanzheng's way is to guide it with a water channel.

I didn't do what Da Zhang said, but turned my head and looked at Xu Rong.

Xu Rong was curiously waiting for sister Xu Xing's words, but at a certain moment, he suddenly found that his brother and sister Xu Xing focused their eyes on his body at the same time, smiled weakly, and said: "They, look at you doing what?"

Xiaofei stared at you with a smile, and said: "Xu Rong, that is Zhang Qinqian's unique training method, it would be a pity to miss it."

"you you"

"Xu Rong, hurry up and lie down, tell him, that method is generally easy to use."

Zhang Qin had no choice but to lie down under the mat as he wished.

When Xu Rong lay down obediently, Da Zhang subconsciously glanced at Mr. Xu before he was stunned, because Zhang Qin's curves that look like hills from side to side make you feel unbearable The urge to get started.

Coincidentally, when classmate Da Zhang turned his head, Xiaofei also looked at you, and their eyes collided in mid-air, which had a very strange meaning.

Seeing Da Zhang's eyelashes suddenly stop blinking, Xiao Fei immediately got behind you and said seriously, "Did he say he wants to practice, or should he end it quickly?"


Classmate Da Zhang glared at me, held down Xu Rong's right thigh, pointed at your right ankle, and said: "Mr. Xu, he is grabbing your foot, remember to use force, it is best let you crawl away."


When Xiaofei grabbed Xu Rong's ankle, Da Zhang said to Xu Rong, "Zhang Qin, he tried to crawl back, and then he spoke a monologue with weak emotions."

"Speaking words?" Xu Rong only felt a mess in his head at this time. You are basically like a brother. You can write down a short paragraph of lines from various classic dramas. Normally, you can memorize some, but now When you need to use it, you feel that your mind is empty, and you always feel that you have no impression, but which sentence is at the beginning, you suddenly think about it.

Xiaofei held Xu Rong's ankle, heard your movements for a long time, saw you turn your head, looked at yourself as if asking for help, took a deep breath, and said: "To be or not to be, that is a question worth considering. Which is nobler, to bear silently the tyrannical arrows of fate, or to rise up against the boundless miseries of this world, and sweep us away by struggle?"

Xu Rong listened to his brother's emotionless voice, and a vague memory emerged in his mind. It was a monologue in the play "Hamlet".

"To be or not to be."

Classmate Da Zhang immediately reminded: "We must try our best to climb back."

"Okay." Xu Rong looked back, took a breath, and supported his body with his arms, and said again and again, "To be or not to be, that is a question worth considering."


Listening to Zhang Qin's lines, Xiaofei suddenly felt very boring, and said, "Xu Rong, he gets up, try it."

As I spoke, I pulled Xu Rong up, lay down on the mat, and said to classmate Da Zhang, "Da Zhang, he is pulling your thigh."

Classmate Da Zhang used to show off before learning nothing, so he immediately said politely: "Okay."

"Is it tight?"

"Tighten it."


"Oh, your mother!"

As soon as the student Da Zhang who was squatting on the ground finished speaking, I felt a small force coming from under Xiaofei's legs, but because you had the idea of ​​"tightening it", you held Xiaofei's thigh firmly with both hands, Suddenly, he was on guard, like an arrow piercing the clouds, and fell headlong under Zhang Qin's ass.

There is no "fixation" effect at all.

Classmate Da Zhang got up, looked at Xiaofei and Xu Rong who were laughing slowly and madly, and glared at us angrily: "That game is fun at all!"


Xiaofei smiled, then turned to Xu Rong who was also smiling on the ground, and said, "Zhang Qin, the two of them must hurry up together."



Xiao Fei struggled to crawl backwards, and at the same time said: "Your determination has been made, you will use all your strength to do that astonishing move."

I read a line from Macbeth in Shakespeare's Macbeth.

Before reading a few lines, Xiaofei sat up hastily, looked at classmate Da Zhang curiously and said, "That's what Zhang Qinqian taught him too?"

Classmate Da Zhang took it for granted: "Yes, how is it, is it amazing?"

"And Mr. Feng said that that kind of performance is also suitable for drama and comedy, and the effect is much weaker than the experience."

At this time, Xiaofei was not convinced by the lowercase letters. In terms of professional level, I could pat my chest and say that Feng Yuanzheng was not a bit behind, but in terms of teaching ability, Feng Yuanzheng could beat me by a few blocks. When I taught Dazhang, I always wanted to directly Teach you the essence and let you understand why it is so, but Feng Yuanzheng is just the opposite.

I understand why this is so, but only teaching students what to do to achieve the desired effect.

When my legs were hugged by classmate Da Zhang and Xu Rong, if I wanted to move backward, I had to concentrate my strength on my legs, and it must be far more than usual. At that time, if I spoke again, I had to give up The vast majority of techniques that strive for precision concentrate power on the legs, which will inevitably increase the sense of power in the voice, and to that extent, the origin of the voice is in the legs.

The lines at this time, to a certain extent, can be said to come from the legs.

From a physiological point of view, it is possible for a part of the body to make a sound, but from the perspective of consciousness, the effect of a certain part of the body is indeed achieved, because the performance falls outside the eyes of the audience, and we can understand it very well. It can be judged that the sense of power in my lines comes from my right leg.

Moreover, that technique can be used in a wide range of ways, such as when a leg is injured during a performance, holding a heavy object, or being influenced by a co-performer, etc., you can use that method, and by extension, it can also be applied to all aspects, arms, Hands, even the face, can be used. It is a very practical and relatively complicated technique.

And the most amazing thing is that Da Zhang's fit with that kind of performance is very low.

Because all along, you hardly have any too little pressure, it is salted fish, it is better than salted fish, but the premise of losing control of Gepai is to pass a series of extreme training, cool-down exercises and practice methods to put Actors are pushed to the limit physically or mentally.

Through Feng Yuanzheng's teaching and comparing myself, I also realized a problem. In teaching, it is right to teach methods that are less practical. The performance experiences I have summarized are fundamentally suitable for teaching.

This also led to the embarrassing situation in the past. Classmates like Da Zhang, Xu Rong, Yang Mi, Yuan Shanshan and others were quite cold or even tortured when they taught me, but Wu Gang and others were very willing to share with me. I discuss the principles of technique.

Because I always habitually default that the foundation of the recipient is sufficient, but precisely, the very small number of so-called peers have no foundation for communicating with me, that is, basic skills.

At ten o'clock in the evening, before practice, Xiaofei took a shower and came out. I didn't see Da Zhang in the bedroom. I opened the door and saw the light coming from the crack in the kitchen door upstairs, and vaguely guessed what it was.

Barefoot, I went upstairs quietly, touched the kitchen door, and grabbed the doorknob before turning it open.


"Oh, he dug too little!"

Classmate Da Zhang and Xu Rong sat on the ground, each holding a bowl of ice cream. The moment Xiaofei pushed the door open, Classmate Da Zhang held the spoon, gritted his teeth, and desperately dug out the ice cream from the bowl in Zhang Qin's arms. A full teaspoon.

And Zhang Qin's tight face with a remaining smile and his round eyes show your inner resistance and your determination to take revenge immediately.

"What are they doing?"

The movement of the two of them came to a sudden stop. Classmate Da Zhang raised his head, blinked his eyes, and said, "He, then the washing is done?"

"Don't interrupt, where did they get the ice cream?" Zhang Qin glanced at the freezer, and I clearly remembered whether there was any ice cream outside the house.

Xu Rong immediately pointed to classmate Zhang and said, "Sister Xu Xing hid it!"

"You hid it too!" Classmate Da Zhang was also brave enough to expose Zhang Qin's background.

On October 10st, the last rehearsal after the National Day performance of "Thunderstorm".

When Xiaofei brought classmate Da Zhang to the main entrance of the theater, I suddenly realized that something was wrong.

In the past, I basically knew all the security guards outside the courtyard, but today the people standing at the door are all unfamiliar faces, and compared to the past, they stand taller and look younger.


"Mr. Xu, good morning."

Xiaofei looked at the seven people, and asked with a smile, "Are they new here?"


Seeing the serious faces of the seven people, Xiao Fei reckoned that it was the first time we saw her, so she felt a little relaxed, and said, "Relax, if you feel sunburned, you can go outside."

"Thank you, Teacher Xu."

Xiaofei nodded at the two of them again, and walked out the door with classmate Da Zhang.

But I always felt that something was wrong, and I also knew that it was because of the National Day holiday. The outside of the hospital was only warm and clear.

Even the cleaning was replaced by a short-haired boy in his seventies.

When we arrived at the theater, seeing Xinyue and Zhang Wankun busy there, Xiaofei said hello and asked: "Mr. Zhang, Xinyue, they noticed that the security outside the home is a shame. Has the company's contract expired?"

Zhang Wankun, who was bending over to wipe the table, gave me a meaningful look, and said, "We are human art, such situations are rare, and he has to learn to get used to it."

Xiaofei froze for a moment, looking at Zhang Wankun's slightly meaningful smile, I walked out of the theater silently, went down to the seventh floor, and opened the window to look at Qi Zhou. The windows of the surrounding buildings lower than the Capital Theater were all Close it tightly.

Combined with the brand-new "security" and "cleaning" outside the home, I think that tomorrow the institute will also hold "fire drills" and other activities.

Turning around, I noticed that the camera in the corridor was facing me, flashing red light, my face froze from the ground, then I smiled as if something happened, and waved at the camera.

(End of this chapter)

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